Friday, 28 January 2011

28/01/2011 tenders 90

UK-Preston: health and social work services
Contract for the delivery of a service to provide and promote healthy lifestyle opportunities for adults with learning disabilities. Lancashire County Council is inviting tenders for the delivery of a service to provide and promote healthy lifestyle opportunities for adults with learning disabilities across Central Lancashire (Preston, Chorley, South Ribble and West Lancashire). The aims and objectives of the service are to provide and promote healthy lifestyle opportunities for adults with learning disabilities, through access to community facilities and through working in collaboration with a range of partner organisations. CPV: 85000000. ...

MT-Floriana: training programme services
Service tender for the provision of management services related to ICT training. This invitation to tender is intended to source the ideal organisation that is best capable of providing programme management and related services which will lead to the provision of value added training and certification to the Public Administration of Malta in the field of ICT. CPV: 80521000. ...

IRL-Dublin: project management consultancy services
Website management & support, strategic consultancy & project management services. The National Consumer Agency (the Agency) is seeking submissions from suitably qualified firms to provide website management and support, strategic consultancy and project management services in respect of its core web based channels, and; as well as current micro-sites and FLASH-based applications. The present Invitation to Tender specifically excludes the provision of services in respect of the NCA's personal finance related website This Invitation to Tender document sets out the requirements of the Agency, along with the terms and conditions with which tendering parties are required to comply. Interested parties are invited to submit proposals to contract for the provision of website management and support, strategic consultancy and project management services for an initial period of one year, with the option of renewal for up to a further 2 years, subject to satisfactory performance review at the end of each contracting period. The contract duration shall not exceed 3 years in total. Extension of the contract beyond the first year shall be at the sole and exclusive discretion of the Agency and will be in any event subject to performance review prior to each extension. CPV: 72224000, 72220000, 72600000. ...

DK-Fredericia: pipes
2010-18 line pipes and bends Purchase of 94 km of steel pipe (760 mm) and bends for the Frøslev - Egtved II pipeline in Denmark. CPV: 44163100. ...

NO-Oslo: electronic equipment
Roadside equipment for the Bømlo package. The contract is for the purchase of roadside equipment for the Bømlo package. See the tender documents. CPV: 31710000, 31730000, 45315100. ...

NO-Hamar: software package and information systems
System solution for interactive requisition and referral. Helse Sør-Øst RHF shall purchase a new system for interactive referrals and requisitions which covers the needs for laboratory requisitions, clinical referrals and picture diagnostic referrals in Helse Sør-Øst. The system shall cover GP's need for referral support when patients are referred to the specialist health service, so that the work processes for the doctors offices are simplified and double processes with paper disappear. The system shall appear as an integrated part of the doctors offices' patient record systems. The system must have functionality for regional and local maintenance by the hospitals' service catalogues and message templates, as they appear in the GP's patient record systems. The awarding authority will emphasis the use of standardised and recognised architecture and integration methods in order to ensure suitable interaction between systems. The systems shall support the requirements for national interaction architecture, i.e. that referrals and requisitions shall be based on eb-XML and further defined KITH XML messages. CPV: 48000000, 72000000. ...

NO-Drammen: water meters
Framework agreements Water metre procurement. Supply of new water metres to Drammen, Lier, Nedre Eiker, Øvre Eiker, Røyken, Sande, Svelvik, Hurum and Modum municipalities. CPV: 38421100. ...

NO-Oslo: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
EXPO - National database with web application for registration of exposure measurements. The National Institute of Occupational Health (STAMI) is a national research institute in the working environment field which works to create knowledge of the connection between work, illness and health. In the middle of the 1980s STAMI established the exposure database EXPO for registering chemical exposure data from the analysis laboratory at STAMI. EXPO which is built on Oracle, currently functions as a laboratory management system (LIMS). The data from EXPO gives a unique picture over the historical development of occupational exposure in Norway as well as at the same time giving information on the current exposure system. The data can be used, for example, as a basis for formulating political initiatives, mapping exposure in various industries and as a basis for finding connections between exposure and health outcomes. We would like to expand the EXPO database with a web application for a national exposure database where all the companies themselves are responsible for registering their own measurements independent of which analysis laboratory is used. Altinn shall preferably be used for authorisation and authentication. The assignment also includes set up/procurement of infrastructure with systems for internal or external operation. The system shall be tested out in selected pilot projects in 2011 and adapted for full scale operation in 2012. CPV: 72000000. ...

NO-Lillehammer: group pension services
Public occupational pension for Gausdal Municipality. Public occupational pension in accordance with the main tariff agreement in the Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authority's tariff area. CPV: 66522000. ...

NO-Åmli: advisory and consultative engineering services
Åmli municipality, procurement consulting engineer services. Åmli Municipality shall construct a new administration and office building. Contract shall be entered into with a consulting engineering group which shall assist the awarding authority with development of existing architect material until engineering, procurement and construction documents are ready. CPV: 71318000. ...

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