Tuesday, 21 February 2012

21/02/2012 tenders 150

UK-London: recruitment services
2580 Master Vendor Agency The Big Lottery Fund requires a Master Vendor Agency to manage our requirement for the appointment of all external temporary staff or much less frequently (but occasionally) for temporary to permanent appointments throughout the UK. The services required will include: — the provision of Agency staff across all the Big Lottery Fund's offices for all roles at grades 1-4 higher, — the provision of suitable candidates to fill permanent or fixed-term vacancies at grades 1-4 higher for the wide range of roles at BIG, including some specialist roles, E.g. Press, Legal, IT, SAP, marshalling and managing the resource of second-tier suppliers where necessary, — the provision of an on-line ordering system to request agency workers and supply CV's to a number of recruiting managers, — a paperless e-billing system, — regular Management Information, — provide advice and guidance on matters relating to legislation around agency workers including AWR, — assessment services – including upon request, psychometric testing, sifting of application forms and taking part in interviews at any of BIG's locations. The contract will be for three years, with an option to extend for a further year. If you wish to participate in this process please follow the instructions in III.2 of this notice and view further details at https://biglotteryfund.bravosolution.co.uk. The closing date for PQQ responses is the 16.3.2012 at 12noon. CPV: 79600000, 79620000. ...

UK-Wakefield: repair, maintenance and associated services of vehicles and related equipment
YAS-72 - External vehicle mechanical servicing & repairs. Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust is seeking to commission providers for the supply of external vehicle mechanical servicing & repairs to Trusts fleet of vehicles across the Yorkshire region. This Contract will be awarded for an initital 2 year period with the option to extend for a further 2 years on a 1 plus 1 basis. CPV: 50100000. ...

UK-Bristol: catering services for other enterprises or other institutions
Regional Catering Contracts for NHSBT. NHSBT has a requirement for the provision of a catering service for the following regions: North - covering Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester. Newcastle & Sheffield. The requirement on each site in this region will be for plated meals, sandwiches, Cafe bar, vending and limited buffets. There may also be an ad hoc requirement for occasional buffets for smaller sites falling under these main centres. Midlands - covering Birmingham. The requirement will be for Sandwiches, cafe bar, vending & limited buffets. There may also be an ad hoc requirement for occasional buffets for smaller sites falling under these main centres. South West - covering Bristol. The requirement will be for plated meals, sandwiches, Cafe bar, vending and limited buffets. There may also be an ad hoc requirement for occasional buffets for smaller sites falling under these main centres. London and South East - covering Brentwood, Cambridge, Colindale & Tooting. The requirement will be for Sandwiches, cafe bar, vending & limited buffets. There may also be an ad hoc requirement for occasional buffets for smaller sites falling under these main centres. Expressions of interest will be welcomed for one or more of these 4 regions. CPV: 55523000, 55511000. ...

UK-Belfast: newspapers
DCAL – Ulster Scots Agency – printing and delivery of a newspaper. The Agency wishes to appoint a competent Service Provider to provide an editor, graphic design, artwork (pre-press make up) and print management. The Ulster-Scot Newspaper includes information on Agency activity, promotes opportunities for accessing cultural activities delivered by the voluntary, public and private sectors, and provides Ulster-Scot content on language and history. News and commentary is provided through a series of articles. It is the Agency's key tool for communicating with the Ulster-Scots community and the general public. The Agency wishes to maintain the current level of service provision i.e. producing six issues per year, however going forward focus needs to be given to ensuring that the newspaper is easily accessible throughout all nine Counties of Ulster – Antrim, Armagh, Cavan, Donegal, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, Monaghan and Tyrone. The successful service provider will be required to deliver a flexible, high quality service while achieving best value for money for the public purse. No guarantee can be given of the volume, type or value of work to be commissioned through any contract arising from this competition. CPV: 22210000. ...

UK-Cwmbran: training services
Provision of speed awaeness/driver improvement. Gwent Police Authority invites expressions of interest for the provision of driver education offender rehabilitation scheme(s) to Gwent Police Authority, South Wales Police Authority, Dyfed Powys Police Authority and North Wales Police Authority. Community benefits do not apply to this contract. CPV: 80500000, 80521000, 80520000. ...

UK-Glasgow: insurance services
PURCH/0765. Provision of insurance services excluding broker services. Non-life insurance services excluding broker services. Contract(s) to commence 1.8.2012 at 0:01 hrs. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland web site at http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=220610. CPV: 66510000, 66515000, 66516000, 66512000, 66513000, 66519000, 66514000. ...

UK-Cambridge: health services
Independent review of the capacity and capability for service improvement in the Midlands and East. The essence of this contract is for the provision of consultancy services to undertake a review of the capacity and capability for service improvement within providers and commissioners of NHS services across Midlands and East. CPV: 85100000. ...

UK-Aberdeen: business and management consultancy and related services
Provision of business gateway services 2012. Support and assistance to local businesses in the Local Authority areas of Aberdeenshire Council and Aberdeen City Council. This service will include business advice to individuals considering starting their own business, new business start ups and support to help existing businesses with growth potential. The estimated contract duration is for an initial period of 3 years commencing October 2012 with Aberdeenshire Council reserving the right to extend for a further two 12 month periods thereafter. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland web site at http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=219681. CPV: 79400000, 79410000. ...

UK-Luton: outpatient care services
Homecare services. Outpatient care services. Luton Borough Council wishes to secure the most efficient and cost effective Homecare services to meet our customers needs. A number of providers still to be determined will be appointed to ensure maximum efficiency and flexibility. CPV: 85112200. ...

UK-Coventry: engineering design services for mechanical and electrical installations for buildings
Professional consultancy services for mechanical & electrical Design. Framework agreement for the provision of mechanical & electrical design services. CPV: 71321000. ...

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