UK-Greenock: collection agency services
The collection of council tax, non domestic rates, sundry debts and housing benefit overpayments. Inverclyde Council are seeking to secure the services of an external Supplier to carry out effective debt recovery and diligence services in the pursuit of council tax (including water and sewerage charges), non domestic rates, housing benefit overpayments, sundry debt invoices. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland web site at CPV: 79940000, 75242110. ...
UK-Matlock: other community, social and personal services
SSD 11 05 tender for Derbyshire older peoples floating support housing related support service. Derbyshire County Council (adult care) is inviting tenders from suitably experienced organisations for the provision of a housing related support service. The contract is for the delivery of floating support housing related support service (warden service) for older people living in the community in Derbyshire (excluding Derby City) across all tenure and home types including home owners and travellers. The service will operate in each district and borough boundary of: Amber Valley. Bolsover. Chesterfield. Derbyshire Dales. Erewash. High Peak. North East Derbyshire. South Derbyshire. The contract is split into 8 lots. Tenders may be submitted for one lot. The contract will commence on 1.4.2013 for a period of two (2) years with an option to extend for up to a further three (3) x one (1) year periods subject to satisfactory performance, appropriate approvals, outcomes, funding availability, price, and the need for the service. TUPE may apply to this contract. CPV: 98000000, 98133100. ...
UK-London: energy and related services
Management of the Energy Technology List. Energy and related services. Energy-efficiency consultancy services. Technical testing services. Research services. The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is procuring a supplier or suppliers to manage the Energy Technology List (ETL) for the Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme for energy-saving technologies. The ECA scheme provides an incentive to industry to invest in certain specified technologies where energy efficiency needs to be encouraged, by enabling them to write off 100 % of the cost of investment in the year of purchase, thereby providing a cash flow advantage. This aids the decarbonisation of the economy. The ETL contains details of the technologies and products that are eligible for an allowance and sets out the criteria that products/technologies have to meet to be on the list. We want to encourage potential supplier(s) to carefully think about innovative business solutions to the functions. In addition to the compliant tender, potential suppliers can submit up to one variant tender. The supplier will be expected to carry out the following main activities for the management of the ETL: — annual Update of the technology classes and the criteria list to DECC, HMRC, HMT and Defra, through a programme, for example, of research and testing, — monthly updates to the products list by independently assessing and verifying product applications, and issuing a certification mark for newly added products, — developing and maintaining content for the website, updating the ETL database and answering telephone and online queries, — monitoring and evaluation, covering service delivery and impact of the scheme. The IT infrastructure for the ETL website and database will be managed by a separate IT contractor. The supplier will need to work collaboratively with the IT provider on all IT elements of the scheme to ensure that they are fit for purpose. Although the service that the Contracting Authority requires falls within Part B of Schedule 3 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 it has decided to place this advertisement in the OJEU on a voluntary basis. CPV: 71314000, 71314300, 71632000, 73110000. ...
UK-Belfast: building-fabric consultancy services
Tender for the provision of an asbestos surveying services framework 2012. The Contracting Authority intends to establish a framework agreement which will set out the headline terms under which a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 7 economic operators will be appointed according to their tender scores (as more particularly described in the tender documentation). Framework members will have the opportunity to tender for all of the work required in each of the geographic areas specified in the tender documentation in accordance with the terms set out therein. The service required under the framework agreement consists of the provision of the following to the Contracting Authority's property and dwellings: (a) Asbestos surveys; (b) Input of survey data to Housing Executive asbestos information management system (AIMS). The service under the framework agreement will occur in or around occupied dwellings and in some cases in and around dwellings occupied by persons with disabilities and special needs. CPV: 71315100, 90650000, 71510000. ...
UK-Glasgow: engineering insurance services
Tender for Engineering, Engineering Inspection and Deterioration of Stock Insurance. Engineering Inspection, Engineering Insurance and Deterioration of Stock insurance for Glasgow City Council and its Arms Length External Organisations. CPV: 66519200. ...
UK-Sheffield: repair and maintenance services of building installations
Maintenance services for water systems, including Legionella testing. Maintenance services for water systems. CPV: 50700000, 45232430, 71336000, 71315400, 71000000, 45232150, 71630000. ...
UK-Castle Donington: health services
Elective Care Services East Leicestershire and Rutland. EMPACT on behalf of West Leicestershire Clinical Commissioning Group are seeking Expressions of Interest and Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs from suitably qualified and experienced healthcare provider/s with the necessary capacity and capability to provide Urgent Care Centre Services at Loughborough Community Hospital. The Urgent Care Centre will provide a range of services in a safe and efficient manner in line with national standards and local commissioner requirements that can meet the needs of the local population. The Urgent Care Centre Service will provide two distinctive stages: A) Triage- the immediate sorting of patients according to the seriousness of their condition. B) Assessment and treatment-includes an assessment to identify the urgent care need, ordering of appropriate investigations and diagnostics, treatment and discharge. The Urgent Care Centre Services will deliver a number of objectives which include but not be limited to: — to ensure all patients regardless of ethnicity, age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, religion/belief or sexual orientation can receive urgent care including appropriate translation services, — to provide urgent care services relevant to local demand in primary care, emergency and medical care, — to prevent and reduce the number of patients inappropriately attending an ED with emphasis on providing best value for money, — to prevent unnecessary emergency admissions with emphasis on providing best value for money, — to ensure that patients are treated within 4 hours of presentation, — provide a unique continuum of care from 'night to day and day to night' as part of the wider community services ensuring continuity and least disruption to families as a result of acute illness, — provide a service that is integrated operationally and strategically within the wider health economy, — to increase patient and carer understanding of self-limiting illness and steps to take to minimise impact of illness, — to provide an integrated service with existing services and care pathways to take advantage of being able to provide seamless patient care, — to ensure that patients have a seamless transition into and out of the service and that it promotes appropriate sharing of information to maximise the outcomes and treatment of patients, — to ensure that patients are educated in where to assess the most appropriate treatment and where appropriate referred back to primary care service in line with agreed criteria, — to support unregistered patients to register with a GP. The successful Provider will be expected to deliver the Services from the Loughborough Community Hospital. It is anticipated that the Services will be provided from 1.4.2013. This Procurement will be facilitated and managed by EMPACT (East Midlands Procurement and Commissioning Transformation) on behalf West Leicestershire CCG. Any contract that is subsequently awarded will be between Leicestershire County and Rutland PCT and the successful provider(s). It is envisaged that Leicestershire County and Rutland PCT may require this contract to be assigned or transferred to any successor of the PCT, which may include a Clinical Commissioning Group or any other commissioning board or body taking on the PCT's functions, pursuant to a direction of the Secretary of State for Health or otherwise. The contract will be binding on successors and assigns of the PCT. CPV: 85100000, 85140000. ...
UK-Theale: auditing services
External audit for Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. External audit services for Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. CPV: 79212000. ...
UK-London: miscellaneous software package and computer systems
E-Procurement System Miscellaneous software package and computer systems. Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Founation Trust as the Contracting Authority is putting in place a Framework Agreement available for use by all those NHS Authorities and Trusts identified at VI.3 (and any future successors to these organisations). The E-Procurement System Framework Agreement is to support Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust provide a system solution to current and future members of the Procurement Department's Shared Service that have a requirement for an E-Procurement Solution to interface with their Trust's Finance System. The Agreement is also intended to provide a system solution to non-members of the Shared Service who have a requirement to adopt the same model. The solution is for a web-based e-procurement system for use by NHS Trusts that can be interfaced onto the organisations existing Finance System. The system solution will need to be an intuitive, user friendly front end as it will be utilised by a wide range of staff in both clinical and administration roles. There will be a requirement for the system to not only interface with a Trust's Finance System but also other inventory management systems, provide requsition files, supplier sites, document exchange facilities and detailed reporting. The solution must have an integrated catalogue functionality but users will be placing catalogue and non catalogue requisitions. Invoice approval and receipting must also be integral to the system, with the ability to accept files from a variety of origins, including electronic and manual scanning. Existing approval hierarchies will need to be incorporated and local configuration will be required to meet local needs and preferences. NHS Trusts will be able to contract directly with the appointed supplier by way of call off contract under the framework agreement for which terms and conditions will be agreed as part of this procurement. The framework agreement covers a potential period of 4 years and has a large number of individual potential users. The usage is difficult to estimate accurately because it is a new service model. The maximum possible value featured in the OJEU Contract Notice for this Agreement is therefore based on a maximum possible level of estimated usage. CPV: 48900000. ...
UK-Leeds: services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations
Construction design management consultancy (CDMC). The Authority is seeking expressions of interest from suitably interested and qualified Providers who can provide construction design management consultancy (CDMC) to social dwellings, sheltered schemes and supported and special needs housing in properties owned or managed by the individual members (including future members) the Procurement For All Ltd Consortium in line with CDM Regulations 2007 (as amended) and The provision of general advice on Health and Safety matters affecting Social Housing. PFA is a consortium of 14 social landlords with operations throughout the UK (see Appendix A), set up to utlilise the collaborative purchasing power of consortium members, to raise the standard of service delivery whilst improving value for money from achieving more competitive pricing. PFA specialises in the collaborative procurement of decent homes, capital investment and cyclical maintenance contracts via OJEU compliant framework agreements. CPV: 98110000, 45211000, 45211200. ...
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