UK-Winchester: procurement consultancy services
Furniture, fittings and equipment (FF&E) project management and installation service. Hampshire County Council on behalf of Pro5 wish to establish framework agreements to cover the procurement of FF&E project management and installation services as required by the contracting authorities in accordance of the framework. Services to be included are audit of existing FF&E to establish what is suitable for reuse, client liaison, scheduling and pricing of requirements, ordering from suppliers, storage of equipment, delivery and installation of equipment and snagging and final sign off with a representative from the Contracting Authority. CPV: 79418000, 79415200. ...
UK-Stockton-on-Tees: analysers
Supply of an automated urine analyser. Analysers. Chemistry analyser. Immunoassay analysers. The microbiology laboratory, University Hospital of North Tees, requires an automated system for screening urine samples for infection. The system must be able to provide an accurate assessment of the cellular components present in normal and abnormal urine samples. The system should also be able to accurately detect the absence of bacteria in samples, so that bacterial culture of these samples is not necessary. Samples that may contain bacteria must be highlighted so that further analysis is possible. The equipment must be able to replace the current urine method and be able to accurately detect, enumerate and report the presence of the following particles: white blood cells, red blood cells, bacteria, casts, epithelial cells. CPV: 38434000, 38434560, 38434580. ...
E-Barcelona: property insurance services
Decennial insurance. CPV: 66515200. Decennial insurance. CPV: 66515200. Decennial insurance. CPV: 66515200. ...
IRL-Dublin: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Computer services. CPV: 72000000, 72200000, 72220000. ...
UK-Exeter: pecuniary loss insurance services
Provision of non life insurance services. CPV: 66515411, 66515200, 66516000, 66512100, 66514110, 66516100, 66516500. ...
IRL-Dublin: accounting and auditing services
PIN Notice services 2011. CPV: 79210000, 75122000, 79341000, 71200000, 98351000, 90900000, 90910000, 72510000, 72610000, 33124110, 72512000, 79993100, 79993000, 72514300, 71317100, 90500000, 90510000, 90511000, 72222200, 51400000, 71421000, 98311100, 79100000, 50750000, 79961330, 90922000, 79521000, 79810000, 90514000, 90511000, 70200000, 70210000, 50883000, 50422000, 50421200, 63121000, 60120000, 64200000, 80420000, 63520000, 63122000, 90911300. ...
UK-Oldham: insurance services
Provision of insurance services for Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council. CPV: 66510000, 66516000, 66515411, 66515200, 66514110. ...
NL-The Hague: evaluation consultancy services
183/IOB Evaluation of European development cooperation. The overall purpose of the policy evaluation is to account for Netherlands funding and other inputs provided for EU development cooperation in the period 2000-2010 and, based on the findings of this policy evaluation, gain lessons for future policy development and implementation. The specific objectives of this phase of the policy evaluation are: — to describe EU development cooperation policies and policy cycle (i.e. from identification, formulation, planning, implementation, to monitoring and evaluation) concerning the EDF, as well as policies and policy processes in other areas that concern EU relations with developing countries (trade, agriculture, security, migration and fragile states), — to describe and analyse the contribution of the NL government to those policies and policy processes, and — to illustrate and analyse the effectiveness and efficiency of development cooperation policies and policy cycle under EDF and the NL contribution thereto on the basis of a selection of ACP country case studies. The evaluation will have an important accountability purpose and will produce information on the effects of the EU development cooperation under EDF interventions thus far. The policy evaluation has furthermore a forward looking character in that it will provide inputs for the discussion on the future position of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs vis-à-vis possible 'budgetisation' of the EDF under the EU's post-2013 financial framework. The policy evaluation concerns EU development cooperation through the EDF and the Asian, Pacific and Caribbean (ACP) countries that are covered by this development cooperation instrument. It will also deal with EU policies, instruments and initiatives in other key areas that regulate relationships between the European Union and its members and the ACP countries. These areas are listed in the EU Consensus and refined in the November 2009 Council Conclusions and concern trade, human rights, security, migration and fragile states. The policy evaluation will analyse Netherlands policies, instruments, and initiatives in the fields of development cooperation and the specific areas identified above. It will thus deal not only with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but also with other key Ministries and other types of organisations that are working in these specific areas. The analysis of effectiveness and efficiency as well as (net) outcomes will examine the implementation of EU development cooperation on the ground in a selection of ACP countries and selected sectors within these countries. Regional initiatives of the EC covering these countries - and the selected sectors concerned - as well as some of the thematic programmes that come under the Commission's Decentralised Cooperation Instrument (DCI) and, as may be appropriate, the EU Food Facility, will be taken on board as well, however without fully incorporating these initiatives as a whole. The ACP countries covered are Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Uganda. The evaluation, which will rely as much as possible on existing evaluation material, will be divided into four phases. It will start with a short inception phase. Phase 1 will then concern policies and instruments as well as resources at the level of the EU in Brussels and policies and instruments used by the Netherlands Government to influence EU policy making in the field of development cooperation and the other key areas mentioned above. Phase 1 will be based on a review and analysis of available documentation (European Commission, Council of the European Union, Netherlands, academic, NGO, etc.) and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders (Commission, European Parliament, Netherlands ministries, academia, NGOs, etc.). The results of phase 1 will be used in the analysis at country level in phase 2 which concerns the translation of general policies on the ground in the above-mentioned ACP countries and the results and (net) outcomes achieved. Phase 2 will be based on a review and analysis of available country-level information (EC, Netherlands embassy, World Bank, etc.) and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders. Two approaches are foreseen for these country case studies. For Rwanda and Uganda one mission is foreseen to verify, complement and cross-check existing data. For Burkina Faso and Ethiopia, two missions are envisaged for each country. The first missions will have the same purposes as those referred to above. A follow-up mission, for which terms of reference are to be developed, will be undertaken to conduct further research in situ. This may include additional empirical studies of limited scope to collect supplementary data on selected areas of intervention. Phase 3 concludes the evaluation and concerns the preparation of the overall policy evaluation report. The evaluation will be conducted between April 2011 and June 2012. The evaluation is led by the Policy and Operations Evaluation Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It will be guided by a reference group. CPV: 79419000. ...
IRL-Galway: environmental services
Provision of support in marine conservation objective setting. The department of the environment, heritage & local government now invites tenders for the provision of support in setting marine conservation objectives for marine Special Areas of Conservation over a period of 45 weeks in each 12 month period between April 2011 and March 2014, subject to annual budgetary approval. The work will primarily involve desk work with some related field work also required. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at CPV: 90700000. ...
UK-Derby: security services
Cash security services. The main aims of this tender is to select a contractor that is able to meet a tight timetable of money collection from establishments and a robust "back office" that will ensure monies are paid into bank within 24 hours of collection. Schools form a major part of the contract and most of them need a collection on Mondays and Tuesdays every week except holidays. Inset days for school training and of course bank holidays greatly affect Monday collections. As the contractor, you will be notified of school terms and inset days. Where collections are affected, you will be expected to make the collection on the next day. There are some requirements for collections at the weekend and on bank holidays. CPV: 79710000. ...
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