UK-Warwick: risk or hazard assessment other than for construction
Water hygiene risk assessment survey work. The successful supplier shall carry out water hygiene risk assessments at all properties on the contract schedule. These surveys are required at each site every 2 years or after a substantial construction. The framework will also be open for use by the Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Property Officers Group (currently North Warwickshire Borough Council, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Stratford on Avon District Council, Warwick District Council, Rugby Borough Council, Coventry City Council, Solihull MBC, Warwickshire Police, Warwickshire Primary Care Trust, Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust and Warwickshire County Council) and any subsequent members. The contract will also be open for use by other West Midlands Public Bodies. Please see link to regional map - CPV: 90711100, 90713100, 90730000. ...
UK-Norwich: payroll management services
Payroll, human resources (HR) & finance services. Buying Solutions as the Contracting Authority is putting in place a pan government collaborative framework agreement for use by UK public sector bodies identified at VI.3 (and any future successors to these organisations), which include central government departments and their arms lengths bodies and agencies, non departmental public bodies, NHS bodies and local authorities. The above public sector bodies have a need for payroll, human Resources (HR) & finance services. CPV: 79211110, 66523000, 66171000, 79631000, 48217000, 48400000, 48410000, 48430000, 48440000, 48450000, 48451000, 48460000, 48812000, 66172000, 72212412, 72212440, 72212441, 72212442, 72212443, 72212450, 72212451, 72212460, 72212462, 72224100, 72224200, 72226000, 72227000, 79200000, 79210000, 79220000, 79412000, 79414000, 79630000, 98110000, 98120000, 98133000. ...
UK-Birmingham: architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Proposed Construction of a New Indoor Sports Facility (Multi-Disciplinary Design Services). The University is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Multi-Disciplinary Design Consultancy Team for the proposed construction of new indoor sports facilities at the University of Birmingham. The Multi-Disciplinary Design Team will be required to provide architect and lead consultant services, structural consultancy services, mechanical and electrical engineering consultancy services, landscape architecture consultancy services, plus any other design services which may be required to develop detailed tender documentation/employers requirements. CPV: 71000000, 71240000, 71200000. ...
UK-London: construction consultancy services
Construction related consultant services 2011 (CRCS2011) framework agreement. Construction consultancy services. Architectural and related services. Advisory architectural services. Architectural design services. Architectural services for buildings. Architectural services for outdoor areas. Architectural services for building extensions. Architectural, engineering and planning services. Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis. Architectural, engineering and surveying services. Architectural and building-surveying services. Urban planning and landscape architectural services. Landscape architectural services. Building surveying services. Quantity surveying services. Mechanical and electrical engineering services. Structural engineering consultancy services. Heating engineering services for buildings. Engineering design services. Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings. Construction project management services. Health and safety consultancy services. Construction-site supervision services. Environmental issues consultancy services. Civil engineering consultancy services. The Council has identified a requirement in collaboration with other local authorities for various construction-related consultancy services professional disciplines. Some of these will service will be provided or will augment the current in-house provisions in the various local authorities. The services expected are as described in the separate lots: The identified services are to include the administration of projects on behalf of the Council from inception to completion and all associated related services (but not limited to). Construction consultancy services. Architectural and related services. Advisory architectural services. Architectural design services. Architectural services for buildings. Architectural services for outdoor areas. Architectural services for building extensions. Architectural, engineering and planning services. Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis. Architectural, engineering and surveying services. Architectural and building-surveying services. Urban planning and landscape architectural services. Landscape architectural services. Building surveying services. Quantity surveying services. Mechanical and electrical engineering services. Structural engineering consultancy services. Heating engineering services for buildings. Engineering design services. Engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings. Construction project management services. Health and safety consultancy services. Construction-site supervision services. Environmental issues consultancy services. Construction-site supervision services. Quantity surveying services. CPV: 71530000, 71200000, 71210000, 71220000, 71221000, 71222000, 71223000, 71240000, 71241000, 71250000, 71251000, 71400000, 71420000, 71315300, 71324000, 71334000, 71312000, 71314310, 71320000, 71321000, 71541000, 71317210, 71521000, 90713000, 71311000. ...
UK-Leicester: radio, television, communication, telecommunication and related equipment
Contract for the provision of handheld radio equipment and related services. Contract will cover the supply of handheld radios, accessories, related equipment and services to support mainly English and Welsh prison establishments. The contract will also be accessible to the wider Ministry of Justice, its arms length bodies and related non-departmental public bodies. This will include the running of national radio communication networks for the prison service, related bodies and the management of installation projects for new services to various prison establishments. CPV: 32000000. ...
UK-London: market research services
UKTI online research tool(s) to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). Market research services. The Department for Business Innovation and Skills (UK Trade & Investment) is letting a contract for the provision of online research tool(s) to track global FDI and benchmark global locations to evaluate the competitiveness of the UK. UK Trade & Investment (UKTI) is the Government Department that helps UK-based companies succeed in the global economy, and helps overseas companies bring their high quality investment to the United Kingdom. It brings together the work of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). UKTI's Directorate for Investment, as part of UKTI's Business Group, leads the national effort to maximise FDI into the UK. UKTI require a web based online system(s) for UKTI staff across the world to access verifiable data to identify companies that are expanding internationally and assess the UK against global locations to develop value propositions. Staff will use the system(s) to research companies, generate new target companies for FDI to the UK and understand the UK's competitive position and that of the UK's competition. The proposed system(s) must be demonstrated to the tender evaluation panel on 4.5.2011 if you are successful in the pre-qualification stage. CPV: 79310000. ...
UK-Newcastle upon Tyne: bailiff services
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission bailiff services. The Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission ("the Commission") is a Crown non-departmental public body established in 2008, to take responsibility for the child maintenance system in Great Britain. The Commission's primary objective is to maximise the number of effective child maintenance arrangements in place for children who live apart from one or both of their parents whether arranged privately or through the statutory scheme. The Commission plans to launch a new statutory child maintenance scheme with improved assessment, collection and enforcement processes. This new scheme will run in parallel with the existing scheme (operated by the Child Support Agency) until 2014 /2015 when all live cases will be managed in a single scheme. This requirement is for the provision of bailiff services to the Commission in England and Wales. The services will support both the existing and future statutory child maintenance schemes. The Commission is seeking to establish up to 3 framework agreements with suppliers capable of providing professional bailiff services. Suppliers should be members of a relevant association (details to be provided with the pre-qualification questionnaire) and capable of providing a national service. These services would be used by the Commission where it has made prior representations in a Magistrates Court and provided evidence of the amount a non resident parent is liable to pay and their failure to do so. The Magistrates Court can grant a liability order against the non resident parent officially recognising the amount and allow civil debt recovery action to be taken. The Commission can then choose to appoint a bailiff if that is considered appropriate based on the facts of the case and the Bailiff would then take over responsibility for the debt recovery action, undertaking process serving and the execution of bail or no bail warrants. No level of work is guaranteed. There will be a contract period of 3 years with an option to extend for a period or periods up to a total of a further 2 years. CPV: 75242110. ...
UK-Birmingham: data network management and support services
The maintenance of data network equipment. The maintenance of data network equipment. CPV: 72315000, 72315200, 72315100, 50312300, 50312320, 50312310. ...
UK-Portsmouth: building construction work
0474- mercantile house re-development. The University has the freehold ownership of a 10 storey building in the centre of Portsmouth. It is anticipated that this will become vacant (either entirely or all but the lowest floor) within the next 12 months. The concrete framed building, constructed in the 1970s, was originally constructed for office use but the University has subsequently used if for a mix of office, teaching purposes and a data centre. The University is seeking expressions of interest from private sector suppliers experienced in developing and managing student residential accommodation wishing to be considered to work with the University to redevelop the vacant floors as student accommodation. The anticipation is that approximately 180 to 200 bedrooms would be possible. The current intention is to lease the building to the successful applicant for the duration of the contract and retain the rights of freehold reversion whilst achieving the most financial advantageous outcome. It should be noted that the University is flexible as to the structure of the relationship and will invite the selected bidders to provide innovative solutions and alternative proposals. CPV: 45210000, 70210000, 50700000. ...
UK-Hemel Hempstead: communications system maintenance services
Community alarm repair and maintenance contract. Dacorum Borough Council is looking to award a potential 4 year contract (2 years with the option of a further 2 years dependant on performance) for the Councils Community Alarm Maintenance. The contract will include all community alarm equipment currently owned by Dacorum Borough Council and all subsequent equipment owned by the Council. The Council have also provided the draft specification for the Invitation to Tender (ITT) stage. Even though this is likely to be the final document, the Council may make minor amendments at the time of sending the ITT document out to the shortlisted companies. CPV: 50334400. ...
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