Friday, 1 June 2012

01/06/2012 tenders 110

UK-Aberdeen: construction work
RINH - University of Aberdeen. The Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health (RINH) undertakes research to address some of the most compelling contemporary problems in nutrition. The research contributes not only to new scientific knowledge, but also to new understanding to underpin Government policies and to inform innovation for industry leading to increased economic growth. The University of Aberdeen requires a new building for RINH to be located at Foresterhill adjacent to the Institute of Medical Sciences, the Suttie Centre and on the same campus as the NHS hospital. The basic core facilities contained within the RINH relocation are: — Analytical chemistry laboratory facilities, — Containment level 2 biomedical laboratories and supporting accommodation, — Human nutrition unit providing day visit and long term accommodation for volunteers, — Administration support, — Atrium which will act as a working space and meeting area as well as an occasional large venue for group activities. A key objective of the new RINH building is to demonstrate the University's key objective of Sustainability and has been designed to achieve Breeam "Excellent" rating. An objective of the Construction phase will be to maintain the Breeam "Excellent" rating and also achieve a designated WRAP score. A pre-qualification questionnaire is availableas an additional document from the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) portal at the address. Returns should be submitted to the contact point at Annex A. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain a PQQ and any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland web-site at Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland web site at CPV: 45000000, 45214400, 45214600, 45214610, 45214630. ...

UK-Cambridge: building construction work
Primary data centre University of Cambridge. This project is for the provision of a principal contractor for the design and construction of a new data centre. The successful contractor will be appointed on a two stage negotiated design and build contract. This is likely to be the NEC ECC form of contract. The architect (TTSP), structural and services engineer (Arup) will be novated to the principal contractor at the end of RIBA Stage D. CPV: 45210000, 45214000, 45214400, 45213200. ...

UK-Cambridge: construction work for university buildings
Alterations and refurbishment of the Arup Building on the New Museum site. This project is for the alteration and refurbishment of the Arup Building and will procured using a two stage tender based substantially on the NEC ECC standard form of contract (third edition June 2005 with amendments). The contractor will be appointed at stage 1 on the basis of a tender for preliminaries, overheads, profit and pre-construction services only. A scheme design stage follows (involving the contractor selected at stage 1) to develop the design and to tender the sub-contract packages in order to finalise the stage 2 tender sum. The consultant appointments are novated to or made by the contractor during or at the completion of the scheme design stage. CPV: 45214400, 71221000, 71245000, 71220000. ...

UK-High Wycombe: repair and maintenance services of building installations
Red Kite community housing - major improvement works. Major improvement works including doors, windows, kitchens, bathrooms, central heating replacements, re-wires, adaptation works and all common trades. CPV: 50700000, 45421151, 45211310, 45330000, 45331100, 45311100, 45421100, 45421130, 45431000. ...

UK-Prescot: building construction work
Construction Contractors Framework. *** THIS TENDER CAN ONLY BE ACCESSED ONLINE AT WWW.CIRRUSTENDERS.CO.UK ***. Please do not contact first ark group to request tender documentation, log on to to access the tender directly. First Ark is the parent company of Knowsley Housing Trust (KHT) and KHT Services Ltd. KHT is a progressive not for profit, independent Housing Association, based in Knowsley, a vibrant and dynamic urban area of Merseyside, managing over 13,000 high quality homes at affordable rents. KHT Services Ltd provides housing repair and maintenance, gas servicing and consultancy services to other housing organisations across the North West. First Ark requires contractors and developers with extensive experience of the social housing sector, with a commitment to quality, customer service and cost, with a good knowledge of the Homes & Communities Agency Design and Quality Standards. The total First Ark programme of works for which the consultancy services will be required is approximately 200 homes over the next 4 years, comprising a number of schemes of varying sizes. No guarantees are given, nor are implied as to the value of work that will be placed with successful bidders as future projections are estimates only at this stage. First Ark accepts no liability for any inaccuracies in the programme estimates provided. First Ark Group is seeking bids from construction contractors and developers for either of the following lots: Lot 1 – Smaller schemes (15 units or less). Lot 2 – larger schemes (more than 15 units). BIDDERS CAN BID ON ONE LOT ONLY. While the choice of lot is entirely at the discretion of the bidder, it is recommended that bidders select the lot that best fits the size and capability of the bidding company. The tender is for a 4 year framework agreement with multiple contractors. The estimated total value of the framework is approximately 20 000 000 GBP over the 4 years. The anticipated split of expenditure between lots 1 & 2 is approximately 25 %/75 % i.e. approximately £5million total expenditure comprising of more, smaller individual schemes in Lot 1 and approximately 15 000 000 GBP comprising of fewer, larger schemes in Lot 2. CPV: 45210000. ...

UK-Liverpool: refurbishment work
Damp proof course and wood preservation, surveys and works 2012-16. The Symphony Housing Group a registered provider of low cost housing in North West, England are seeking expressions of interest from qualified and experienced providers who can provide a high quality service in damp proofing and wood preservation. Winning tenders will enter a formal contract with LHT for a duration of 4 years. CPV: 45453100, 45454100, 45410000, 45451000, 71315300, 71631300. ...

UK-Newcastle upon Tyne: repair and maintenance services of building installations
2013-2018 stock investment framework. The programme of works will focus upon planned improvements to part of the Bernicia Group's housing stock, which includes both maintaining the Decent Homes standard, and works to bring properties up to the Bernicia Standard. The programme of works is expected to run from 2013 – 2018 with an approximate value of 50 000 000 GBP. Bernicia's Property Maintenance Division (PMD) will deliver approximately half of the value of the planned improvements i.e. circa 25 000 000 GBP. Therefore the remaining proportion of these planned works will be split into 2 geographical lots and delivered by 2 newly appointed contractors. The successful applicants will enter into a framework arrangement with work packages intended to be awarded on an annual basis to each contractor on the basis of pre-agreed target costs at the beginning of each financial year subject to satisfactory performance. There will be no guarantee provided under the framework to award any work or any workload. CPV: 50700000, 45262640. ...

UK-Dorking: highway maintenance work
UK - (Dorking): area 3 asset support contract. The successful Contractor will be required to provide integrated network management, maintenance, improvement activities, incident management, event management and. Contingency planning on the all purpose trunk roads and motorways in Highways Agency (HA) Area 3 in accordance with HA's standards and objectives. Duties to include: Routine and cyclic road and bridges maintenance works, winter maintenance and delivery of road, structures/bridge and technology schemes in HA Area 3 which will have an upper value limit of between 4 000 000 and 8 000 000 GBP. Co-location with, facilities for and supervision/management of the Highways Agency Regional Technology Maintenance Contract (RTMC) for areas 3 and 4. Duties may also include the following: Provision of planning advice, design, coordination and supervision of maintenance (unlimited by value) and improvement schemes up to the value specified above. The management of works above this value if so instructed. CPV: 45233139, 45221100, 45316200, 71300000, 45310000, 71320000, 34923000, 45233130, 71322500, 45233140, 71322000, 45233141, 45223200, 45233210. ...

UK-London: wines
House of Lords Framework for Own Label Wine and Champagne. CPV: 15930000, 15931100. ...

UK-Liverpool: information technology services
CPV: 72222300. ...

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