UA-Lviv: EBRD - Works for Road and Tram Lines Reconstruction in Lviv City (including rehabilitation of underlying utilities)
1.0/162985 TI: UA-Lviv: EBRD - Works for Road and Tram Lines Reconstruction in Lviv City (including rehabilitation of underlying utilities) PD: 20120306 ND: 74244-2012 OJ: 45/2012 DS: 20120228 DT: 20120412 12 00 HD: BR102 TD: 3 - Contract...
RW-Kigali: miscellaneous services
Promoting climate responsive brick production in the Great Lakes (Rwanda, Burundi, DRC): overall goal: to minimize the impact of brick-making on environment and climate in the Great Lakes region, whilst improving livelihoods and working conditions. 1. Preparation of the Programme Document. This preparation phase has a duration of 2 months and it includes planning/preparation of project phase 1 (duration: July/August 2012) a) on a regional level (Rwanda and Burundi), the following issues shall be addressed and clarified: — Examine the whole value chain (from cutting wood for fuel to selling the final product on the market), with special focus on the following aspects: management (development of management skills, pricing of products, marketing strategies); social (gender, child work, health and safety issues, improved labor skills, change in work conditions); environmental (emission reduction, energy efficiency) and economical (financing of investment), — Examine the feasibility and relevance of a regional knowledge hub in terms of sustainability (experiences of SDC made in South Africa shall be taken into account), — Recommend whether to take a single technology approach or promote different types of improved technologies, eventually operated with alternative fuels, — Explore the possibility of supporting Rwanda's pilots in alternative bricks such as Compressed Earth Blocks (quick wins) and clarify the scope of this line of intervention, — Study the perspectives of the brick sector and give recommendations on: a) Policy level (creating and enabling environment for brick making; b) Skills development of brick makers; c) Introduction and dissemination of more efficient technologies and d) The capacities and readiness in the Great lakes region for investment in the brick sector. — Explore the modality of a South-South cooperation with another developing country (India, South Africa for example), — Further examine the possibility to develop one improved kiln model for the region to serve as a regional demonstration b) On that basis and in light of the already existing feasibility study on Rwanda and Burundi (see annex 3), conduct planning workshops in Rwanda and Burundi and develop the Project Document (ProDoc) for a regional programme covering Rwanda and Burundi. The ProDoc shall include a logical framework and a project implementation plan and further refine the budget for project activities in phase 1, in close cooperation with the project partners and stakeholders. The mandated organization shall develop and finalize the above mentioned deliverables within a timeframe of not more than two months. The ProDoc shall be developed in close cooperation with the local authorities, local partners and their associations, as well as other key stakeholders and shall provide the following information, — Summary, — Context description and analysis, problems and potentials, — Goal framework: overall goal, outcomes, outputs, activities, intervention logic (What does the project want to achieve? How will the direct products and services from the project produce effects and changes for the target group?), — Strategy of intervention: beneficiaries, geographical coverage, project facilitation and implementation arrangements and modalities, methodical approaches, mainstreaming of gender and good governance, synergies with other SDC projects in the Great Lakes (How will the project reach its objectives?), — Project organization: organizational setup of the project, roles of different project team members, steering arrangements, mechanisms of decision-making and accountability, — Assessment of key stakeholders, description of their roles and responsibilities in relation to the project, — Budget and funding, i.e. results oriented budgeting, — Project steering: methods and instruments used for project steering, monitoring and evaluation and reporting, — Risk management: assessment of risks and description of planned mitigation strategies, — Annexes: log frame, organizational chart, ToR for key staff, project implementation plan, detailed budget 2. Management and implementation of the project phase 1 (October 2012 — September 2015) a. Facilitate the work of public institutions and other partner organizations in the brick sector such as cooperatives, associations and the private sector by providing technical assistance, expert advice and support in capacity building, planning and implementation; b. Implement in close cooperation with local stakeholders certain project activities such as: provide local and national authorities with relevant expertise through the establishment of a regional competence and knowledge hub: training of trainers, develop and adapt demand-driven training programs and manuals together with existing vocational training centers (VTC), offer continuous training; c. Mainstream gender and good governance in all areas of intervention of the project and ensure adequate monitoring and reporting (with disaggregated data) on these transversal themes; d. Coordinate the work of the different project partners and stakeholders; e. Maintain a committed policy and technical dialogue with the relevant authorities; f. Encourage and actively promote/facilitate the communication and cooperation among the stakeholders in the brick field; g. Transfer know-how to and build the capacity of local project partners and support the development of preconditions for assuring institutionalization and sustainability of the project results; h. Develop partnership/network with another developing country (for example India, South Africa, etc) having relevant expertise in the brick sector to develop a South-South cooperation model aiming at generating technologies/innovations appropriate to local conditions; i. Actively promote synergies and harmonize activities with other SDC projects in the Great Lakes region as well as with other donors; j. Appropriately communicate the project's activities and achievements to sector stakeholders and the media, and ensure visibility of the Swiss donor; k. Collect baseline data and establish and implement an internal project monitoring and results-based reporting system, with particular emphasis on the outcome level; l. Assure the quality of all products and services developed and/or implemented under the project; m. Assure operational, administrative and financial project management and report semi-annually to SDC on progress; n. Conduct a feasibility study in South Kivu (DRC) and suggest a possible intervention strategy in view of an extension of the programme to DRC in the second phasein. CPV: 98300000. ...
BY-Grodno: medical equipments, pharmaceuticals and personal care products
Supply, Delivery of Medical Equipment for Immunology Diagnostics for the Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital. Supply, installation and commissioning of complete and ready to work of medical equipments at the Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital, Grodno region, Belarus. The equipment is intended for immunology diagnostics (cell-mediated immunity) in patients Grodno region. The project beneficiaries are the inhabitants of the region: women (200) and men (300). The material for the study – blood. Conducting immunological studies in patients with tuberculosis in order to improve the efficiency of immune therapy and reduce the risk of healthy people in the border areas, given the increasing migration of people between countries. CPV: 33000000, 38000000. ...
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