I-Turin: provision of content services
Provision of content services. The objective of the requested service is to support ETF communication needs through the provision of content providers who can deliver written texts, photos, film or audio on human capital development activities, or other activities related to the work of the ETF upon request. CPV: 92312211. ...
NL-The Hague: cleaning services
Cleaning services. Contract for the provision of cleaning services for the new headquarters building. The service will comprise the provision, installation and maintenance of cleaning and sanitary equipment and managerial, monitoring and quality reporting services. CPV: 90910000. ...
B-Brussels: study on e-learning applied to defence training requirements
Study on e-learning applied to defence training requirements. The study will provide the EDA participating Member States with the necessary knowledge to decide on the possible subsequent establishment of an e-learning programme and shall include, at the least: a general view on e-learning; an analysis of the different e-learning methodologies and their advantages and disadvantages in relation to a wide spectrum of possible training requirements. In particular, the various depicted methodologies should cover the various possibilities foreseen by e-learning in terms of interaction between the students and the 'tutors', ranging from no interaction to full interaction; an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of adopting a freeware, shareware or proprietary solution in terms of e-learning platform; a detailed explanation of the different components of an e-learning course; an analysis of the different resources needed to set up and run an e-learning course (financial and human), and an assessment of the cost effectiveness of such an approach; an analysis of how the e-learning courses could effectively be populated and maintained by a number of different suppliers and how any legal and copyright issues might be resolved; a roadmap depicting and describing the steps necessary to set up and run an e-learning training programme; a market research in terms of a detailed list of currently available e-learning platforms (freeware-shareware and proprietary) including a depiction of their characteristics, functionalities and their strengths and weaknesses. CPV: 80000000. ...
B-Brussels: results-oriented monitoring system of the implementation of projects of external cooperation for lot 6
Results-oriented monitoring system of the implementation of projects of external cooperation for lot 6. The provision of high-quality information on projects and programmes in the Western Balkans and Turkey by means of monitoring the performance and results of operations financed from EU funds (IPA) on the basis of the ROM methodology. CPV: 98910000. ...
DK-Copenhagen: framework contract for the provision of interim staff to the European Environment Agency (EEA)
Framework contract for the provision of interim staff to the European Environment Agency (EEA). The framework contract aims at selecting an employment agency that can provide interim staff within a reasonable time-frame and in line with the following frame of activities (non-exhaustive list): secretarial support; filing and archiving; general administrative support; data input; support to the organisation of meetings; events and conferences; correspondence with external contractors; receptionist; software development; financial and HRM assistance and legal support. CPV: 79620000. ...
B-Brussels: green infrastructure efficiency and implementation
1.0/005389 TI: B-Brussels: green infrastructure efficiency and implementation PD: 20110122 ND: 22228-2011 OJ: 15/2011 DS: 20110110 RN: 269294-2010 HD: EC307 TD: 7 - Contract award NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP:...
B-Brussels: challenges of the digital era for film heritage institutions
1.0/005412 TI: B-Brussels: challenges of the digital era for film heritage institutions PD: 20110122 ND: 22229-2011 OJ: 15/2011 DS: 20110111 RN: 163209-2010 HD: EC307 TD: 7 - Contract award NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP:...
B-Brussels: water scarcity and droughts in the EU — gap analysis
1.0/005435 TI: B-Brussels: water scarcity and droughts in the EU — gap analysis PD: 20110122 ND: 22230-2011 OJ: 15/2011 DS: 20110110 RN: 241998-2010 HD: EC307 TD: 7 - Contract award NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP:...
E-Seville: provision of BATIS corrective maintenance
1.0/005458 TI: E-Seville: provision of BATIS corrective maintenance PD: 20110122 ND: 22231-2011 OJ: 15/2011 DS: 20110111 RN: 234028-2010 HD: EC307 TD: 7 - Contract award NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP: 3 - European...
B-Brussels: defining the required infrastructure supporting cooperative systems
1.0/005481 TI: B-Brussels: defining the required infrastructure supporting cooperative systems PD: 20110122 ND: 22232-2011 OJ: 15/2011 DS: 20110111 RN: 188894-2010 HD: EC307 TD: 7 - Contract award NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 1 -...
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