Saturday, 22 January 2011

22/01/2011 tenders 190

NO-Trondheim: heating-system design services
Non-recurrent contest, installation of hydronic heating, SID 11/82 block of flats passive house. The object of this procurement is to contribute to reduction of installation costs for hydronic heating systems. This shall be achieved through development of new systems and increased interaction during the construction process. To ensure practical feasible solutions, the development of the systems shall be made in connection with construction projects and installed in concrete buildings in Norway. Documentation of experiences from development projects shall provide a basis for knowledge distribution and reuse in the industry. The Awarding Authority will put together the systems in an instruction manual for the relevant area. A total of four separate tender contests for office buildings and apartment blocks, both in accordance with the existing standard (TEK10) as well as passive house standard, will be published. Each procurement will include development of hydronic heating systems for office buildings and block of flats with TEK10-standard and passive house standard. This tender contest involves block of flats with passive house standard. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Doffin web site at CPV: 71321200, 45231112, 71321300, 73200000, 71621000, 71240000. ...

NO-Trondheim: heating-system design services
Non-recurrent contest, installation of hydronic heating, SID 11/82 block of flats TEK10. The object of this procurement is to contribute to reduction of installation costs for hydronic heating systems. This shall be achieved through development of new systems and increased interaction during the construction process. To ensure practical feasible solutions, the development of the systems shall be made in connection with construction projects and installed in concrete buildings in Norway. Documentation of experiences from development projects shall provide a basis for knowledge distribution and reuse in the industry. The Awarding Authority will put together the systems in an instruction manual for the relevant area. A total of four separate tender contests for office buildings and apartment blocks, both in accordance with the existing standard (TEK10) as well as passive house standard, will be published. Each procurement will include development of hydronic heating systems for office buildings and block of flats with TEK10-standard and passive house standard. This tender contest involves block of flats with TEK 10 standard. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Doffin Web Site at CPV: 71321200, 45231112, 71321300, 73200000, 71621000, 71240000. ...

NO-Trondheim: heating-system design services
Non-recurrent contest, installation of hydronic heating, SID 11/84 office building passive house. The object of this procurement is to contribute to reduction of installation costs for hydronic heating systems. This shall be achieved through development of new systems and increased interaction during the construction process. To ensure practical feasible solutions, the development of the systems shall be made in connection with construction projects and installed in concrete buildings in Norway. Documentation of experiences from development projects shall provide a basis for knowledge distribution and reuse in the industry. The Awarding Authority will put together the systems in an instruction manual for the relevant area. A total of 4 separate tender contests for office buildings and apartment blocks, both in accordance with the existing standard (TEK10) as well as passive house standard, will be published. Each procurement will include development of hydronic heating systems for office buildings and block of flats with TEK10-standard and passive house standard. This tender contest involves office building with passive house standard. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Doffin web site at CPV: 71321200, 45231112, 71321300, 73200000, 71621000, 71240000. ...

NO-Trondheim: heating-system design services
Non-recurrent contest, installation of hydronic heating, SID 11/85 office building TEK 10. The object of this procurement is to contribute to reduction of installation costs for hydronic heating systems. This shall be achieved through development of new systems and increased interaction during the construction process. To ensure practical feasible solutions, the development of the systems shall be made in connection with construction projects and installed in concrete buildings in Norway. Documentation of experiences from development projects shall provide a basis for knowledge distribution and reuse in the industry. The Awarding Authority will put together the systems in an instruction manual for the relevant area. A total of 4 separate tender contests for office buildings and apartment blocks, both in accordance with the existing standard (TEK10) as well as passive house standard, will be published. Each procurement will include development of hydronic heating systems for office buildings and block of flats with TEK10-standard and passive house standard. This tender contest involves office building with TEK 10 standard. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Doffin web site at CPV: 71321200, 45231112, 71321300, 73200000, 71621000, 71240000. ...

NO-Eikelandsosen: cesspool or septic tank emptying services
Emptying private and municipal interceptors for sludge 2011-2014. Emptying private interceptors for sludge in 2011 and 2013 and municipal interceptors for sludge in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Option for the municipality for emptying private and municipal interceptors for sludge in 2015. There are approx. 1 280 private interceptors for sludge and the total volume of municipal interceptors for sludge is approx. 900 m3. Handling/depositing of sludge in a certified way is included in the contract. Equipment for mobile dewatering shall be used. Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Doffin web site at CPV: 90460000. ...

NO-Leikanger: noise-control consultancy services
E39 the Eikås tunnel and 2 level interchange Nyborg, review of traffic noise. Review of traffic noise in relation to 130 houses. Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Doffin web site at CPV: 71313100. ...

NO-Hønefoss: digital mapping services
LACHST14 - Geodata work in Melhus and Skaun 2011. Tenders are wanted for surveying, aerial photography, laser scanning and map construction in Melhus and Skaun municipalities. The volume for the assignment is: — approx. 220 km2 FKB-B mapping, — approx. 611 km2 FKB-C mapping, — establishment of ortophoto for approx. 1,130 km2, — laser scanning FKB-DTM10/20 for approx.. 682 km2. Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Doffin web site at CPV: 71354100. ...

CH-Berne: foreign affairs and other services
Backstopping services for the local implementing partners of the Rural Water and Sanitation Support (RWSSP) Programme in Kosovo. The RWSSP is to improve health and well-being of communities through sustainable water and sanitation. The backstopper/backstopping company will provide backstopping services to the Kosovar implementing partners of the different program components. Furthermore, the backstopper/backstopping company will assist SDC in the management of the entire program. The backstopper/backstopping company will be responsible for three main tasks: (i) to provide technical assistance and capacity building to the local implementing partners of the RWSSP, supporting in this way the realisation of the different programme components; (ii) to ensure an adequate steering of the local implementing partners of the RWSSP components; and (iii) to provide SDC with consolidated monitoring data and reports covering all program components. The backstopper/ backstopping company is expected to provide methodological support to the Kosovar implementing partners of the different program components and on how to mainstream in their activities with respect to gender equity and good governance. The prospective backstopper/backstopping company are expected to complete various tasks, described in more detail below: a) provide capacity building and technical assistance to the local implementing partners of the different components of the RWSSP following a clear and transparent methodology. This methodology shall include – but not be limited to – knowledge transfer of experiences and best practices from the Western Balkans region and other countries; b) support the elaboration of the Terms of Reference for the short term consultants; c) steer the design and the definition of the concrete intervention strategies and instruments for the implementation of the different components of the RWSSP; d) provide methodological support to the implementing partners of the program on how to mainstream in their activities with regard to gender equity and good governance; e) ensure an adequate steering of the local implementing partners during the implementation of interventions; f) monitor the implementation progress and realisation of the components of the RWSSP. g) ensure that knowledge management and capitalisation activities take place; h) support the establishment of a fruitful cooperation between local implementing partners and other actors involved in the water sector by enhancing the creation of a relevant framework of cooperation; i) participate in major events (such as workshops) that take place within the framework of the RWSSP; j) organise 2-3 study tours in the Western Balkans region for relevant stakeholders involved in the RWSSP (the ground for a first study tour to Slovenia on waste water treatment options has already been prepared during the previous phase of the RWSSP); k) Provide advice to the local implementing partners and SDC on corrective actions, if needed; l) support SDC in the management of the program as well as in deciding on strategic and operational matters within the framework of the RWSSP; m) ensure that all relevant information gathered by the local consultants and the backstopper itself are channelled towards SDC, and provide SDC with consolidated monitoring data and reports covering all program components. Quarterly progress reports as well as yearly program reports in English language shall be submitted, following a format that will be provided by SDC; n) provide oral debriefings to i) the relevant staff of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo (SCO-K) after every mission to Kosovo, and ii) SDC staff based in the headquarter in Bern on a yearly basis; o) participate actively in the planning activities (elaboration of planning platform, participation in planning workshop, preparation of project document) of the next phase of the RWSSP. CPV: 75210000. ...

CH-Berne: miscellaneous services
Quality training for enhanced local government performance (BARD, RDA and NILG) in Bangladesh. Rural development and strengthening of local governance are key issues for poverty reduction in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), the Rural Development Academy (RDA) and National Institute of Local Government (NILG) have emerged as important public institutions with clear mandates for action research, research and training. However, they face increasing competition and need strengthening to address current challenges and to maintain their roles as leading and relevant institutes. The project of this bid, is the result of a year long planning and learning process with the three organisations. The project has been designed to assist the organizations over a 2 year period, to formulate, through a consultative process, engaging all stakeholders, a strategic plan. It will also assist to mitigate immediate needs in terms of capacity building for strategic thinking and planning, increase the exposure to innovative ideas through the establishment of (national, regional and international) professional networks, the establishment of modern ICT systems and access to modern training material and techniques. SDC will assign the management of the implementation of the project to a firm/joint venture, that will be responsible for the management of the implementation, monitoring and reporting of project activities and staff, technical advice and assistance and management of project funds. In particular, the assistance will be focused on the capacity building in the institutions for strategic thinking and strategic planning, the moderation of the strategic planning consultative process and the short term strengthening of ICT equipment and its management. CPV: 98300000. ...

MK-Skopje: construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants
Construction of 100 (one hundret) multifunkcional open sport courts in the Republic of Macedonia. Construction of 100 (one hundret) multifunkcional open sport courts in the Republic of Macedonia. CPV: 45212000. ...

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