Thursday, 27 January 2011

27/01/2011 tenders 20

UK-Glasgow: building consultancy services
1.0/002031 TI: UK-Glasgow: building consultancy services PD: 20110127 ND: 27157-2011 OJ: 18/2011 DS: 20110124 DT: 20091130 12 00 RN: 294981-2009 HD: 013EC TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP:...

UK-Beverley: repair and maintenance services
1.0/002054 TI: UK-Beverley: repair and maintenance services PD: 20110127 ND: 27158-2011 OJ: 18/2011 DS: 20110125 DD: 20100707 12 00 DT: 20100707 12 00 RN: 152385-2010 HD: 013EC TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service contract PR:...

UK-Bath: sports goods and equipment
1.0/002077 TI: UK-Bath: sports goods and equipment PD: 20110127 ND: 27159-2011 OJ: 18/2011 DS: 20110125 DT: 20100603 12 00 RN: 147906-2010 HD: 012EC TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 2 - Supply contract PR: 3 - Accelerated restricted...

NO-Skjærhallen: ships and boats
1.0/002951 TI: NO-Skjærhallen: ships and boats PD: 20110127 ND: 27197-2011 OJ: 18/2011 DS: 20110124 DT: 20110218 12 00 RN: 358946-2010 HD: 032EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 2 - Supply contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP: B -...

UK-London: construction consultancy services
1.0/002997 TI: UK-London: construction consultancy services PD: 20110127 ND: 27199-2011 OJ: 18/2011 DS: 20110119 DD: 20110228 13 00 DT: 20110301 13 00 RN: 23263-2011 HD: 013EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service contract PR:...

NO-Gardermoen: airport buildings construction work
1.0/003480 TI: NO-Gardermoen: airport buildings construction work PD: 20110127 ND: 27220-2011 OJ: 18/2011 DS: 20110126 DT: 20110211 12 00 RN: 10552-2011 HD: 034EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 1 - Works PR: 4 - Negotiated procedure RP:...

IRL-Dublin: IT software package
1.0/003595 TI: IRL-Dublin: IT software package PD: 20110127 ND: 27225-2011 OJ: 18/2011 DS: 20110126 DD: 20110131 DT: 20110215 12 00 RN: 4463-2011 HD: 012EC TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 2 - Supply contract PR: 4 - Negotiated...

I-Ispra: supply of satellite remote sensing data products and associated services to European institutions and bodies of the Union
1.0/003710 TI: I-Ispra: supply of satellite remote sensing data products and associated services to European institutions and bodies of the Union PD: 20110127 ND: 27230-2011 OJ: 18/2011 DS: 20110121 DT: 20110210 RN: 322078-2009 HD:...

UK-Motherwell: repair and maintenance services of central heating
Strategic partnership - central heating repairs & maintenance. The Contracting Authority is seeking an innovative private sector partner or partners to participate and invest in a new joint venture limited company or joint venture limited liability partnership. The Contracting Authority will contract directly, by way of a works agreement with the new joint venture limited company or joint venture limited liability partnership to provide (or arrange for the provision of) a range of central heating repairs and maintenance works to the Contracting Authority's Housing and Non-Housing stock. CPV: 50720000. ...

UK-Motherwell: building installation work
Strategic partnership - housing & non-housing property repairs & maintenance. The Contracting Authority is seeking an innovative private sector partner or partners to participate and invest in a new joint venture limited company or a joint venture limited liability partnership. The Contracting Authority will contract directly by way of a works agreement with the new joint venture limited company or joint venture limited liability partnership to provide (or arrange for the provision of) a range of works, repairs and maintenance works to the Contracting Authority's Housing and Non-Housing stock. CPV: 45300000, 45200000, 45400000, 45330000, 45410000, 45420000, 45440000, 45260000, 45320000, 45430000, 45500000, 45110000, 45262700. ...

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