UK-Leicester: taxi services
1.0/078092 TI: UK-Leicester: taxi services PD: 20110126 ND: 25389-2011 OJ: 17/2011 DS: 20110121 DD: 20110104 DT: 20110207 17 00 RN: 367066-2010 HD: 013EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP:...
UK-Upavon: psychology testing devices
1.0/078115 TI: UK-Upavon: psychology testing devices PD: 20110126 ND: 25390-2011 OJ: 17/2011 DS: 20110121 DT: 20091209 17 00 RN: 313506-2009 HD: 013EC TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 2 - Restricted procedure RP:...
UK-Huddersfield: deep-frozen products
1.0/078713 TI: UK-Huddersfield: deep-frozen products PD: 20110126 ND: 25416-2011 OJ: 17/2011 DS: 20110118 DT: 20110110 12 00 RN: 350018-2010 HD: 012EC TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 2 - Supply contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP:...
B-Brussels: the Web TV of the European Parliament — EuroparlTV: lot 1: architecture, design and hosting; lot 2: programme contents
The Web TV of the European Parliament — EuroparlTV: lot 1: architecture, design and hosting; lot 2: programme contents. In 2006 the political authorities of the European Parliament decided to establish a Web TV channel as a way of responding to the right of citizens to be able to follow what is happening in their Parliament and to interact with that Parliament. It aimed to provide viewers with a wide range of material at the time and place of their choosing, a form of 'democracy on demand'. This tender provides for: — lot 1: the development, hosting, encoding of content, maintenance, management as well as additional development of the technical platform for the European Parliament's Web TV 'EuroparlTV'. The technical platform and related work processes will have to be directly compatible with the European Parliament's internal IT environment. The contractor will be expected to provide a migration plan and to assist in assuring a successful transfer of all know-how, technical parts together with its associated assets into the Parliament's IT environment at the latest by the end of the contract, — lot 2: provision of content, associated assets and related tasks. Tenderers are free to submit a tender for 1 or both lots. If 2 separate contractors are selected, they would be expected to meet to coordinate and to ensure that the deadlines laid down are met and that responsibilities and interfaces between the 2 lots are clearly agreed. The contractor/s must work in close cooperation with the European Parliament's services at all stages during the lifetime of both contracts, where services carried out are subject to the approval of the European Parliament. The European Parliament reserves the right not to award all lots in connection with this contract. The purpose of this tender is for the purchase of services related to the immediate and seamless continuation of Web TV services (with no downtime during the handover process) which is paramount to the European Parliament, whereby the new project will build upon the work and content of the current website and which must be assured by the winning contractor/s of both lots. The existing technical platform is built in C# on the Microsoft .NET framework. It is hosted on IIS 7.5/Windows Server 2008/SQL Server 2008 R2. This platform is not compatible with the Parliament's IT infrastructure. The new technical platform and related work processes will have to be directly compatible with the European Parliament's internal IT environment and the contractor will be asked to assist in assuring the successful transfer of all technical parts into the Parliament's IT environment at the latest by the end of the life of the contract. CPV: 92220000. ...
B-Brussels: ISI emerging markets
1.0/079932 TI: B-Brussels: ISI emerging markets PD: 20110126 ND: 25469-2011 OJ: 17/2011 DS: 20110114 HD: PA307 TD: 7 - Contract award NC: 4 - Service contract PR: V - Award of a contract without prior publication of a contract notice RP:...
B-Brussels: development of a risk assessment for health and the environment from the use of metallic additives and a test methodology for that purpose
Development of a risk assessment for health and the environment from the use of metallic additives and a test methodology for that purpose. CPV: 90700000. ...
B-Brussels: support to the Commission for the assessment of national implementation measures (NIMs) submitted by Member States related to Article 10a of Directive 2003/87/EC (Union's emissions trading scheme)
Support to the Commission for the assessment of national implementation measures (NIMs) submitted by Member States related to Article 10a of Directive 2003/87/EC (Union's emissions trading scheme). CPV: 90700000. ...
IRL-Dublin: secondary analyses of the 5th European Working Conditions Survey — 8 lots
Secondary analyses of the 5th European Working Conditions Survey — 8 lots. Eurofound intends to contract secondary analyses from the 5th European Working Conditions Survey in 8 lots (8 separate contracts) with the following titles: lot 1: quality of work and employment in Europe: measurement, results and challenges; lot 2: working time, work life balance in a lifecourse perspective; lot 3: well being and health at work; lot 4: employability and security; lot 5: working conditions and quality of work and employment in Belgium; lot 6: work organisation in Europe; lot 7: work and gender; lot 8: sustainable work and the ageing workforce. A description of each lot will be found in the tender specification documents. CPV: 73210000, 79311300. ...
B-Brussels: preparatory action for European Marine Observation and Data Network — physical parameters (MARE/2010/02)
Preparatory action for European Marine Observation and Data Network — physical parameters (MARE/2010/02). The European Commission, represented for the purposes of this call for tenders by the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE DG) has concluded a service contract for creating prototype components of the European Marine Observation and Data Network. The overall objectives of the present project are to provide access to archived and real-time data on physical conditions in Europe's seas and oceans and to determine how well the data meet the needs of users. The main objectives are to: 1. make layers of physical data and their metadata available for use by industry, public authorities and scientists; 2. contribute towards the definition of an operational European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) and contribute to developing the definition of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) marine core service. The contract has 2 components, development (duration: 24 months) and maintenance (duration: 12 months). CPV: 72300000, 72315000, 72321000. ...
B-Brussels: TAXUD/2010/AO-08 — provision of a cost estimate for introducing a centralised, global eATA carnet system
TAXUD/2010/AO-08 — provision of a cost estimate for introducing a centralised, global eATA carnet system. The purpose of this requirement is to obtain a suitable consultant to assess the opinion of the eATA carnet working group that the centralised, global system is feasible from a technical and organisational point of view and if such a system is feasible in the opinion of the consultant, to provide an estimate of the costs involved in introducing such a system and its operation. CPV: 79314000. ...
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