Friday, 16 March 2012

16/03/2012 tenders 20

B-Brussels: DIGIT/PO/2011/038 — mainframe data servers MDS III
DIGIT/PO/2011/038 — mainframe data servers MDS III. The purpose of the call for tenders is to establish a contract for the acquisition of: — servers compliant to the SUSv3 norm (single UNIX specification, version 3), — the associated equipment (software, options and extensions), — the associated services (maintenance, professional services, removals). CPV: 32400000, 50312310, 50333000, 72700000, 80420000, 45314000. ...

L-Luxembourg: purchasing power parities (PPPs) for capital goods
Purchasing power parities (PPPs) for capital goods. The objective of this invitation to tender is to carry out 2 surveys on gross fixed capital formation. The services forming the subject of this invitation to tender consist of 2 lots. Lot 1: coordination of the 2013 PPP price survey on equipment goods. Lot 2: coordination of the 2013 and 2014 PPP price surveys on construction. CPV: 79330000. ...

L-Luxembourg: actuarial calculations of social benefits of personnel of EU institutions
Actuarial calculations of social benefits of personnel of EU institutions. Actuarial calculations of social benefits of personnel of EU institutions. CPV: 79330000. ...

IRL-Dublin: assistance in organisational development issues
Assistance in organisational development issues. Through this framework contract Eurofound will be provided with assistance in reviewing and analysing its operations and business processes in all areas of Eurofound's organisational structure, on both macro and micro levels. The aim of the contract is to ensure that the internal organisational structure serves Eurofound's current needs and reflects the best practices in the field. CPV: 79410000, 79420000. ...

B-Brussels: GSA/OP/02/12 — removal services for the GSA
GSA/OP/02/12 — removal services for the GSA. Removal services for the GSA. CPV: 63100000, 60100000. ...

B-Brussels: implementation of a user-driven, multidimensional and international ranking for higher education institutions
Implementation of a user-driven, multidimensional and international ranking for higher education institutions. The overall objective of the contract is to create a multidimensional, user-driven and international ranking of higher education institutions. The implementation of the ranking tool must enable benchmarking of all kinds of higher education institutions, making it possible to compare the performance of similar institutions within and outside the EU. Its first version should be available to end-users around the end of 2013. CPV: 80300000, 73100000. ...

SE-Stockholm: training programme on evidence-based methods for public health/infectious disease prevention and control for ECDC staff and Member States
Training programme on evidence-based methods for public health/infectious disease prevention and control for ECDC staff and Member States. The tenderer develops training material and organises and runs training courses that enable the trainees from ECDC and EU Member States to apply evidence-based methods in the field of infectious disease prevention and control. CPV: 85100000. ...

B-Brussels: DIGIT/R2/PO/2011/087 — external network services — ENS II
DIGIT/R2/PO/2011/087 — external network services — ENS II. Provisioning of external network services to the European Commission and other institutions, agencies and bodies of the European Union. CPV: 64200000, 32571000. ...

UK-Worcester: repair and maintenance services of building installations
Repair and Maintenance Services of Building Installations. Framework agreement with several operators. CPV: 50700000. ...

UK-Worcester: repair and maintenance services of building installations
Repair and Maintenance Services of Building Installations. Framework agreement with several operators. CPV: 50700000. ...

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