Saturday, 22 January 2011

22/01/2011 tenders 50

NL-Petten: delivery and installation of a modular design recirculation loop for stress corrosion cracking studies in liquid lead
Delivery and installation of a modular design recirculation loop for stress corrosion cracking studies in liquid lead. The scope of the contract is the purchase of a modular design recirculation loop for stress corrosion cracking studies in liquid lead, with a total lead inventory of ~20 litre and operating at temperatures in excess of 550 °C. CPV: 38540000, 51230000, 50412000. ...

NL-The Hague: catering equipment
Catering equipment. Purchase refrigerators, microwaves, dishwashers, cutlery, crockery, glassware and kitchen equipment. CPV: 39310000, 39311000, 39222000, 39222100. ...

B-Geel: contract for supply, assembly, installation and maintenance of a 1D nano flow liquid chromatography system and a high mass resolution, accuracy and precision hybrid mass spectrometer system, including all related services and supplies
1.0/005044 TI: B-Geel: contract for supply, assembly, installation and maintenance of a 1D nano flow liquid chromatography system and a high mass resolution, accuracy and precision hybrid mass spectrometer system, including all related...

B-Brussels: feasibility study on new forms of EU support to Member States and regions to foster SMEs' innovation capacity
Feasibility study on new forms of EU support to Member States and regions to foster SMEs' innovation capacity. This feasibility study shall address the question of better innovation support at Member State and European level, with a view to providing a better understanding of the needs and scope for more effective forms of innovation support at EU level. CPV: 73200000. ...

L-Luxembourg: follow-up to the PSI platform
Follow-up to the PSI platform. The purpose of the call for tender is to purchase services for the follow-up to the PSI platform. The existing service is built mainly around the interactive web-based portal ('one-stop-shop'), the advisory service and an online forum. The aim is to promote a dynamic PSI re-use market across the EU. The new platform will build on the work and content of the current service. The specific objectives of the services to be purchased are fourfold: a) rendering a web portal, publishing news and collecting good practices on the re-use of PSI in Europe and elsewhere; b) the development of a community of relevant stakeholders; c) the advisory service; and d) undertaking awareness-raising actions. CPV: 72413000, 73210000. ...

E-Seville: technical background study in support of environmental product policy for buildings
Technical background study in support of environmental product policy for buildings. IPTS is assisting the Directorate-General for the Environment in its work on the current development of Ecolabel and GPP criteria for buildings. The definition of the scope of the product group 'buildings' will be made in accordance with Environment DG and will be based to a great extent on previous work carried out for Environment DG. The objectives of the study are to provide assistance to IPTS within the development of Ecolabel and GPP criteria for the product group 'buildings'. Ecolabel criteria development follows Annex I of Ecolabel Regulation EC 66/2010. Accordingly the main elements and a preliminary report which comprise: — a description and categorisation of the product: reasoning for choice and scope of the product group and a summary of current laws and ongoing legislative initiatives related to the product group sector and an analysis of other environmental label criteria, — market/economic evaluation: consideration of any possible trade issues, intracommunity market data for the sector, including volumes and turnover and current and future potential for market penetration of the products bearing the EU Ecolabel, — technical analysis: analysis of the possibilities of substitution of hazardous substances by safer substances, extent and overall relevance of the environmental impacts associated with the product group, based on new or existing life cycle assessment studies or other scientific evidence. Furthermore the input to criteria and a technical background report need to be developed. Specific adaptation for the development of GPP criteria accordingly to COM (2008) 400 needs to be taken into account. CPV: 73200000. ...

B-Brussels: COMP/2010/017 — technical, economic and legal assessment in the context of ICT and media competition cases (antitrust, merger and State aid)
COMP/2010/017 — technical, economic and legal assessment in the context of ICT and media competition cases (antitrust, merger and State aid). The subject of the contract is technical, economic and legal consulting services in the fields of telecommunications, media, information technologies, consumer electronics and Internet, both in the context of current and future Commission antitrust, merger and State aid investigations and proceedings before the Union's courts. CPV: 72266000, 79400000, 79310000, 79140000. ...

GR-Thessaloniki: adult learning in the workplace: skill development to promote innovation in enterprises
Adult learning in the workplace: skill development to promote innovation in enterprises. The study explores how skill development can support innovation in enterprises. In particular, it will identify and review policy frameworks, publicly-funded/tripartite programmes and support services that foster innovation in enterprises, at national, regional and sectoral level, in which business development and skill development are closely linked (covering EU 27 and Norway). In relation to innovation and business growth, special attention should be paid to the introduction of work organisation processes in enterprises that can best stimulate business performance and innovation, while enabling employees to develop their skills on-the-job. The general review of policy initiatives coupling innovation in enterprises and skill development of employees should be completed by an in-depth analysis of 10 examples of good policies and programmes in different countries (case studies). CPV: 73000000. ...

I-Parma: contribution of meat inspection to animal health surveillance
Contribution of meat inspection to animal health surveillance. The overall objectives of this contract will be to assist the AHAW panel and its working groups (WGs) to respond to the Commission's request to critically assess implications of any changes in the current meat inspection methods (suggested in the light of public health risks) on animal health and welfare. The target of the contract is collection of relevant data and implementation of models to assist the AHAW panel and WGs to estimate the effectiveness of monitoring and surveillance (with respect to animal health and welfare) of both meat inspection and the overall surveillance system, both prior to and following suggested system changes. CPV: 73210000. ...

B-Brussels: GMES pilot services in the atmosphere and maritime areas
GMES pilot services in the atmosphere and maritime area. The main objectives of this procurement are: 1. to build on the GMES services and to implement a first operational element in the area of atmosphere to bring the benefit of GMES to the individual citizens and to exploit some major events to promote the service; 2. to build on the GMES services and to implement a first operational element in the area of maritime ice service to bring the benefit of GMES to related public or commercial operators; 3. to connect in both thematic areas properly to the institutional and commercial players in order to generate and maximise their interest in the sustainability of the services introduced. This preparatory action should build on and integrate existing elements wherever reasonable. The activities should take into account the products and services provided by the FP7 GMES service projects on atmosphere and ocean, as well as so-called downstream services, when applicable. Further there is an action of EEA on the coordination of 'in situ' data. CPV: 90714100, 90731100, 63726000. ...

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