Wednesday, 26 January 2011

26/01/2011 tenders 80

UK-Bournemouth: software package and information systems
Lot 2 applicant tracking systems. National education recruitment advertising & resourcing services (Nerars). Lot 2 - applicant tracking systems. CPV: 48000000. ...

UK-Glasgow: CT scanners
Glasgow - PET-CT. A PET-CT system is required to support the routine clinical management of patients in the West of Scotland. Research work will also be an important element of the operation of the system. It will be located in the West of Scotland PET-CT Centre (Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow) in a room beside the existing PET-CT system. Thus it will be co-located with the on-site cyclotron which will be used to supply 18F-FDG in the first instance with other radiopharmaceuticals (including those using 11C, 13N and 15O) following in due course. Contact for further information: Dr. Gerry Gillen. Nuclear Medicine. Gartnavel General Hospital Glasgow G12 0YN, UNITED KINGDOM. Tel +44 1413017903. Email: CPV: 33115100, 33124000. ...

UK-Leicester: windscreen replacement services
Vehicle glass replacement & repair - 275/10. Windscreen replacement services. Parts and accessories for vehicles and their engines. ESPO on behalf of the Pro5 Group, wishes to establish a framework contract to cover the provision of a comprehensive range of replacement vehicle glass and associated repair services, generally to be provided by mobile fitters working at a contract user's premises. The requirement includes various ancillary services, such as out-of-hours call facilities. Contract users will typically operate a wide variety of vehicle types, including cars, LCV, buses, HGV and grounds maintenance equipment/plant, all with differing operating needs and priorities. CPV: 50112120, 34300000. ...

UK-Bristol: command and control system
University of Bristol building management system graphical user interface. The University of Bristol is intending to integrate all building management systems (BMS) onto a secure data network (SDN) on an "open protocol" (OPC) basis such that they can be read and managed from a single headend graphical user interface (GUI). Data to be presented at the GUI will include BMS data, critical alarms, access control, intruder alarms, energy management and metering. The University has therefore appointed a suitable provider to design, supply, install, commission and maintain this single GUI head-end and BMS interfaces. The initial installation will be for the migration of selected systems data within existing buildings located within the University of Bristol, to the new GUI. Further systems and buildings will be connected to the GUI in the future; therefore the successful GUI/BMS contractor will be required to maintain and upgrade the system for a prescribed period. Next day on-site support capability with project management and technical engineering capability will also be required. CPV: 42961000. ...

UK-Exeter: architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Design team services. Devon & Cornwall Constabulary have a requirement to appoint a design team to provide professional services to assist them in delivering the design of a Criminal Justice Centre and a strategic policing hub in Exeter. CPV: 71000000, 71220000, 71321000. ...

SE-Stockholm: technical inspection services of engineering structures
Consultant services in the area of reactor safety for assignments in Eastern Europe. He Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) invites you to submit tender for Framework Agreement for Consultant Services during the years 2011 to 2015 in accordance with the enclosed procurement document. The services are related to projects concerning safety upgrading of nuclear facilities, nuclear waste, non-proliferation, radiation protection issues and the provision of support to organisations and authorities in Eastern Europe. Note! The inquiry documentations can not be requested from the contracting authority. In order to take notice of the inquiry documentations for this tender, click on "notice of interest" in Mercell's database. Fill in subsequently your contact information and you will receive password. With the password, you can flexibly go into the contract and bid directly on the web. Click "I want to tender for the contract" for complete documentation. If you are in another advertising database please follow the link: For questions, please contact the support phone: +46 313606029 see also the attached enclosure. Best regards Christer Ekblad. CPV: 71631400, 71356000, 71356100, 72224000. ...

FI-Government: agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
Zambia / Programme for Luapula Agricultural and Rural Development Phase II 2010 – 2014 (PLARD II). The Programme for Luapula Agricultural and Rural Development (PLARD) is a major intervention in the Zambian-Finnish Development co-operation in agriculture sector. The first phase of the Programme started in 2006. The overall objective of the Phase II of the Programme is based primarily on the national agricultural / fisheries policy, and is as such also integrated in the 5th National Development Plan and in the draft text for the 6th National Development Plan. The objective is formulated as: "To achieve an efficient, competitive and sustainable agricultural and fisheries sector, ensuring increased income and food security for the people of Luapula Province.". PLARD II will have duration of 4 years, from December 2010 to November 2014, and will consist of 5 components: 1. Agribusiness, 2. Agriculture, 3. Capture fisheries, 4. Aquaculture and, 5. Institutional / organisational development of MACO / MLFD. Close cooperation and synergies between the activities under different components of PLARD II will be ensured throughout the programme implementation. Interested parties are invited to send their tenders for consultancy support services for the implementation of the Programme by 15.11.2010. CPV: 77000000, 73000000. ...

UK-Welwyn Garden City: fire-alarm systems
Fire Safety System Maintenance for East & North Herts NHS Trust and West Herts Hospitals NHS Trust. East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust and West Hertfordshire NHS Trust which includes acute hospitals Queen Elizabeth II in Welwyn Garden City, Lister. Hospital in Stevenage, Watford General, St Albans City, Hemel Hempstead. Hospital and satellite buildings, invite offers of interest for the maintenance, statutory periodic inspecting and testing of building fire detection, alarms and interfaces in accordance with the requirements of BS: 5839-1 2002. The contract is anticipated to commence on 1.11.2010 and will run for a period of 3 years whereby it may be extended by up to a further 2 years. In general, the fire alarm systems throughout the various hospitals are a mixture of open protocol analogue addressable and conventional. The appointed supplier shall be required to support the various types of panels and systems including complex cause and effect programming. The supplier should be certified competent and approved to undertake design, installation, alterations and modifications to existing systems. In addition to the principal contract requirement, the supplier shall be required to periodically inspect, test and certify the functionality of interfaces signalled by the fire alarm system including: — emergency escape door releases, — plant shutdown, — auto diallers (where fitted) or remote monitoring, — automatic smoke damper control, — lift homing operation, — automatic actuated fire dampers. Membership of a Life Safety System guild or accreditation body such a Loss. Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) ISO 90001 would be welcomed. CPV: 31625200. ...

IRL-Tralee: electrical services
Invitation to Tender for the provision of electrical maintenance & general maintenance to IT Tralee. ITT advertised for the provision of electrical maintenance & general maintenance to the Institute of Technology Tralee. CPV: 71314100, 50710000, 45311000, 45317000, 50116100, 32421000, 31625200, 50232000, 50531100, 50532300. ...

E-Barcelona: health services
Provision of medical services. Lot 1: provision of services of a medical center for mainly pre-recruitment tests, annual checks and health screanings checks; Lot 2: Provision of services of a medical advisor for Fusion for Energy, providing advise on occupational health issues, on the application of the Staff Regulation of the European Union (as representing the organisation at the Inter-Institutional Medical College or in invalidity procedures). Furthermore, the medical advise shall provide support to the Staff on various medical issues; Lot 3: provision of medical services for the management and control of absences of staff in accordance with the regulations and proceed, if required with the necessary checks. CPV: 85100000. ...

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