UK-Leicester: road transport services
Large vehicle passenger transport services - contract 0029. Leicestershire County Council seeks to appoint an operator to provide a Monday to Friday local bus service operating between Leicester City Centre and Evington. CPV: 60100000. ...
UK-Ipswich: daycare services for handicapped children and young people
CD0554 - community support services for children and young people with additional needs. 1. Purpose of the service: a) The purpose of the service is to enable disabled children and young people to be supported and cared for in their own homes or within a community setting, on a regular basis and in times of crisis. Providing task focused, person centred, high quality and imaginative services that will include provision of one-to-one support for disabled children and young people and support to their families; b) To ensure there are just and fair processes for disabled children and young people, the service impacts on systems that discriminate, and ensures that young people play an active part in decisions that affect their own lives and develop self determination; 2. Scope of the Service: The service will be for: a) Disabled children and young people between the ages of 0-18 years (defined as those receiving assistance and support from Suffolk County Council's children and young peoples services) within the county of Suffolk; b) The Services will be provided for individuals who are assessed by the Council as requiring those Services and who are referred to the provider; c) Services provided under this agreement will be in accordance with the children and young peoples practice standards. The requirements for the individual service will be in accordance with an Individual Care Plan (ICP) and/or Working Together Agreement (which identifies specific goals and outcomes) which shall be completed for each child; d) The service may provide personal care either in the home or out of the home when accessing social, leisure and community activities, therefore all providers must be registered as a domiciliary care provider and meet the current Care Quality Commission (CQC regulations); e) Please note that the child or young person's parents will be responsible for paying any entrance fees for leisure and community activities; 3. Service Objectives: a) To provide inside and outside of the home a service that provides: — Individual personal development including independence skills and maintenance of existing skills, — New experiences, — Access to social, leisure and sporting activities, — Development of self confidence, opportunity of choice, diversity of experience and to have fun, — Personal care, — Care for a child when a family is in crisis, — Support to a family in managing an individual support plan e.g. behaviour management strategies. CPV: 85312120, 85311300, 85300000. ...
UK-Walsall: community action programme
Health preventing the onset of worklessness. The Council requires a suitable service provider for the delivery of a programme that aims to prevent the onset of worklessness. This will include the provision of prevention and early intervention services predominantly to small and medium employers (SMEs) and their employees in Walsall. The key aim is to prevent short term sickness absence for employees progressing ultimately into worklessness. The service should provide work related health support demonstrating links with existing mainstream services and raising awareness with GPs and health professionals. CPV: 85322000. ...
UK-London: storage and warehousing services
UK-London: removals and storage of domestic furniture and household goods and office relocations including it support. Storage and warehousing services. Storage and retrieval services. Relocation services. Storage services. Provision of collection, storage and redelivery of domestic furniture and household goods in dwellings and other council buildings in the London Borough of Camden. Office relocations and IT support. CPV: 63120000, 63121000, 98392000, 63121100. ...
UK-Belfast: certification services
LMC provision of certification services to NIBL FQAS. The Livestock and Meat Commission (LMC) in Northern Ireland is inviting tenders from companies to provide Certification Services for the Northern Ireland Beef & Lamb Farm Quality Assurance Scheme (NIBL FQAS). Tender documents can be obtained electronically for registered users of Central Procurement Directorate's e-sourcing system, e-sourcing NI. If you are not already registered to use e-sourcing NI and wish to obtain these documents please register at then follow the link to the current opportunities. The closing date for receipt of tenders is no later than 3pm on 26.4.2010. Under no circumstances will late tenders be considered, nor is CPD obliged to accept the lowest or any bid. CPV: 79132000. ...
UK-Chichester: welfare services for children and young people
Crawley Foyer. Crawley Foyer seeks to help young people address their support needs and go on to live independently to retain a healthy lifestyle, employment and education. The contract is for the service to be delivered to 85 vulnerable homeless 16-25 year old customers with housing support needs who have a local connection to the Borough of Crawley. The service will support 40 customers in one core building and 45 customers in three cluster buildings and 7 shared houses on an outreach support basis. The services are to be provided for a contract period of 3 years minimum with the option to extend for periods of up to 4 years to a maximum of 7 years subject to performance. CPV: 85311300. ...
UK-London: other community, social and personal services
The Provision of Catering Services. The provision of catering services to 9 Care Homes, 2 Day Centres, and one Sheltered Housing. CPV: 98000000. ...
UK-Sheffield: customer services
Operational support services. Cleaning of executives premises and on street furniture and provision of customer service ambassadors. CPV: 79342300, 79342320, 79710000, 90910000, 90911000, 90919200, 45452000, 64121100, 50000000, 50800000, 79992000. ...
UK-London: public road transport services
Provision of bus service - route 467. Provision of bus service route 467 for 5 years, with a provision of a 2 year extension depending on performance.Please note costs posted on Ojeu sometimes differ from those on the internet, this is due to post award negotiations. CPV: 60112000. ...
UK-Perth: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
SSE back office replacement (SSE Ref; 10.0261). Back Office Replacement (SSE Ref; 10.0261). CPV: 72000000. ...
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