Wednesday, 26 January 2011

26/01/2011 tenders 150

UK-St Helens: business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
St Helens Council Employment and skills services. St.Helens Council is commissioning activities against key priorities that contribute towards both economic development and increasing the level of employment in the Borough: To increase employment rates of disadvantaged groups (incapacity benefit / employment support allowance claimants, lone parents, 50 plus age group, BME groups, adults with low / no qualifications, adults in treatment for substance misuse and / or alcohol); Bring the percentage of residents claiming a working age benefit closer to the regional average, particularly for those in our most deprived areas.·Improve the levels of adults with no or low qualifications. Proposals are being sought from suitable organisations or providers who are able to deliver activities for 3 key areas: Geographical targeted outreach and engagement; Provision of caseworker activity targeted at the most deprived areas and priority target groups; Delivery of an employment programme for young people aged 16-24. The activities will be funded initially for the period April 2011 to May 2012, with periods for extension subject to further funding. The activities agreement will include the requirement to provide regular progress reports including financial and performance outputs and outcomes. CPV: 79000000. ...

IRL-Naas: computer-related services
Provision of software subscription and support renewal. There is a requirement to seek submissions and costs for renewal of license support and maintenance of the currently operated suite of IBM Lotus Domino software, quantities and details as per Table 1 Renewal schedule and pertaining to IBM Passport advantage ref 7060822 & 7052146. All of the nodes need software subscription and support renewal for a period up to and including 31.12.2012. The HSE would also like the price of additional nodes compatible with the existing solution; these can be priced in 1, 100 and 1000 node blocks per product. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at CPV: 72500000, 72261000, 72267000. ...

UK-Salford: dental-practice services
Urgent Dental Services (In Hours). NHS Stockport wishes to commission service activity which demonstrates modernisation of dental care delivery. The new provider will be expected to deliver circa 10-14 sessions per week. This dental care is to be delivered within the boundaries of the borough of Stockport ideally spread across the borough. If this is not feasible then the PCT would expect delivery to be carried out in a location close to the town centre. CPV: 85131000. ...

UK-London: advertising services
Contract for the provision of advertising and communication services. The contracting authority is seeking to enter into a six year contract with an organisation to provide advertising and communication services in a newspaper distributed across the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. At the absolute discretion of the contracting authority the contract may be extended by periods of up to four years, making a total possible contract period of ten years. The contracting authority also wants to use free space in the newspaper to fulfil its own communication needs in a way that is clearly signposted. This will include without limitation using the newspaper to engage and involve residents in the delivery of public services in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. CPV: 79341000. ...

UK-Paisley: lift-maintenance services
Framework for lift & hoist testing, remedial, installation & maintenance services. Renfrewshire Council wishes to create a Framework to provide the Council with access to suitably qualified contractors capable of providing a range of lift and hoist related services for a period of 4 years. Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at CPV: 50750000, 51511100, 42416100, 42416130, 51511000, 45313100, 42400000, 42419500, 42419510. ...

UK-Preston: school cleaning services
Provision of a building cleaning service for Fleetwood Sports College. Provision of a building cleaning service at Fleetwood Sports College, Broadway, Fleetwood, FY7 8HE. CPV: 90919300, 90911200, 90900000, 90910000, 90911000, 90911100. ...

UK-Leeds: body-repair services for vehicles
LCC12997: provision of vehicle bodywork repair service. The basis of this contract is to provide Leeds City Council's Fleet Services Department with a framework of vehicle bodywork repairers. This contract is for the repair of both light vehicles (up to and including 3.5tonne) and heavy vehicles (over 3.5tonne). Please note that organisations tendering will need to be able to repair both light and heavy vehicles. The contract will be for the repair of accident damaged vehicles, pre-prepared vehicles. Requiring finishing and loose panels requiring finishing. Part of the evaluation process for this questionnaire will include a visit by Leeds City Council officers to your premises. The officers will assess the suitability, size, equipment available and the cleanliness of the premises to be used in connection with this contract. CPV: 50112110. ...

UK-London: refuse and waste related services
Carcase disposal and transport. The framework agreement is intended for use by Central Government Departments and their Agencies in the United Kingdom, including the Scottish Government, Welsh Assembly Government, and Northern Ireland Executive; as well as Non-Departmental Public Bodies, and Local Authorities. The framework agreement is to provide disposal and transportation of infected or potentially infected animal carcases, animal by-products and other infected or potentially infected materials. The framework agreement is intended for use in the event of an outbreak or incident of exotic notifiable animal disease, or other emergency, although services may be called off under other circumstances as required. For further details of the scope of services, please refer to Section 3 (Specification of Requirements) of the invitation to tender, details of which can be obtained via Defra's Bravo e-tendering platform. CPV: 90500000, 90524300, 90512000, 90510000, 90513300. ...

UK-Chelmsford: hire of passenger cars with driver
Adult social care - single operator contract (SOC) Hadleigh Training Centre. Single operator contract (SOC) serving Hadleigh Training Centre. CPV: 60171000, 60171000, 60172000. ...

UK-Bishop's Stortford: insurance services
Purchase of insurance services: East Hertfordshire District Council. Provision and placement of insurance related services to East Hertfordshire District Council on a 3 year contract, with the option to extend for a further 2 years. CPV: 66510000, 66512000, 66515411, 66515200, 66513200, 66516000, 66516500, 66516100, 66519200, 66513100. ...

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