UK-Motherwell: passenger cars
Fully electric 4 seat car. Supply of ten (10) electric cars each with four (4) seats. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland web site at CPV: 34110000, 34111000, 34111200, 34111100. ...
UK-Birmingham: blood-transfusion devices
Blood tracking system. Blood-transfusion devices. Biomedical equipment. The primary requirement is for an electronic blood tracking system which will fully interface with the laboratory's information management system (currently iSoft iLabs T2). The system will control and monitor movement of blood products between the laboratory and multiple satellite storage units, ensuring a complete audit trail. The system must also be capable of utilising bar-coded patient wristband identification technology for sample collection, bedside checking and confirmation of transfusion, but this element must be quoted for as a separate element from the primary application. A copy of the tender document is available on our web site, please visit this link. Tender acknowledgement is required. CPV: 33194210, 38434540. ...
UK-Preston: stone chippings
LCCG - Supply of surface dressing chippings. Supply of surface dressing chippings. CPV: 14212430. ...
UK-Preston: bitumen
LCCG - Supply of surface dressing binders. Supply of surface dressing binders. CPV: 44113610. ...
IRL-Galway: petroleum products, fuel, electricity and other sources of energy
Tender for the supply of petroleum products to Galway County Council. Tenders are invited for the supply of petroleum products by means of fuel cards to the machinery section of Galway County Council. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at CPV: 09000000. ...
UK-Nottingham: meat
Supply and distribution of fresh meat. Meat. The purpose of the contract is to supply and distribute fresh meat to various catering sites around Nottinghamshire owned by Nottinghamshire County Council and Nottingham City Council. CPV: 15110000. ...
UK-Wallington: natural gas
Viridian housing - supply of gas to 318 sites. This contract is for the supply of gas to 318 sites in England. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders Web Site at CPV: 09123000. ...
UK-Wallington: natural gas
Homes in Havering - supply of gas to 55 sites. This contract is for the supply of gas to 55 sites in East England. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders Web Site at CPV: 09123000. ...
UK-Birmingham: steam-generating boilers
Design, supply & installation of new steam boiler. ALTA Estate Services Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the University of Birmingham wishes to install an additional 3 pass wet back dual fuel steam raising boiler to its existing boiler house. The works will be let on a full design, procure, install and commission basis against a full performance specification. A fully integrated design team including, but not limited to, boiler and burner design engineers together with, mechanical, electrical and controls and instrumentation engineers will be required. The successful tenderer will be required to respond to the performance brief and provide the design, procurement, installation and full commissioning of the following. — A new 3 pass wet back dual fuel steam raising boiler with ultra low emissions matched burner and all ancillaries, — A new insulated clad flue system to connect from the boiler into the existing chimney, — Builders work including plinths, bases and structural openings, — New hook up pipe work including steam, condensate, feed water, gas and oil fuels, drains and necessary ancillary items, — New hook up electrical supplies and interlinks, — New controls and instrumentation. It is anticipated that the following programme will apply; Client place order - 08/04/11. Boiler delivered to site - 05/08/11. Installation works on site - 08/08/11 to 30/09/11. Boiler commissioning 03/10/11 to 14/1011. A full design team is required to work with the client, interpret the output performance specification and design, procure, install and fully commission the following; 1. Three pass fully wetback boiler with a matched forced pressure burner to deliver cutting edge ultra low emissions. Output approx 16 000 kg/hr. Complete with special pipe work circulation system to prevent off line stratification. 2. The system will be safe to use and will meet European CE regulations. 3. The boiler to be fully packaged with all ancillaries to meet client's specific manufacturer choice including an integrated feed water flue gas economiser and all controls. 4. Purpose designed fully insulated twin wall flue system to connect to the existing vertical chimney which has a spare core liner. 5. Steam main to connect to steam chest in adjacent basement plantroom complete with all brackets, supports and expansion compensation devices. 6. Condensate connections from steam drainage points to connect to condensate recovery system. 7. Extension of the existing centralised feed water supply system to connect to the boiler feed pump system. 8. Extension of the existing natural gas and light oil supply systems to connect to the boiler fuel inlet systems. 9. Connections on the boiler and ancillaries pipe work for water treatment injection. Note all water treatment including dosing pipe work is to be by others. 10. All necessary electrical hook ups to provide power, controls and alarm interlinks. 11. Full monitored controls to provide full unattended operation in accordance with regulatory standards. 12. Controls and monitoring equipment to provide enhanced operation efficiency and monitoring. 13. Thermal insulation. 14. All necessary builders works. Tenderers must note that the University of Birmingham, finance office - procurement division is acting for and on behalf of ALTA Estate Services Ltd in the administration of this tender process. Any contract awarded will be between the successful tenderer and ALTA Estate Services Ltd. Any reference to the client/The University means ALTA Estate Services Ltd. CPV: 42162000, 45331110. ...
UK-Wallington: natural gas
Genesis group - supply of gas to 70 sites. This contract is for the supply of gas to 70 sites in East Anglia. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders web site at CPV: 09123000. ...
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