Friday, 16 March 2012

16/03/2012 tenders 30

UK-Merthyr Tydfil: architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Construction of 2 new build care facilities for Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council. The works comprise the construction of 2 new 32 bed care homes at the Bargoed Treharris site and at the Gurnos Site, both at Merthyr Tydfil. CPV: 71000000, 45215214. ...

UK-Belfast: electron microscopes
AFBI - Supply and Installation of a Transmission Electron Microscope. A new transmission electron microscope system is required for the examination of biological specimens. Specimens to be examined will include negative stained specimens and ultra thin resin embedded sections. CPV: 38511000, 38511200. ...

SE-Linköping: gas-detection apparatus
IR imaging spectrometer to Linköping University, Sweden. 1 Administrative regulations 1.1 General information An IR imaging spectrometer is to beprocured by Linköpings universitet (LiU)for the Dept. of Thematic studies - Water and Environmental Studies (WES). Department of Thematic Studies - Water and Environmental Studies (WES)is a nationally and internationally established centre for multi- andinterdisciplinary research and education, where natural and cultural scientistscollaborate in search for knowledge across the boundaries of traditionaldisciplines. The research covers a spectrum of environmental issues andquestions in the borderland of nature-society and is continuously examining itsfuture role in facing new challenges. WEShas significant ongoing research regarding sources and fates of greenhousegases and climate change to which the instrument considered here relates. 1.1.1 Scope Theinstrument will be used for detailed visualization of methane (CH4;first choice) and nitrous oxide (N2O; if possible) concentrationgradients in landscapes. This includes imaging from ground or aircraft toproduce concentration (e.g. column density) gradient maps or to follow changesover time in a landscape scene. Such visualisations of the gases will be usedto identify sources and sinks at the landscape scale. 1.2 Contracting entity Linköpingsuniversitet. Dept of ThematicStudies – Water and Environmental Studies. SE-581 83 Linköping. Sweden. 1.2.1 Contact person Name: Anders Lindman. If the tenderer wishes clarification of any aspect of the Contractdocuments, an enquiry must be submitted electronically through Mercell PublicService (in writing directly to the contact person for this procurement, atsuch point of time that a response can be delivered six (6) days before thelast day for tender submittal). Enquiries will be answered electronicallythrough Mercell Public Service and published at, or directly at 1.2.2 Additions/amendments Complementaryadditions/amendments according to the contract documents will be announced at and through Mercell Public 1.3 Contract documeNts 1.3.1 List of documents The contractdocuments consists of the following documents and appendices: This document - administrative regulations, qualification of the tenderer and technical specifications, Appendix 1, Detailed technical specifications. Appendix 2, Declaration of truthfulness. Appendix 3, Public contract (draft). Appendix 4, ALOS 05 E, General terms for supply of goods to the public sector. The tenderer is solely responsible forobtaining complete documentation. 1.3.2 Disposition of the contract documents The administrative regulations containrequirements about formality and administration and also describe how thequalification of the tenderer and evaluation of the tender is performed. Thetechnical specifications contain specific requirements concerning the procurementobject. The commercial conditions stipulate requirements for the public contract. 1.4 Procurement procedure This is an open procurement procedure, in accordance with theSwedish law of public Procurements, (SFS 2007:1091) chapter 4. 1.5 The tender - formal requirements 1.5.1 Validity of the tender The tender isvalid provided that it is: signed by an authorised representative of the tendering company, submitted no later than 2011-07-11. The tenderer is solely responsible for the timely arrival of the tender. A tender that arrives later than stipulated, will not be considered, valid until 2011-09-30, which explicitly must be confirmed in the tender, see appendix 2 1.5.2 Formality of the tender Formalrequirements of the tender are as follows: written in the Swedish or English language, submittet electronically through Mercell Public Service with the offering named with the project number TEMA‑2011-00130. tenders submitted by fax, e-mail, package or envelope will not be accepted. 1.5.3 Submission of tender Thetender is to be submitted electronically through Mercell Public Service, Mercell Public Service Contact and Support: Mercell Svenska AB. Kungsgatan34. SE 411 19 Göteborg. Sweden. Phone: +46 313606029 Office hours are Monday –Friday, 08:00 – 17:00 for support and assistance regarding technical issuesleaving your tender through Mercell Public Service. Keep in mind that tendersare submitted at the risk of the tenderer, and to ensure that the tender can besubmitted correctly, the office hours should be taken into consideration. 1.5.4 Disposition of the tender To ensure equal treatment and to facilitateassessment of tenders, the tenderer is requested to follow the order andnumbering of this document. If no statement is made with respect to a requirement,the contract entity is entitled to interpret this as the requirement is notfulfilled. 1.6 Evaluation process Beforethe evaluation process starts, the formal requirements are checked inaccordance with 1.5. If any of those are not fulfilled, the tender in questionmay not be taken into consideration. 1.6.1 Examination Therequirements indicated as "must" in the qualification demands tab (section 2-3)found in Mercell Public Service are checked. Only tenders that fulfill all therequirements will be evaluated. 1.6.2 Evaluation The public contract will be awarded to the economically mostadvantageous tender considering the criteria below. This document specify a maximumtotal amount available for all costs associated with the purchase to 7 500 000 SEK. The most advantageous tender will be the tender that provides the bestoverall performance and value within this price limit. The tenders will be evaluatedregarding fulfillment of the requirements stated in section 3 and in Appendix 1Detailed technical specifications (sections 4-10), including the quality and potential of theproposed solutions. The best overall performance is determined based on thetotal number of points given for the evaluation criteria in the specificrequirements in Appendix 1. If the statement is fulfilled the number of points given will be the mean value of the points stated for the particular statement. If the statement is more than fulfilled the number of points will be more than the mean value and if the statement i less than fulfilled the points given will be less. If two or more tenders are given the same number ofpoints the cheapest alternative will be chosen. 1.6.3 Qualification of the tenderer Therequirements in section 2 is to ascertain that the tenderer has the necessarytechnical ability and capacity to fulfill the obligations concerning thispublic procurement. To qualify, these requirements have to be fulfilled. 1.7 Commercial secrecy In accordance with the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (Offentlighets- och sekretesslag (2009:400))all data pertaining to a procurement matter is subject to secrecy until anagreement has been entered into or procurement has otherwise been concluded. Any data mentioned may be subject to secrecyeven after the aforementioned time. Note, however that only in exceptionalcases data and prices according to the evaluation of the tender is consideredto be of such nature that it may be held secret for commercial reasons. Withrespect to commercial secrecy for the protection of a tenderer's data, therequirement is that the data in question refers to the tenderer's business- orservice conditions and that there is a specific reason to presume that thetenderer will suffer damages if the data is disclosed. Ifa tenderer considers the data submitted in connection with this procurementmatter fulfils the aforementioned requirements for commercial secrecy, thetenderer must submit a request forcommercial secrecy, in writing; with clarification concerning the data referredto and what damage the tenderer would suffer if the data were disclosed. Thedecision whether or not the data submitted by the tenderer fulfils therequirements for commercial secrecy will be made by the Contracting Entity. 1.8 Notification of decision At least 10 days beforesigning the public contract, notification of the entity's decision in thismatter of procurement will be sent through Mercell Public Service to alltendering companies. An appeal for reconsideration of this decision may be made to Förvaltningsrätteni Linköping (the Administrative Court of Linköping). Such an appeal has to besent within 10 days from receipt of the decision. Address: Box 406, SE-581 04 Linköping, Sweden. E-mail: 1.9 Agreement Please note that there is nolegally binding agreement until a public contract is signed by both parties. 2 Qualification of the tenderer Thetenderers must be qualifiedaccording to their juridical standard and technical capacity and experience. Ifthe information asked for should not be sufficient or be omitted, the tenderermay be excluded from evaluation. 2.1 Legal position Thetenderer will be excluded from participation in an award procedure if he: is bankrupt or is being wound up, his affairs are being administered by the court, he has entered into an arrangement with his creditors, he has suspended payments, or he is subject to an injunction against carrying on business, is the subject of proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy, for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or similar proceedings, has been convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct by a judgement which has the force of res judicata, has been guilty of grave professional misconduct and the contracting entity can furnish proof of this circumstance, or has not fulfilled obligations relating to registration in a professional trade register or a similar register, or has not fulfilled obligations relating to registration for reporting of value-added tax, employees income tax, employer fees and national security contributions, or has furnished incorrect information requested below and may be excluded if he has not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social insurance fees or taxes in the country in which he is established or the country in which procurement takes place has in some material respect failed to furnish required information or furnished incorrect information requested as mentioned below. The tenderer must confirm that there are no grounds for excluding him accordingto section 2.1 Legal position through leavingthe below mentioned documents. For tenderers located abroad and Swedish tenderers: The following national official documents must be enclosed to the tender in thequalification demands tab: 1) Enclose certificate ofenrolment in a professional trade register, Swedish tenderers"Registreringsbevis" from Bolagsverket. 2) Enclose certificate that thetenderer has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social securitycontributions, Swedish tenderers may be checked regarding social securitycontributions. 3) Enclose certificate that thetenderer has fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes. Swedishtenderers may be checked by LiU with "Skatteverket regarding payment of taxes. For all tenderers: Appendix no 2, "Declaration of truthfulness" must be signed and enclosed to thetender in Mercell Public Service. 2.2 Technical ability and capacity See Appendix1. Thetender should include description ofat least one (1) project, as similar to this one as possible,, including referencesspecified with names and telephone numbers or e-mail addresses to contactpersons. 2.3 Serviceorganization See thequalification demand tab. The tenderer must describe the service organization e.g. base of the serviceengineer(s). 2.4 Subcontractors See the qualification demand tab.If the tenderer intends to engagesubcontractors to perform certain parts of services, these shall be, stated,and specified in the tender. Documents, as presented in section 2.1, must be appended for eachsubcontractor. 3 Technical specifications 3.1 Introduction and General specifications We are lookingfor a high resolution IR imaging spectrometer (e.g. a hyperspectral camera or aspectrograph that scans the scene line by line) in the wavelength range 7:15-8:30 mm to be used for mapping CH4 and N2O inenvironmental applications. 3.2 Technical "must" specifications Thetechnical items listed in the qualification demand tab are technicalrequirements that need to be fulfilled for a proposed system to be considered.Please be shure to check all must requirements in the qualification demand tab. 4-10 Detailed technical specifications See the enclosed document Appendix 1, Detailed technical specifications for input of answers to the technical statements. These answers will be evaluated as described in 1.6.2. 11 Price Adetailed description of what is included in the price must be given.The price for theoffered system must be fixed and stated in SEK. The total price also must be given as DAP on-site (WES)including fulfilment of all demands stated in this document. The pricemust not exceed 7 500 000 SEK, excluding Swedish VAT. See orderlines tab for price input. CPV: 38431100, 38431100, 38433000, 90731600. ...

UK-Warrington: cranes
Goliath Crane. Goliath Crane. CPV: 42414100. ...

UK-Braintree: park and playground equipment
Park and Playground Equipment. Park and playground equipment. The provision, installation and maintenance of Playground equipment and outdoor gyms. The Framework Agreement has been divided into three lots. CPV: 43325000. ...

UK-London: laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Automation of clinical bacteriology specimen processing. HPA's Birmingham laboratory requires the provision, installation and commissioning of an automated solution for the processing of clinical bacteriology samples; primarily the initial front-end sample processing phase. CPV: 38000000. ...

IRL-Dublin: microscopes
Supply of a Transmission Electron Microscope. The University of Dublin, Trinity College, seek tenders for the supply of a Transmission Electron Microscope. CPV: 38510000. ...

UK-Belfast: miscellaneous furniture and equipment
Supply and Delivery of Portable Staging. Supply and delivery of portable staging for schools and other education establishments. CPV: 39150000. ...

UK-Birmingham: disposable non-chemical medical consumables and haematological consumables
Customised Medical Procedure Packs. Contract on behalf of RJAH Theatres for Customised Medical Procedure Packs. CPV: 33141000. ...

UK-Gateshead: printing and related services
Web offset printing. The Contractor will be responsible for the web offset printing of participating Authorities residents magazines and potentially other additional publications. This contract is a framework contract for the provision of web offset printing. The following contracting authorities participating have already committed on a non-contractually binding basis to this procurement: Gateshead Council, Newcastle City Council, North Tyneside Council, Stockton Borough Council. The Contract will be made available to all NEPO members and associate members. A list of member organisations is available at The Council intends to make this (pan government/collaborative) framework contract available for use by all UK contracting authorities including but not limited to Government departments and their agencies, non-departmental public bodies, NHS authorities and trusts, local authorities, police authorities, emergency services, educational establishments, registered charities who have a need to purchase the above services. See the following web sites for details: Access to the framework will be subject to the approval of NEPO. This may incur a fee. CPV: 79800000. ...

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