Tuesday, 25 January 2011

25/01/2011 tenders 140

UK-Chester: insurance services
Provision of insurance services (excluding broking services). Provision of property insurance, business interruption, public liability, professional indemnity, computer insurance, contract works insurance, motor fleet insurance, personal accident and travel insurance, directors and officers liability, engineering statutory inspection services (excluding broking services, claims handling, risk management services and uninsured loss recovery services). CPV: 66510000. ...

UK-Derry: other community, social and personal services
Provision of homecare services to the resident population of the western health and social care trust area. Provision of homecare services to the resident population of the western health and social care trust area. CPV: 98000000. ...

IRL-Dublin: advertising services
Provision of media buy services. The National Consumer Agency (NCA) wishes to contract for a specialist media buy agency to assist it in the execution of its statutory functions in the area of consumer information, education, awareness and consumer law. The present document sets out a description of the NCA, its needs in this area and the specific stipulations attaching to the intended contract. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=193152. CPV: 79341000. ...

UK-Sheffield: recreational, cultural and sporting services
Kids Can Do 2011/12 framework. The Council is working in partnership with Get Hooked on Life www.gethookedonlife.co.uk to establish a new and dynamic 'virtual marketplace' for young people to directly access activities and network together. It is expected that all Providers will, at no cost, join and utilise the site within the first 6 weeks of the agreement start date. This provision is a key element of the vision and expectations of the Council to ensure there is a high quality offer of Positive Activities available for children and young people aged 8-19+ across the city to be delivered in all the Community Assembly Areas. The delivery of Positive Activities is an integral element of the Sheffield Integrated Offer for Children and Young People (the Sheffield Offer) ? the delivery arm of the Sheffield Integrated Youth Support Strategy. The provision of Positive Activities will be concerned with the delivery of: The 4 elements of the Offer - Somewhere To Go, Something to Do, Someone To Talk to and Something To Say. The development of the Offer has been informed by robust consultation with children, young people, parents and carers and a wide range of partners and stakeholders. In Sheffield, this framework will provide a model for integrated delivery of Positive Activities across the 8-19+ age group. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders Web Site at http://www.myTenders.org/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=81040. CPV: 92000000. ...

UK-Exeter: health and social work services
CP700-10 HIV/AIDS community support service. This service will provide targeted community based HIV/AIDS support services across the whole of Devon and Torbay (excluding Plymouth) which will be funded by NHS Devon, Devon County Council and Torbay Care Trust. The service will focus on three main elements: A: Prevention; B: Early diagnosis; C: Living with HIV/AIDS. These services have been provided in the past through contracts held with a range of service providers from the non-statutory sector or a range of separate contracts held with the same service provider. Previous commissioning arrangements have resulted in disparity in the availability and consistency of service delivery for some elements of the population. This specification amalgamates the previous contracts held by the health and social care sectors, with the intention of providing a comprehensive service across the whole of Devon (not including Plymouth) and Torbay to ensure:— Consistency and equity of access to services across Devon and Torbay, — Economies of scale, — Seamless provision across health and social care,— Viability of future provision, — Minimal transaction and other business costs for service providers and service purchasers. Devon and Torbay is a large area, mainly rural with a number of sizeable urban concentrations. Pockets of wealth exist alongside high levels of hidden poverty. Service user demographics have changed over recent years from a predominantly gay British male user group to a more varied user group also encompassing a greater number of both women and heterosexual men from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds. This geographical area has low rates of early diagnosis in comparison with the national rate. The service purchasers have identified improved rates of early diagnosis as a key area of service delivery. For further demographic and performance information, please see the balanced scorecard for Devon and Torbay on the following link: http://www.apho.org.uk/sexualhealthbalancedscorecardA stakeholder event held in november 2009 and a questionnaire survey of people with HIV/AIDS in Devon and Torbay during march and april 2010 have been used to inform commissioning priorities and identify a preferred service model. CPV: 85000000. ...

SE-Karlskrona: flight simulators
Procurement for flight simulator training. Flight simulator training. CPV: 34741400, 80412000. ...

UK-Lincoln: public road transport services
R015 - Home to School Transport Services. Public road transport services. Taxi services. Special-purpose road passenger-transport services. Non-scheduled passenger transport. CPV: 60112000, 60120000, 60130000, 60140000. ...

MT-Floriana: financial and insurance services
Tender for the provision of health insurance schemes. To provide comprehensive health insurance covers to its employees and their defined dependents. CPV: 66000000. ...

UK-Edinburgh: wood fuels
EC/0417/Energy provider for QMU biomass plant plus biomass equipment operation and maintenance. EC/0417/Energy Provider for QMU Biomass Plant plus Biomass equipment operation and maintenance. QMU - Queen Margaret University. ITT (Invitation to tender) documentation available to download no later than the 3.3.2011. Tender submission due to be returned no later than 16:00 hours on the 4.3.2011. CPV: 09111400, 03413000. ...

UK-London: insurance services
Motor fleet insurance (excluding broker services). Motor fleet insurance services. CPV: 66510000, 66514110. ...

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