UK-Lincoln: social work services
Support service for adults and children with sensory impairment needs. Social work services. Block contract with Lincolnshire Country Council from 1.4.2011 to 31.3.2014. CPV: 85310000. ...
UK-Glasgow: database services
Research online website. Skills Development Scotland is seeking a supplier to maintain, host, update and develop its research online website. Research online is a searchable database of labour market research and analysis including "grey" semi-publishable material. Although the database is most comprehensive in its coverage of Scottish material, it also includes relevant information from the rest of the UK and further afield. CPV: 72320000, 72212600, 73110000. ...
MT-Blata l-Bajda: installation services of generators
Supply, installation and maintenance of standby generator systems for MITA new Data Centre. The objectives of this Contract are principally three fold: Installation of Standby Generator systems in a staged implementation inline with MITA's growth requirements and as defined in this Contract; Preventive maintenance programme to ensure that such facilities are maintained appropriately; Corrective maintenance framework for rectifications of faults based on 24 x 7 coverage. CPV: 51111200, 50532300. ...
UK-London: auditing services
External Audit Services 2010. Provision of external professional audit services and accountancy advise relating to the operations of the business. CPV: 79212000, 79221000. ...
UK-Haverfordwest: refuse and waste related services
Tender for the provision and operation of a materials recycling facility with food waste bulking up point within a 12 mile radius of B4329/B4313 interchange. To provide a service for the treatment of source segregated "food wastes", originating from the Authority's food waste collection routes, comprising of domestic and commercial properties. It is not implicit under this Contract that the Contractor providing the service is the facility treating the food waste in the first instance. The Contractor is not obliged to treat the food waste on site but may "out source" the treatment process to one or more facilities. These facility(s) must be fully licensed and meet all current legislation to receive and process such wastes. The Contractor must supply evidence that they have found an end treatment facility(s) with a capacity of a maximum of 9,000 tonnes per annum and which can accept the food waste material detailed in the tender document. Background information. Pembrokeshire County Council (the 'Authority'), as a Unitary Authority, has the following duty under the Environmental Protection Act 1990: — as Waste Collection Authority (WCA), to make arrangements for the collection of WCA collected waste and for the provision of other community based waste and cleansing related services, and — as Waste Disposal Authority (WDA), to make arrangements for the present and future disposal of WCA collected wastes. The Authority requires the Contractor to provide, over a Contract Period of 1 year with an option to extend for up to 1 year plus 1 year, the following two services at the same site, hereafter called 'The Facility': — a Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) to receive a range of dry recyclable materials. In addition, the Contractor will be responsible for the further separation of individual materials and bulking up, as required, and for the transportation of materials to appropriate markets for reuse/recycling or reprocessing, — a bulking up point to receive source segregated food waste. In addition the Contractor will be responsible for loading the material into containers. The Facility will be located within a 12 mile radius of the B4329/B4313 intersection to serve the Authority's laden vehicles where discharging in the North of the County is operationally beneficial. The facility is likely to provide discharge facilities for in the region of 20 % of kerbside collected recyclate and food waste collected in the County. The Facility is required in the North of the County due to its extreme rurality, low population density and long travel distances. A facility in the North of the County will enable the Authority to ensure resource efficiency and minimise its carbon footprint. This Contract is only being let for one year, with the option to extend for up to 1 year plus 1 year, due to the awaited revised Waste Strategy for Wales, Towards Zero Waste, which is likely to prescribe new collection systems and methods. Any changes that take place during the Contract period will be treated as a modification under Condition 4 of the Contract Conditions. Once the Authority is fully conversant with Welsh Assembly Government's requirements under the revised Waste Strategy for Wales the Contract will be re-tendered to reflect amended requirements. Pembrokeshire County Council will be conducting this procurement exercise electronically using the Alito e-tendering portal. Interested parties wishing to express an interest in this opportunity must log on to and register and access the documents via the Bulletin Board. CPV: 90500000, 90510000, 90514000. ...
UK-Liverpool: engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
Framework for engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings. To provide engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings in relation to various mixed use and regeneration projects. It is anticipated that in most instances mechanical and electrical engineers will provide detailed performance specifications to facilitate procurement under a design and construction contractual arrangement, and will be retained on the client team to monitor, assess and approve subsequent detailed design work produced by the contractors as well as witnessing commissioning. The quantity and value of services is not yet determined and cannot be guaranteed. CPV: 71321000. ...
UK-Liverpool: highways consultancy services
Framework for Highways Consultancy Services. Provide highways consultancy services in relation to various mixed use and regeneration projects. It is anticipated that in most instances the highways consultant will subsequently be novated to the contractor when a construction contract is let under a design and build contractual arrangement. The quantity and value of services is not yet determined and cannot be guaranteed. CPV: 71311210. ...
UK-Birmingham: environmental decontamination services
Decontamination services. Decontamination Services for West Midlands Police - Service of police property, vehicles and off site scenes of crime. CPV: 90722200. ...
UK-Ripley: construction and ancillary works for telephone and communication lines
Warden call alarm renewal & maintenance. Futures Housing Group Limited and its subsidiary companies as described in Section 736 of the 1985 Companies Act, seeks to engage with a suitably qualified economic operator for the provision of a rolling renewal and maintenance programme for its warden call alarm systems commencing with the Daventry & District Housing Ltd housing stock, for renewal and covering the maintenance requirements for all member companies of the futures housing group for a period of up to 10 years within a performance based partnering contract. The contract will take into consideration any warranties applying to currently installed equipment and technical protection relating to future upgrades and improvements. It is envisaged that the terms of contract will operate with an "off balance sheet" element for renewals. Expressions of interest and request for PQQ by email only to CPV: 45232300. ...
UK-Ealing: repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
Building Services Contract. PPM for mechanical, electrical services and public health systems. CPV: 50710000. ...
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