Tuesday, 25 January 2011

25/01/2011 tenders 150

IRL-Naas: construction work for buildings relating to health
Residential healthcare units for children in crisis with challenging behaviour. The Health Service Executive are seeking expressions of interest from architect led integrated design teams who wish to tender for the finalisation and co-ordination of the brief, the design and delivery of residential healthcare units for children in crisis with challenging behaviour. The service will be architect led and include the provision of PSDP and statutory applications for planning, fire certification and disability access certificates. The first phase will consist of the design of a campus to provide a special care unit (SCU) comprising of a 4 bed household, and two, 4 bed high support Units (HSU) households with support accommodation including a school, sports hall and other ancillary accommodation, secure gardens and recreation areas. As part of this phase there will be a further two, 4 bed special care unit households designed to be part of existing campuses where there are already High Support Units and support accommodation in place. The units are likely to be located in the Greater Dublin Area and Co. Monaghan. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=191652. CPV: 45215100, 71200000, 71300000, 71240000, 71310000, 71244000, 45200000. ...

UK-Southampton: energy and related services
Supply, installation & development of energy & resource reduction at Southampton University Hospital Trust. Energy and resource at Southampton University Hospital NHS Trust, Energy Related services. Energy management. Energy efficiency consultation service, environmental engineering consultancy service, engineering designs services. CPV: 71314000, 71313000, 71314200, 71320000, 71314300. ...

UK-Southampton: management-related services
Tender for the Provision of Management and Operation Services for Southampton City Council Arts and Heritage Services. Southampton City Council has recently approved a project to procure an external partner / partners to manage and operate its Arts and Heritage services over a long term period. This procurement relates to the management and ongoing operation and development of the following Arts and Heritage facilities. Lot 1 Sea City Museum. Lot 2 Tudor House Museum and Southampton Art Gallery. There will be a third Lot which shall be an aggregate of Lots 1 and 2 above. The contract(s) are likely to be a minimum of 120 months in length, although the Council will look to have the option to extend this by a further period or periods of up to 120 months. It is anticipated that the partner(s) will take responsibility for the provision of the following services within the venues: (please refer to the Lots for more specific information). — visitor services management, — facilities and premises management, — venue marketing, hire and administration, — internal maintenance (including buildings, exhibitions, furniture and fixed and loose equipment), — A fixed proportion of temporary exhibition programming (Sea City only), — Retail, — catering (Sea City only). It is also anticipated that the City Council will retain responsibility for the following: — maintenance of the external fabric of the premises, — collections care, — education provision. The key objective of the Council in seeking to procure these services is to reduce the net subsidy the Council will have to pay for their ongoing operation, increase participation in Cultural Activity and widen access to Arts and Heritage facilities for all people in the city. Further details about the procurement are contained in the Information Memorandum which will be issued with the Pre Qualification Questionnaire upon registering an interest. The value of this contract is based upon the maximum contract term of 20 years. The Council classifies this contract as a contract in respect of Part B services. As such the Council does not need to advertise this contract in the Official Journal. However, this contract is to be awarded adopting the spirit of the Public Procurement Regime. This notice is issued so as to increase competition and so that the procurement process is conducted in a fair and open manner. The submission of this notice is not an indication that the Council considers the contract to be a Part A services and accordingly the Council shall not be restricted to those Regulations which are exclusively applicable to Part A services. Whilst every effort has been made to consider the full scope of the requirement the Contracting Authority does not guarantee the volume of Services required resulting from this tender or that it will accept any tender on completion of the tender exercise. CPV: 79420000, 79993100, 79993000. ...

UK-Bristol: medical specialist services
BBMR Haemopoietic Stem Cell Services. The British Bone Marrow Registry (BBMR) is a division of NHS Blood and Transplant. The requirement is to establish a Hospital based service to independently determine the fitness of volunteer unrelated donors to donate Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSC) from the Peripheral Blood and, or Lymphocytes as an apheresis procedure and Bone Marrow under general anaesthetic (GA). The Hospital will then admit and collect the product requested from the donor and issue the product. The BBMR supports UK and International stem cell transplantation programmes by recruiting volunteer unrelated donors from the blood donor population. They are tissue typed and then available to be searched by accredited Transplant Centres for patients with leukaemia and other blood disorders. The BBMR collects HSC products from donors between the ages of 18 and 60. The source of stem cells for first and subsequent donations is from the Bone Marrow under GA, or Peripheral Blood stimulated by Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF). Subsequent donations may also include blood lymphocytes. The organisation must be HTA accredited and should be JACIE accredited, or demonstrate progress towards JACIE accreditation. It must demonstrate the resources and capacity to provide a responsive service for the transplant community that the BBMR serves. The BBMR is a member of the World Marrow Donor Association, a network of International registries who exchange stem cell products throughout the world. Registration with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for HSC products supplied to the USA and Canada is a requirement. The policy will commence on 1.10.2011. The projected number of stem cell donations under the contract will be between 150 and 200. The ratio of apheresis procedures to bone marrow is approximately 60:40. This contract will be split into two lots, Bone Marrow services and Stem Cell (apheresis) services. Potential suppliers must confirm which lot(s) they will be expressing an interest in (i.e. submitting a bid for at ITT stage, if shortlisted). NHSBT reserves the right to split the contract between two providers. CPV: 85121200, 85100000, 85141000. ...

UK-Manchester: repair and maintenance services of security equipment
CCTV maintenance & repair services. The University wishes to appoint a contractor to undertake a comprehensive maintenance and repair service of CCTV systems in accordance with legislative requirements, British standards and manufacturers guidelines. The University have 8 CCTV systems across the University campus which range from 4 camera's to 100 camera's per system. CPV: 50610000, 35125000, 35125300. ...

UK-Nottingham: membership organisation services
Provider to establish a Sustainable Mutual Aid Membership Organisation. Nottingham City Council wish to appoint an organisation that can establish a model of service delivery for people aged 50 and over and disabled adults called the Sustainable Mutual Aid Membership Organisation (SMAMO), a membership organisation whereby users purchase support and services through a network of paid and volunteer helpers. Once established the SMAMO would aim to be self-supporting and self-financing. A key strength of the model is that as well as focussing on service delivery it also stresses social contact: the interaction between members of the organisation. It therefore promises to build social capital and community capacity and supports personalisation. The objectives of this service model, are that: It should tackle social isolation. It should target those older and disabled people who currently have preventative-type needs. It should be able to meet the needs of up to 2000 vulnerable people, plus others less vulnerable. It should allow people to be both users and helpers within the membership organisation. It should become self-sustainable within 3 years and be self-funding thereafter. CPV: 98100000. ...

UK-London: architectural and building-surveying services
Technical consultancy framework primarily for children's services. The Council intends to appoint a number of Construction Professional consultancy firms to offer the provision of construction-related consultancy services primarily for children's services projects. These services include the building services and its associated supply chain including mechanical and electrical services and architectural services and associated supply chain for educational projects on behalf of the Council from inception to completion and set up. The types of projects anticipated in this contract include, but are not limited to: New build construction works; Planned maintenance either capital and revenue projects; Adaptations; Refurbishments; Regeneration works; Structural works; Extensions; Mechanical and electrical installation works and services; Although primarily for children's services/education property, this framework for Hackney will therefore intend to support a wide range of construction projects across all areas and types of construction work and across all directorates within the Council. This framework will also be offered for use by Hackney Schools. There are three lots on the framework, building surveying, architects and independent cost consultants. Note that all firms need to specialise in education projects, with experience of operating whilst the school is in term time. In some cases services may be commissioned directly from the supply chain within and across the lots. CPV: 71251000, 71324000, 71315300, 71220000. ...

UK-Bristol: non-scheduled air transport services
Whole Aircraft Charter to move MoD pax and freight between various location in the Gulf Region. Non-scheduled air transport services. The Authority may have a requirement for a contract to provide Whole Aircraft Charter services to move Ministry of Defence passengers and freight between various locations in support of Ministry of Defence requirements in the Gulf region. The requirement shall, as a minimum, incorporate the following: (i) The (bulk) movement of approximately 50 passengers and their baggage, plus up to 1 000 kg of man-portable cargo, which the Authority envisages may be satisfied using regional jet aircraft. Other types of aircraft which meet the Authority's requirement(s) may be considered dependant on the type and nature of load. (ii) The provision of an aircraft solution which is crewed exclusively (both operating and cabin crews) by persons of a nationality which fully meets all Qatari immigration requirements, relating to the issuance of entry/exit visas. CPV: 60420000. ...

UK-Hastings: engineering services
UK-St Leonards-Provision of transport – related technical and engineering advice, consultancy and research. Engineering services. Radio broadcast transmission services. Architectural and related services. Civil engineering consultancy services. Transport systems consultancy services. Highways consultancy services. Railway engineering services. Infrastructure works consultancy services. Health and safety consultancy services. Quantity surveying services for civil engineering works. Geotechnical engineering services. Urban planning and landscape architectural services. Construction consultancy services. Technical testing, analysis and consultancy services. Technical analysis or consultancy services. Laboratory services. IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support. Systems and technical consultancy services. Research and development services and related consultancy services. Research services. Marine research services. Research consultancy services. Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security. Market research services. Economic research services. Environmental issues consultancy services. Framework Agreement for the provision of a wide range of transport-related technical and engineering advice, consultancy and research services in respect of road, rail, air and water transport in support of the policy and business of the Department, its agencies and NDPBs, and by agreement with all parties, other public sector organisations within the UK. The framework agreement(s) shall be for use by or on behalf of the Department, its Executive Agencies and Non Departmental Public Bodies, and by other UK public sector bodies (and their statutory successors and organisations created as a result of re-organisation or organisational changes), as listed in SI 2006 No5 at: http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2006/20060005.htm. These will include: — Central Government Departments, Executive Agencies and NDPBs http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Dl1/Directories/A-ZOfCentralGovernment/index.htm http://www.civilservice.gov.uk/my-civil-service/networks/regional/index.aspx, — Public Corporations http://www.hm-treasury.gov.uk/d/pesa09_chapter8.pdf, — Local Authorities http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Dl1/Directories/Localcouncils/AToZOfLocalCouncils/DG_A-Z_LG), — Office of Rail Regulation - http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk, — Technology Strategy Board - http://www.innovateuk.org – where the work is funded by the Department, — Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) http://www.rssb.co.uk/whoweare/index.asp – where the work is funded by the Department, — Scottish Public Bodies and Local Authorities http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Government/public-bodies/about/Bodies. Welsh Public Bodies and Local Authorities http://new.wales.gov.uk. Northern Ireland Public Sector Bodies and Local Authorities http://www.northernireland.gov.uk. CPV: 71300000, 64228200, 71200000, 71311000, 71311200, 71311210, 71311230, 71311300, 71317210, 71322100, 71332000, 71400000, 71530000, 71600000, 71621000, 71900000, 72000000, 72220000, 73000000, 73110000, 73112000, 73210000, 79000000, 79310000, 79311400, 90713000. ...

UK-Brighton: auditing services
Internal audit services. Auditing services. CPV: 79212000. ...

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