Tuesday, 1 March 2011

01/03/2011 tenders 70

UK-Reading: mechanical engineering services
Mechanical Contractor. The University is looking for a number of Mechanical Contractors and will be spliting its requirements into lots. CPV: 71333000. ...

UK-Gloucester: stonework
The provision and fixing of service pattern memorials. Stonework. The provision and fixing of service pattern memorials. CPV: 45262510. ...

UK-Chichester: architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Construction and Property Consultants Framework 2011 - 2015. A Framework Agreement in seven lots for the provision of various construction and property consultants services for design and construction related works with a maximum individual value of approximatlety 4 000 000 GBP. CPV: 71000000, 71521000, 71520000, 71530000, 71315200, 71317210, 71313000, 71311000, 71312000, 71334000, 71315300, 71324000, 71220000. ...

IRL-Cork: infrastructure works consultancy services
Cork Sludge Management Project - Sludge Treatment, Handling & Ultimate Re-Use. Engagment of a consultant/client's representative for the sludge treatment, handling & ultimate re-use element of the Cork Sludge Management Project as outlined in the attached information note. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=201336. CPV: 71311300, 71313000, 71311000, 90513800. ...

UK-Bristol: insurance services
Provision of non-life insurance related services (excluding broker services) to the Audit Commission for Local Authorities and the National Health Service in England. Provision of insurance covers including Motor Vehicle, Material Damage, Business Interruption, Employers Liability, Public and Products Liability, Specified All Risks, Money, Computers, Personal Accident and Travel, Fidelity and Engineering Inspection. CPV: 66510000, 66516000, 66514110, 66519200, 66515200, 66512000, 66515410. ...

UK-Warrington: repair and maintenance services
Hard FM Services - Orford Park. The provision of hard FM services to a new build mixed use hub building. CPV: 50000000, 50700000, 50710000, 50800000. ...

UK-Leeds: cleaning services
Cleaning Passenger Shelters. Cleaning services. Passenger information system. Building-cleaning services. Regular cleaning of up to 4 000 passenger shelters. Periodic posting of bus timetable posters into up to 11 000 cases located at bus stops. CPV: 90910000, 48813000, 90911200. ...

UK-Chelmsford: other community, social and personal services
Home Improvement Services. To provide advice and support on housing related matters to ensure that vulnerable people can remain in their own homes - to provide a hanypersons service - benefits advice and support through minor & major works. CPV: 98000000, 98300000. ...

B-Diegem: building construction work
Construction of a Green Administrative Office Building in Brussels. Construction (covered main structure with general completion works) of a new administrative building. The new building shall have high energy efficiency and sustainability standards. Indeed, the construction will be built according to the BREEAM certification with a rating "very good". You will find below some technical details about the building: — full ground surface of the future site: ± 3,5 ha, — ground surface for the building to be constructed: ± 2 000 m², — capacity of the future building: ± 300 persons (including meeting rooms and archive room but without restaurant or multifunctional room), — no cellar or parking garage, — remaining 2 hectares are dedicated to a cable park and the substation. CPV: 45210000, 45331000, 45232460, 45311200, 45432120, 45421152, 45421000, 45440000, 42416000. ...

UK-Aberdeen: onshore services
Core handling, stabilisation and laboratory analysis framework agreement. Chevron Polska Energy Resources Sp. z o.o. ("Company") intends to award one or more non-exclusive core handling, stabilisation and laboratory analysis framework agreements required for Company's shale gas program in Poland. Economic operators must be in a position to provide the services as and when required by Company. Call-offs against the framework will be issued to the provider with the most economically advantageous framework agreement and Company will use the same award criteria as stated in the framework agreement invitation to tender. Only where the terms laid down in the framework agreement are not complete enough for a particular call off, will Company hold a mini competition with all the providers awarded a framework agreement and capable of meeting the particular need against the terms and conditions of the agreed framework agreement. Company will only consider economic operators with the technical ability and demonstrated experience necessary to service coring operations in central/eastern Europe and to perform laboratory analysis on shale reservoirs. Economic operators must be able to provide both or either: 1. Wellsite Core Handling, stabilisation and transportation. 2. Laboratory Analysis of reservoir material (whole core, side-wall cores and drill cuttings) The work scope for core handling shall include, but may not be limited to the following services: 1. Stabilisation of core at well site, including personnel and materials 2. Cutting of whole core into shorter lengths 3. Plugging and preservation of horizontal or vertical plugs at wellsite 4. Recording of hand-held gamma-ray 5. Preservation and packaging of core samples 6. Containerisation and transportation of core to laboratory 7. Collection of gas samples from core plus desorption measurements The work scope for laboratory analysis shall include, but may not be limited to the following services: 1. Spectral core gamma 2. Fracture & sedimentological description 3. Core photography (white light & UV) 4. CT scanning 5. Slabbing & plugging for routine & special core analyses 6. Routine core analysis using techniques suitable for low permeability shales 7. Geochemistry (TOC, rock evaluation, vitrinte reflectance) 8. Shale petrology & mineralogy a. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) b. Quantitative X-ray diffraction (QXRD) c. Thin section petrography (including ultra-thin sections, if available) d. High-pressure mercury injection capillary pressure (MICP) 9. Gas adsorption & desorption isotherms 10. Rock mechanics testing using appropriate methods for shales a. Geomechanical properties b. Proppant embedment c. Capillary suction time (CST) d. Fluid-shale interactions under stress Economic operators must have proven experience and demonstrated track record in core analysis relating to tight rock / gas shale reservoirs and must be available to begin services no later than September 2011. CPV: 76510000. ...

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