Thursday, 1 March 2012

01/03/2012 tenders 30

B-Brussels: support to the implementation of the European Earth monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011–2013)
Support to the implementation of the European Earth monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011–2013). This procurement aims to conclude a framework contract for activities in support of the implementation of the European Earth monitoring programme (GMES) and its initial operations (2011 to 2013). The framework contract is divided into 3 lots as follows: Lot 1: support to the GMES user consultation: The objective of this lot is to select 1 potential contractor which will provide support to the Commission in all relevant tasks aiming to ensure an extensive consultation at EU level of the GMES public user communities: — overall organisation and management of events (workshop/conferences, technical working group meetings, etc.), — logistic support to the event (e.g. meeting/conference room, relevant IT support, etc.), — development of supporting material (presentations, brochures, leaflet, working documents, etc.), — drafting supporting documents (papers, conclusions, recommendations, etc.). Lot 2: support to the take-up of GMES services by users: The objective of this lot is to cover specific measures to stimulate and facilitate the use of GMES data and information services by the users and the interfaces between the GMES services and the user-specific environments and information flows: — awareness raising and communication modules to disseminate the information on GMES services, — user training activities, — support to the integration of GMES services in user-specific environments and organisations, — mainstreaming of GMES services in existing monitoring and reporting systems in order to stimulate the use of GMES services and demonstrate their added value based on pre-identified test cases, — user feedback analysis. Lot 3: studies in support of GMES-related policy measures: The objective of this lot is to facilitate the procurement of studies in the framework of the European Commission's preparation, implementation and evaluation of policies relating to GMES, with special focus on GMES data and information policy, on certification of GMES services and security issues: — evaluating and identifying different options for a coherent GMES data access and information service policy, — providing an assessment of the costs and benefits (qualitative and quantitative) of GMES data policy, — presenting and evaluating global market trends in the Earth observation data policy, — providing evaluations and recommendations regarding existing GMES data access and information service policy, — providing evaluations and recommendations on licensing conditions for users of GMES data and services, — definition of appropriate procedures for the certification of the GMES services. CPV: 73200000, 80500000, 79300000, 79100000, 90714100, 48200000, 48500000. ...

L-Luxembourg: AO 10417 'Computing services — maintenance and software development of the CIBA system'
AO 10417 'Computing services — maintenance and software development of the CIBA system'. The purpose is to maintain and improve the existing CIBA system. Other related services that could be requested are: technical analysis, training, testing. CPV: 72000000, 72500000. ...

SE-Stockholm: systematic literature review on cost-effectiveness of interventions to prevent and control health care associated infections (HCAI)
Systematic literature review on cost-effectiveness of interventions to prevent and control health care associated infections (HCAI). The overall scope and objective of this call for tender is to produce a comprehensive overview of cost-effectiveness analysis on interventions to prevent and control health care associated infections in hospitals or units within hospitals and propose a framework to perform a cost-effectiveness analysis based on the most common assumptions found in the systematic literature survey. CPV: 85100000. ...

L-Luxembourg: various services
Investigation of feasibility of EU sampling schemes. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement: no CPV: 79330000. Acquire further data necessary to manage the EGR and update it. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement: yes CPV: 72319000. Drafting of the manual on the overall methodological framework integrating business statistics. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement: no CPV: 79330000. Estimation of backcasted NACE Rev.2 data. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement: no CPV: 79330000. Harmonising methods to improve quality in intra-EU trade statistics. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement: no CPV: 79300000. Feasibility study on the use of mobile positioning data for tourism statistics. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement: no CPV: 79330000. ...

F-Paris: catering service/restaurants
Catering service/restaurants CPV: 55000000, 15000000. ...

B-Brussels: roadmap and implementation plan for the key industrial capabilities on future land systems (11.I&M.OP.132)
Roadmap and implementation plan for the key industrial capabilities on future land systems (11.I&M.OP.132). Determining which key industrial capabilities must be preserved or developed in Europe is identified as a key task in EDA's strategy for the European defence technological and industrial base (EDTIB). The aim is to determine the measures necessary to maintain or develop a capability-driven, competitive and competent EDTIB, able to meet the operational requirements of the European armed forces in the future, safeguarding appropriate European non-dependence. With the initial work well under way in other areas such as the future air systems and ammunition, EDA now will focus its work on the land sector. The aim of the study is to prepare a future land systems (FLS) — existing, upgraded or even innovative future systems — roadmap, identifying the key industrial capabilities (technologies, processes and skills) in the land sector of the European defence technological and industrial base (EDTIB). This is to be supported by an implementation plan with prioritised actions for maintaining and developing those areas of the European DTIB of strategic importance with a time horizon sliced to near term, midterm and long term. CPV: 73000000, 73200000. ...

D-Munich: IT and business related consultancy
1.0/004584 TI: D-Munich: IT and business related consultancy PD: 20120229 ND: 65564-2012 OJ: 41/2012 DS: 20120224 DD: 20120320 12 00 DT: 20120419 12 00 HD: OB302 TD: 3 - Contract notice NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP:...

B-Brussels: an 'ex post' evaluation of transport infrastructure charging policy; update of the external cost handbook and impact assessment of future legislative proposals
1.0/004607 TI: B-Brussels: an 'ex post' evaluation of transport infrastructure charging policy; update of the external cost handbook and impact assessment of future legislative proposals PD: 20120229 ND: 65565-2012 OJ: 41/2012 DS: 20120222 DD:...

B-Brussels: call for expression of interest for the setting up of a list of external experts for the assessment of programmes for the monitoring, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses
1.0/004630 TI: B-Brussels: call for expression of interest for the setting up of a list of external experts for the assessment of programmes for the monitoring, control and eradication of animal diseases and zoonoses PD: 20120229 ND: 65566-2012 OJ:...

UK-Ormskirk: repair and maintenance services
Housing maintenance contract 2012-2017. Repair and maintenance services. Repair and maintenance services of building installations. Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services. Construction work. Housing maintenance contract work includes day to day repairs, emergency, out of hours call out as well as work to void properties. The Contract excludes heating. CPV: 50000000, 50700000, 50800000, 45000000. ...

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