Wednesday, 26 January 2011

26/01/2011 tenders 110

UK-Perth: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
SSE maximo upgrade (SSE ref; 10.0351). Maximo upgrade (SSE ref; 10.0351). CPV: 72000000. ...

UK-Walsall: miscellaneous repair and maintenance services
The provision of management and delivery of network maintenance and enhancement activities. These works on the water distribution network comprise the provision of: Planned and emergency repair and maintenance services; New mains and mains diversions; New supplies; Repair of leaks on customer premises; Rehabilitation works; Operation Metering and Pressure Management; Minor civil engineering works; Customer metering. CPV: 50800000. ...

UK-Belfast: harbour cranes
Framework for the supply and installation of diesel driven four rope used mobile cranes. Framework agreement for the supply, delivery, assembly, testing and setting to work of diesel driven four rope used harbour mobile cranes for unloading various types of commodities and containers within the Port of Belfast, Northern Ireland. CPV: 42414110, 42414100, 51511110. ...

SE-Sundbyberg: high-voltage cable
NordBalt - cables. The contracting entities intend to build a new 700 MW, 300 kV HVDC-VSC scheme between Lithuania and Sweden ("NordBalt"). AB Lietuvos Energija and Svenska Kraftnät are owners and transmission system operators (TSO) of the Lithuanian and the Swedish national electrical grids, respectively. On the Swedish side of the link, the connection to the 400 kV network will be done via a 40 km long overhead DC line to an existing substation (Nybro). On the Lithuanian side of the link, the submarine cable will be connected to an existing 330 kV substation (Klaipèda). Between the submarine cable and the substation there will be a 13 km land (underground) cable connection. CPV: 31321300. ...

NO-Oslo: dental consumables
S-2535 dental articles of consumption University of Oslo, Department of clinical dentistry intend to enter into agreements over 2 years with a number of vendors for consequtive deliveries of dental articles of consumption to the clinics. CPV: 33141800. ...

NO-Tromsø: musical instruments and parts
Musical instruments and equipment. Musical instruments and equipment for practices and performances. Tromsø municipality would primarily prefer one main supplier. The delivery can, however, be divided between several suppliers, e.g. one for performances and one for practices/teaching. CPV: 37300000. ...

NO-Bergen: refuse disposal and treatment
EØS 021-2010 Waste handling system Mathall Torget (Food Hall Market Place). The contract is for supplies and services for a complete waste handling system for handling waste fractions as well as the necessary maintenance, service and repairs. The contract also includes a service contract for the waste handling system for 5 years with an option for the awarding authority to extend the contract for a further 5 years, total maximum 10 years. The service contract shall include the necessary periodical inspection and maintenance, as well as repairs. CPV: 90510000, 90500000, 90000000, 45231100, 45231110, 45231111, 45231112, 76480000, 50514300, 44161000. ...

NO-Oslo: architectural, engineering and planning services
55-SAM-2010, parallel framework agreements for engineering design of investment projects The Awarding Authority has several engineering design assignments which must, due to lack of competence and capacity at the Awarding Authority, be carried out by consultants. The projects are of various extent and it is therefore required various competence for the various projects. The Awarding Authority will require consultancy services in connection with preparation of preliminary projects, detail and development plans as well construction schedules for concrete road projects. Examples of such assignments are planning/engineering design in connection with construction/reconstruction of roads, bridges, foot/bicycle paths, places, environmental streets, expansion of pavements, retaining walls, junction lay-outs, roundabouts and various traffic safety measurements. Assignments in connection with quality assurance/control of private roads, particularly in connection with inspections of structures, may be relevant. The Awarding Authority intends to enter into framework agreement with 5-6 companies with broad competence in road engineering issues. CPV: 71240000, 71400000, 71322500, 71327000, 71320000. ...

UK-Bolsover: building construction work
Shirebrook Enterprise Centre. Contruction of premises of 2 200 sq meters GIFA comprising of offices & workshops. CPV: 45210000, 45213150. ...

UK-Reading: construction project management services
Project management. The University is looking for a number of Project Management and will be spliting its requirements into lots. The Universitys works framework will use the JCT 2007 Framework Agreement, amended to tailor the framework to the Universitys requirements. The call-off contracts under the Universitys framework will use a range of JCT 2005 edition standard form contracts as amended, to include the Universitys own amendments. The choice of contract will depend on the complexity and scale of, and level of design required for, each task or project. CPV: 71541000, 72224000. ...

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