Saturday, 22 January 2011

22/01/2011 tenders 100

UK-Leicester: security services
Cash collection & related services - 324LC/10. Security services. Leicester City Council, working closely with the Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation (ESPO) wishes to identify and appoint one or more contractors to provide Secure Cash Collection/Cash in Transit and related services. The contract may also be used by Colleges of Further Education throughout Leicester and Leicestershire. Tenders will be invited against a number of service methodology options or Lots, which between them will cater for up to 400 individual collections per week from groups of establishments such as schools, colleges, housing offices, other establishments (such as leisure centres) and also the regular emptying of some 220 car parks ticket machines and other sundry sites. Some lots will require cash processing and consolidation by the contractor, and/or access by the contractor to the bulk cash centre of the Council's contracted bankers. Tenderers are invited to bid for one, some or all lots. Given the variety of establishments operated by the Council, different lots and different contractors may be selected for each group of establishments in order to provide the best overall solution. Lot 1. Collect monies from LCC establishments (Schools; Housing Offices; Car Park/Pay & Display Machines; Other establishments) and deposit at the Council's Cash Office. Lot 2. Collect processed monies from the Council's Cash Office (York Road) and deposit at the Council's authorised Cash Centre. Lot 3. Collect monies from LCC establishments (Schools; Housing Offices; Car Park/Pay & Display Machines; Other establishments), process and deposit directly at the Council's authorised Cash Centre. Lot 4. Provision of a Change Float Service. Lot 5. Collect monies from the Further Education College's and deposit directly at each College's authorised Cash Centre or Bank Account. CPV: 79710000. ...

UK-Exeter: water coolers
Supply, installation of plumbed & bottled water drinking equipment. Devon County Council, acting on behalf of the Devon Procurement Partnership, is inviting tenders for the supply, installation and maintenance of plumbed and bottled water drinking equipment. The invitation to tender will result in a contract which will be used by Devon County Council, Supply Zone and the Devon Procurement Partnership. Devon County Council will be acting as the lead procurement organisation however, individual members of the Devon Procurement Partnership and Supply Zone shall place their own individual orders. All administration of called-off requirements will be the responsibility of the individual authority. CPV: 31141000. ...

MT-Blata l-Bajda: uninterruptible power supplies
Supply, installation and maintenance of UPS systems for MITA new data centre. The objectives of this contract are principally 3 fold: Installation of UPS systems in a staged implementation inline with MITA's growth requirements and as defined in this contract; Preventive maintenance programme to ensure that such facilities are maintained appropriately; Corrective maintenance framework for rectifications of faults based on 24 x 7 coverage. CPV: 31154000, 50324200. ...

UK-Southampton: adult and other education services
Informal adult learning and related services. A multiple provider framework agreement divided into 6 lots to provide services funded by the Skills Funding Agency. The services are for those 19 and over and will range from formal to informal training covering; personal and community development learning, family literacy, language & numeracy, family learning impact funding, wider family learning, neighbourhood learning in deprived communities and first steps learning. CPV: 80400000. ...

UK-Antrim: repair and maintenance services
PALS - servicing and repair of stairlifts. PALS - servicing and repair of stairlifts. CPV: 50000000, 50800000. ...

UK-London: printing and related services
Printing and related services framework. Ofcom require a range of services across all functions of the business. These services are split into the 3 headings below. An outline of each service required is as follows. Lot 1 – printing and distribution services: These include but are not limited to: Providing printing and distribution services for Ofcom's Annual Report, information leaflets, consultation documents, newsletters, folders and research reports. Lot 2 – origination – graphic design and artwork. We have a need for a graphic design company to provide creative design solutions and digital artwork across a range of applications, mainly for our printed publications but also for other graphic collateral, such as interiors, signage, display and exhibition material. Lot 3 – fulfillment: Ofcom require print and distribution services for all scheduled and non-scheduled licensing customer correspondence. This includes secure file transfer and configuration of print systems to merge customer data to standard documents and populated PDF's. CPV: 79800000, 79823000, 79822500, 79822400, 79811000. ...

UK-Stafford: social work and related services
SCG9001 provision of generic domiciliary care in Cannock (secondary contract). Provision of generic domiciliary care in Cannock (secondary contract). CPV: 85300000, 98000000. ...

UK-Essex: office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies except furniture and software packages
Strategic partner for transformational ICT services and potentially back office and support services. The London Borough of Barking & Dagenham (LBBD) has procured a strategic partner to transform the delivery of its back office and support services. CPV: 30000000, 30200000, 32000000, 35000000, 45314000, 48000000, 48810000, 50300000, 50312600, 64200000, 66000000, 66170000, 66500000, 70000000, 70330000, 72000000, 72221000, 72222000, 72212445, 72222300, 72224000, 72500000, 72514000, 75100000, 75110000, 79000000, 79200000, 79342300, 79410000, 79420000, 79500000, 79500000, 79511000, 79512000, 79630000, 79631000, 79700000, 79900000, 79993000, 72100000, 72200000, 72223000, 72223000, 72267100, 72510000, 72590000, 72611000, 75310000, 79211000, 79211200, 79421000, 79714000. ...

IRL-Dublin: clinical-waste disposal services
Award of hazardous waste disposal services. The University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD), hereby awards a contract for the supply of Hazardous Waste Disposal Services. For the purposes of this procurement, TCD is co-ordinating and undertaking the tendering processing on behalf of the following educational institutions (participating institutions) with a view to maximising each institution's expendiuture and obtaining value for money; University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD). University College Dublin (UCD). CPV: 90524200, 90523000, 90524100. ...

UK-Stafford: social work and related services
SCG9003 provision of generic domiciliary care in East Staffordshire (secondary contract). Provision of generic domiciliary care in East Staffordshire (secondary contract). CPV: 85300000, 98000000. ...

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