Friday, 21 January 2011

21/01/2011 tenders 160

UK-London: information systems
Academic mailing & communications service. The current service, known as JISCMail, is supplied by JISC Advance which is a not for profit company financed by the funding councils for UK higher and further education. More information on the structure, services and activities of JISC Advance can be found on the website, While independent of JISC, JISC advance is closely related to JISC, further information on JISC and its committees can be found on its website, JISCMail is a service free to use by the post compulsory education sector and provides a mechanism for dissemination of information and discussion by users who are members of one or more special interest groups generally referred to as "lists". The service is used by the full spectrum of members of the further and higher education and skills sectors. Further details are available at In order to view the invitation to tender documents please express an interest via the electronic tendering system. CPV: 48810000, 72412000, 48811000. ...

UK-Glasgow: property insurance services
General Insurance. Tender for Social Landlord insurances including material damage, casualty and other relevent covers. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at CPV: 66515200, 66510000, 66515411, 66516000, 66516100, 66516400, 66512000, 66519200. ...

IRL-Dublin: services furnished by professional organisations
Telecom universal service - framework for consultancy services. This is a framework agreement for the procurement of consultancy services, relating to universal service issues in the electronic communications sector. ComReg requires different types of expertise for the duration of the Framework Panels and wishes to be able to draw down contracts from the Framework Panels as and when it requires and sees fit. The consultancy services will require expertise in four lots as follows: 1. Lot 1: Economic; 2. Lot 2: Telecommunications cost modelling; 3. Lot 3. Accounting 1 (Regulatory accounting); 4. Lot 4: Accounting 2 (Audit). Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at CPV: 98112000. ...

UK-Sheffield: translation services
Translation and interpretation services. Sheffield City Council, Sheffield Homes, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals and Partners require an accessible, flexible and responsive translation, Telephone interpreting service (TIS) and face-to-face (F2F) interpreting services, including British sign language (BSL). Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders web site at CPV: 79530000. ...

UK-Chesterfield: property insurance services
Property insurance services - excusing insurance broker services. Insurance in respect of commercial and industrial property units. CPV: 66515200. ...

UK-Birkenhead: pension fund consultancy services
The supply of investment advisory services. Merseyside Pension Fund is seeking to appoint an Investment Consultant. The role of the consultant is to supply the Fund with 'proper advice' on its investment strategy, as required by the Investment Regulations of the LGPS. Applicants for the role must be fully familiar with these Regulations and be properly qualified to provide such advice, in order to be progressed to the tendering stage of the process. Services to be provided: The successfully appointed consultant will be responsible for: — providing advice on investment objectives, strategic asset allocation, benchmark and risk budget, — performing asset/liability modelling study following triennial actuarial valuation, — delivering quarterly asset/liability analysis and strategy 'health-check' reports, — providing a strategic overview of the various asset classes, — ad hoc updates on significant market, economic and regulatory issues. The consultant will not be responsible for: — investment manager, transition manager or global custodian search and selection, — regular monitoring and review of investment managers. Merseyside Pension Fund observes best practice regarding the separation of roles for consultants, as outlined in the Myners Principles. Therefore, whoever is appointed for this contract would be ineligible to also participate in the Fund's framework agreement for investment manager search consultancy services. The following service delivery will be required of the consultant: — attend the 6 meetings per annum of the Fund's Investment Monitoring Working Party and review all papers presented to the meetings, — attend ad hoc meetings as agreed with Fund officers, — respond to requests for advice in a timely and concise fashion, within agreed cost limits, — liaise as requested with the Fund's appointed service provider for actuarial and human resource advice, — assistance, on request, with supporting training and development of members of Pension Committee. It is intended to award the successfully appointed consultant a 3-year contract, with an option to extend for a further 3 years. The expected value is 250 000 GBP (excluding VAT) over the whole potential life of the contract. CPV: 66523000, 66131100, 66520000, 75320000, 66500000. ...

UK-Birkenhead: actuarial services
Supply of pension fund actuarial services. To provide actuarial human resource services to 3 local government pension funds [Merseyside, Lancashire & Cumbria]. These services will include: — triennial valuations at 31.3.2013 & 31.3.2016, and interim valuations as and when requested; regular reviews of contractors' bonds and scheme AVC provision, — regular reviews of the unfunded liabilities of admission bodies; production of FRS17 statements (or successor statements) for qualifying employers', — assistance and advice in fund employer admissions and closures; review of fund mortality experience; — assistance and advice on the production of statutory statements, including but not limited to funding strategy statements and governance & risk management, — assistance, advice and when requested calculations on HMRC limits (tax), — advice to employers on the contracting of services, including bulk transfer activities; — attendance at fund arranged meetings as requested – such as annual employers' conference, information & legislative advisory forums, — and any other routine actuarial services related to the nature of contract. The contract period is for an initial 3 years with the option for an additional 3 years (6 years in total). The total contract scope valued over the total contract period of 6 years, is approximately 2 750 000 GBP (1 000 000 GBP for Merseyside, 1 000 000 GBP for Lancashire and 750 000 GBP for Cumbria). CPV: 66519600, 66520000, 66523100. ...

UK-Bristol: non-scheduled air transport services
Provision of whole aircraft charter to move cargo (outsized & general) worldwide. Non-scheduled air transport services. The Authority may have a possible requirement for a Framework Agreement for the provision of Whole Aircraft Charter to move Ministry of Defence freight to locations in support of operations and military exercises. The requirement shall, as a minimum, cover the following: — movement of outsize items, to include large volumes of heavy lift which the Authority envisages may be satisfied using AN-124 and IL79 aircraft, — movement of large volumes of general freight, both bulk and palletised loads. Previous experience has shown that the flexibility and utility of the DC8 and A300F aircraft provide the most suitable lift capacity for frequent tasking, other types of aircraft which meet the Authority's requirement(s) may be considered dependant on the type and nature of load. CPV: 60420000. ...

UK-Enderby: health services
Walk in centre and urgent care centre services. NHS Leicestershire County and Rutland (LCR) and NHS Leicester City (LC) are seeking expressions of interest from organisations to tender for the provision of walk in centre and urgent care centre services. LCR and LC are working to implement the requirement in the revised NHS Operating Framework 2010/11 for primary care trust's to divest themselves of provider services and transform the delivery of community services. Working to an ambitious and challenging timescale, we are going out to tender for the existing 24/7 walk in centre service at Loughborough and the 24/7 walk in service offered by the Urgent Care Centre in Leicester City. Both centres are an integral part of the LLR urgent and emergency care system – the services provided at the city Urgent Care Centre are fully integrated with the Emergency Department of the co-located Acute trust to ensure seamless delivery of high quality care in accordance to the principles of treatment delivered in the right place at the right time as recommended by the Primary Care Foundation and the King's Fund. The expectation is that the successful provider/s will be able to identify efficiencies through innovation and deliver high quality and effective services. Expressions of interest are welcomed from suitably qualified and experienced providers or consortia of providers who can deliver integrated community services that meets local needs. The procurement is anticipated to be completed in June 2011 with the service to commence Sept 2011. Bidder information day. A bidder event will be held for this procurement. If you would like to attend please include the names and contact details of attendees in your expression of interest. Please note the maximum number of attendees allowed is two per organisation. Consortia. LCR and LC will assist in the formation of consortia by creating a register of organisations interested in being part of a consortium, which would be shared with all providers on the register. If you are interested in being part of a consortium please declare this in your expression of interest. EProcurement. This procurement will be run using the Bravo eProcurement portal. If you are not already registered on Bravo, please go to and click the link to register. Expression of interest. Your expression of interest must include: Organisation name & contact name. Contact details. Any expression of interest for inclusion on consortia register. Any expression of interest for attending the bidder event. Expressions of interest must be emailed to no later than 17:00 on Friday 11.2.2011. Notes: It is envisaged that the PCT may require this contract to be assigned or transferred to any successor of the PCT, which shall include GP commissioning consortia or any other commissioning board or body taking on the PCT's functions, pursuant to a direction of the Secretary of State for Health or otherwise. The contract will be binding on successors and assigns of the PCT. The services to which this notice relates fall within Part B of Schedule 3, Part 10 of the Public Services Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended) (the Regulations). Neither the publication of this notice nor the employment of any particular terminology nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that the contracting authorities intend to hold themselves bound by any of the Regulations save those applicable to Part B services. CPV: 85100000. ...

UK-Northwood: technical support services
Logistic support to PJHQ. Technical support services. Subject to the agreement of the MOD Approving Authorities, the Permanent Joint Headquarters (PJHQ) United Kingdom has a requirement for a contract to provide a single point of contact with industry that will provide a cohesive, rapid and reliable means to deploy contracted capabilities for the period 2012 - 2015. The Contract will be a non-exclusive Enabling Contract between the PJHQ and the Prime Contractor (PC). It will provide an efficient, cohesive contractor planning capability and will use military, commercial and embedded contractor staff to provide the following support to operations and exercises worldwide: a. Logistic Support and Services; b. Infrastructure Design Project Management and Construction; c. Manpower Augmentation. The Contract will be able to provide this when timescales are compressed; planning assumptions are changing or where there are sensitive operational security issues, as a result the Contractors personnel will be required to undergo a Security Clearance Check. In addition the Contract should also be able to provide this for more complex projects, where timelines are less compressed and allow more careful consideration of multiple lines of operation. The Contract will provide procedures and processes for PJHQ to use to secure support services from the PC as and when required; and pre-agreed Terms and Conditions for contracts raised through the enabling arrangement. The planning and delivery capabilities are to be provided by one PC. The planning capability shall comprise PC representatives embedded at PJHQ, Northwood to assist with planning, requirement definition, and to facilitate liaison; linking to a core planning team at the PC's HQ. The PJHQ requires the capability to plan for deployed contractor support to operations and exercises worldwide. Miscellaneous. The Contract will not knowingly impact on any established support arrangements or areas of discrete capability provision under Contractor Logistic Support (CLS), Post Design Service (PDS), or similar contracts, although these may be required to be co-ordinated with the Contract. The Contract will not provide any guarantee of future work and will not exclude the MOD from obtaining contracted planning and delivery support through other means. This announcement is for Expressions of Interest only and should not be construed as confirmation that a tender/contract will subsequently be issued. CPV: 71356300. ...

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