Wednesday, 2 March 2011

02/03/2011 tenders 90

NO-Oslo: parcel transport services
Distribution of packages. The Awarding Authority shall enter into an agreement regarding distribution of parcel post in Norway and abroad for the office of the prime minister, all ministries, the Norwegian parliament and the government administration services (GAS). The Awarding Authority will be the government administration services (GAS). CPV: 60161000. ...

NO-Bergen: public-service buses
Extraordinary bus production for traffic regulating measures in Bergen. In the winter of 2010 Bergen experienced special weather condition which led to air pollution lying like a lid of the city centre. For several days the nitrogendioxide level was higher than the EU's acceptable limits. The condition were after a while so critical that Bergen municipality and Hordaland county put various immediate measures into action to reduce the amount of traffic in Bergen. One of the measures which was introduced was the established of express buses to and from the major bus terminals in the town districts and the centre in rush hour. Hordaland county would like to be prepared if Bergen experiences bad air quality again in the coming winter 2011. Skyss will therefore enter into contracts for extraordinary bus production for traffic regulating measures in Bergen. If it is decided to put such measures into action, the bus production will involve express bus routes in rush hour from selected bus terminals in the town districts in to the centre of Bergen. Skyss will divide the Bergen area into three route areas. Tenderers can choose to give a tender for one or several of these route areas. Tenders received for each route area will be evaluated separately. Contracts can therefore be signed with up to 3 operators. The amount of such a contract cannot be fixed as it is unknown whether such measures will be used in the coming winter or how long such measures will last for. Last winter such measures were in place for weeks 2 and 3 and weeks 5-8 (period 12.1.2010 - 26.2.2010) in 2010. The measure with express bus production costed approx. 3 000 000 NOK. The contract for the assignment wil be valid from when the contract is signed until the end of 2011. Skyss shall have an option to extend the contract for 1 year until the end of 2012. CPV: 34121100, 60172000, 34121000, 60170000. ...

UK-London: closed circuit television services
The enforcement CCTV kerbside infrastructure & associated works contract. The objective of this project is to provide a CCTV infrastructure for the enforcement of parking, bus lane and minor moving traffic contraventions within the London Borough of Ealing. The project will allow the replacement of the existing CCTV enforcement assets, which have reached their "end of life", provision of new CCTV enforcement assets as well as the phasing out of the large fleet of vehicle based CCTV enforcement assets. In all elements there will be the requirement for close integration into the Council's existing Community Safety CCTV assets to provide a single flexible system. It is expected that the infrastructure deployed under this contract will be a mixture of: Fixed roadside cameras (using fiber and wireless backhaul). Re-deployable roadside cameras (using wireless backhaul). Mobile CCTV cameras (using ANPR technology). All assets will need to conform / be approved by the Department for Transports, approved device scheme as provided for in the Traffic Management Act 2004. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders web site at CPV: 92222000, 32231000, 32235000, 32323500, 51314000, 63712400, 98351110. ...

UK-Plymouth: construction work for halls of residence
Truro residences. Demolition of four three storey existing doctor and student accommodation blocks. Design development and construction of seven four storey doctor and student accommodation blocks, each comprising circa 33 bedrooms, and with a gross internal floor area of circa 840 square meters per block. The buildings are required to achieve a Breeam "Excellent" rating, as well as a general minimising of the carbon footprint and environmental impact of the development. It is envisaged that each block will be constructed using timber frame construction, with hipped low pitched truss rafter roofs, upper floors externally clad in timber and lower floor in brickwork, with composite fenestration. External landscaping with car parking for circa 72 spaces will also be provided. CPV: 45214700. ...

UK-Leeds: highway maintenance work
Area 10 asset support contract. The successful Contractor will be required to provide integrated network management, maintenance, improvement activities, incident management, event management and contingency planning on the all purpose trunk roads and motorways in Highways Agency (HA) Area 10 in accordance with HA's standards and objectives. Duties to include: Routine and cyclic road and bridges maintenance works, winter maintenance and delivery of road, structures/bridge and technology schemes in HA Area 10 up to a value of 4 000 000 GBP. Consideration is being given to increasing this limit up to a maximum of 8 000 000 GBP. The final contract documentation will confirm the limit; Co-location with and supervision/management of the Highways Agency Regional Technology Maintenance Contract (RTMC) for Area 10 and 13. Duties may also include the following: Provision of planning advice, design, co-ordination and supervision of maintenance (unlimited by value) and improvement schemes up to the value specified above. The management of works above this value if so instructed; CPV: 45233139, 45316200, 45310000, 71322000, 71322500, 71320000, 34923000, 71300000, 45223200, 45233210, 45233141, 45221100, 45233130, 45233140. ...

UK-Durham: building construction work
Home Scotland contractor framework. Home Scotland are seeking to recruit suitably qualified and experienced construction partners for new build and refurbishment works. Contractors are sought who have experience of new build and refurbishment projects. The framework will also be available to other Registered Social Landlord partners. With the uncertainty of future grant funding levels, it is anticipated that the financial nature of the scope of new build and refurbishment may change according to available funding. Home will reserve the right to externally benchmark the framework. It is intended to incorporate within the framework a mini tendering mechanism to award future work. Home will reserve the right to directly appoint/award commissions based on previous KPI performance. Home will reserve the right to re-enter the market place for large joint ventures or large scale regeneration projects. Note: to register your interest in this notice and to obtain the Pre-Qualifying Questionnaire or any additional information please visit: CPV: 45210000, 45211100, 45111000, 45000000. ...

UK-London: construction work
North park transformation. This OJEU Notice is in respect of a contract for the design and construction of the Transformation works in the North Olympic Park. The works may include, but are not limited to: Bulk earthworks; road construction and signage; permanent bridge and underpass modifications, temporary bridge removal; hard and soft retaining walls; removal of transport and pedestrian malls, conversion of transport malls into football pitches; hard and soft landscaping; cycle road circuit, mountain bike trails and BMX track modification; minor utility works; removal and disposal of perimeter security fences and associated security systems; preparation and provision of allotment sites; visitor centre buildings and play grounds; permanent venue external works and internal building works; development plot preparation including installation of site hoardings. Services to be provided in connection with the works may include, but are not limited to design and technical services, environmental and sustainability monitoring, planning agent for conditions relating to Contractor's design/construction and Construction (Design and Management) co-ordinator. The contractor will act as the principal contractor for the works as defined in the Construction (design and management) Regulations 2007 and will also be responsible for site logistics including security, delivery management, transportation of personnel, Health and Welfare and asset protection and manintenance. The contractor may also be required to act as the Construction manager on behalf of the Contracting Authority. In this role the contractor will be responsible for administering and managing existing Contracting Authority contracts that include transformation works, for example contracts for the removal of temporary venues including Basketball and Eton Manor. The inclusion and extent of this service will be confirmed in the tender documents. The Contract will include the adoption and development of the Contracting Authority's tender design information and its development into detailed design for construction. The scope of the works may also be extended to include other similar works as may be instructed by the Contracting Authority from time to time within other areas of the Olympic Park or off-Park locations. The Contracting Authority may novate this Contract to another public body or authority. CPV: 45000000, 45212420, 45212300, 45212200, 45212100, 45221100, 45112711, 45112712, 45112720, 45111000, 45112000, 45212000, 45213000, 45223000, 45220000, 45233000, 45300000, 45400000. ...

UK-London: construction work
South Park transformation. This OJEU Notice is in respect of a contract for the design and construction of the Transformation works in the South Olympic Park. The works may include, but are not limited to: Bulk earthworks; road construction and signage; permanent bridge and underpass modifications, temporary bridge removal; hard and soft retaining walls; removal of transport and pedestrian malls; hard and soft landscaping; minor utility works; removal and disposal of perimeter security fences and associated security systems; preparation and provision of allotment sites; visitor centre buildings and play grounds; permanent venue external works and internal building works; development plot preparation including installation of site hoardings. Services to be provided in connection with the works may include, but are not limited to design and technical services, environmental and sustainability monitoring, planning agent for conditions relating to Contractor's design/construction and Construction (Design and Management) co-ordinator. The contractor will act as the Principal Contractor for the works as defined in the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 and will also be responsible for site logistics including security, delivery Management, transportation of personnel, Health and Welfare and asset protection and manintenance. The contractor may also be required to act as the Construction Manager on behalf of the Contracting Authority. In this role the contractor will be responsible for administering and managing existing Contracting Authority contracts that include transformation works, for example contracts for the removal of temporary Games elements including the Waterpolo superstructure and pools and Central Park Bridge. The inclusion and extent of this service will be confirmed in the tender documents. The Contract will include the adoption and development of the Contracting Authority's tender design information and its development into detailed design for construction. The scope of the works may also be extended to include other similar works as may be instructed by the Contracting Authority from time to time within other areas of the Olympic Park or off-Park locations. The Contracting Authority may novate this Contract to another public body or authority. CPV: 45000000, 45400000, 45300000, 45233000, 45220000, 45223000, 45212000, 45112000, 45111000, 45112720, 45112712, 45112711, 45221100, 45212100, 45212200, 45212300, 45212420. ...

UK-Worcester: repair and maintenance services of building installations
Responsive maintenance services - north. Responsive maintenance of sanctuary group properties in Yorkshire, Hull and South Humber. CPV: 50700000. ...

UK-Cardiff: communications network
Next Generation Broadband for Wales. The Welsh Assembly Government is seeking to appoint a suitably experienced and qualified contractor/s to provide next generation broadband solution/s to underserved regions of Wales. The primary aim of the project is to ensure that: (i) all businesses in Wales have access to a minimum of 30 Mbps by the middle of 2016, (ii) all residential premises in Wales have access to a minimum of 30 Mbps by the end of 2020 and (iii) a minimum of 50 % of all residential and business premises in Wales will have access to 100 Mbps by 2020. Broadband services provided must, at all times, be at prices comparable to those available on the market in urban areas of the United Kingdom. During the course of dialogue, solutions will be explored which, inter alia, stimulate demand and take up by end users, improve mobile coverage, enable public sector bodies to use the network and ensure that retail services are available to end users.The Welsh Assembly Government will also explore solutions that provide for collaborative working arrangements to deliver the wider objectives of "Delivering a Digital Wales" and which address the Welsh Assembly Government's sustainability objectives. The successful contractor/s will be required to provide a significant (multi million pound) investment to the project alongside funding from the Welsh Assembly Government and anticipated European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). (Further information is set out in the Project Information Memorandum (PIM) which is available on request – see Section VI.3). Note – the Welsh Assembly Government, on behalf of the Welsh Ministers, will be conducting this procurement exercise through the etenderwales portal Pre-Qualification documents and other information must be downloaded from and returned through this portal. If you require any further assistance the BravoSolution helpdesk is available on: E-mail:, phone: +44 8003684850/ fax: +44 2070600480. CPV: 32412000, 32412100, 32412110, 32413000, 32424000, 32430000, 32428000, 32500000, 32510000, 32523000, 32524000, 32570000, 32571000, 64200000, 32420000, 32521000, 32522000, 64227000, 45314300, 32531000, 45232300, 32425000, 32562200, 45232332, 50330000, 50332000, 45231600, 50334400, 51300000, 64210000, 72315000, 72400000. ...

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