Tuesday, 3 January 2012

03/01/2012 tenders 30

D-Munich: purchase and delivery of CANON printer cartridges
1.0/035197 TI: D-Munich: purchase and delivery of CANON printer cartridges PD: 20111208 ND: 381627-2011 OJ: 236/2011 DS: 20111202 DD: 20111223 DT: 20120113 12 00 HD: OB202 TD: 3 - Contract notice NC: 2 - Supply contract PR: 1 - Open...

JP-Tokyo: provision of services regarding the production, hosting and the promotion of the EU Delegation's Japanese language Web-based monthly digital magazine (PPCA/2011/6/Tokyo)
Provision of services regarding the production, hosting and the promotion of the EU Delegation's Japanese language Web-based monthly digital magazine (PPCA/2011/6/Tokyo). To award a single service provider a contract for provision of services regarding the production, hosting and the promotion of the EU Delegation's new Japanese language Web-based monthly digital magazine. CPV: 72420000, 22000000. ...

L-Luxembourg: service contract for the provision of maintenance services for the DG ENER (formerly Euratom) measurement and video surveillance equipment, including software, used for nuclear inspections
Service contract for the provision of maintenance services for the DG ENER (formerly Euratom) measurement and video surveillance equipment, including software, used for nuclear inspections. The European Commission seeks to negotiate a service contract for the maintenance of measurement and video surveillance equipment, including software, which it uses for nuclear inspections carried out under the Euratom Treaty. CPV: 50700000. ...

L-Luxembourg: framework service contract for maintenance of the multichannel analysers MCA-166
Framework service contract for maintenance of the multichannel analysers MCA-166. It is intended to conclude a framework contract with 1 supplier for the specific services required. The framework contract has to aim to support the technical actions required to maintain the multichannel analysers MCA-166 operational in the field on a continuous basis. The contract is to cover: — the supply of spare parts and accessories, — equipment failure diagnosis, repairs and upgrades, — firmware and other software upgrades. CPV: 50800000. ...

PL-Warsaw: supplementary clerical and interim services
Supplementary clerical and interim services. Provision to Frontex of necessary interim personnel in a timely manner and in line with the job profiles requested. CPV: 79500000. ...

L-Luxembourg: support to rolling reviews
Support to rolling reviews. Support to rolling reviews. CPV: 79330000. ...

SE-Lund: miscellaneous evaluation or testing instruments
Metrological and surveying equipment for alignment of MAX IV/MAX-lab. The MAX IV is the next generation synchrotron facility in Sweden. The MAX IV facility consists of a linear accelerator (Linac, ca. 310m long), two storage rings (528m and 96m circumference) and up to ca. 30 beam lines (experimental stations) of various length (20-150m). The Linac consists of about 60 features to be aligned and the storage rings consist of 140 and 12 magnet units respectively. The light will be produced mainly using insertion devices (also up to ca. 30). The beam lines consist of several components each. The complexity and high performance goals give high demands on tolerances and efficiency on the alignment and metrological instruments. CPV: 38900000. ...

UK-Armagh: bus bodies, ambulance bodies and vehicle bodies for goods vehicles
Bus Bodies, 18/22 Seater. Build of 18/22 Seater bus bodies constructed on Iveco Ford 65C 18 Chassis scuttles (this is the make and model of chassis on current chassis framework). 3.75 m wheelbase GVW 6 500 kgs. Delivery of same to various locations throughout Northern Ireland as and when required during the period of the framework. CPV: 34211000. ...

UK-Derby: electrical-system repair services
Tender for the service provision of Periodic Testing and Inspection of Electrical Installations. Tenders are invited for the service provision of periodic testing and inspection of electrical installations, including preparation and submission of reports and certification, in various buildings across the Derby City Council estate. The contract will be divided into two Lots based on required frequency of testing and inspection for each building, and organisations may bid for one or both Lots. Lot 1 - "Annual Inspection": Annually-required inspection and testing of installations in buildings including - but not limited to - community centres and parks. This lot will comprise works carried out in these buildings based on a prediction of building floor area of c. 60 000 m annually. Lot 2 – "Non-Annual Inspection": Inspection and testing of installations at three- to five-yearly intervals, in buildings including – but not limited to – museums, offices, schools and leisure centres. This lot will comprise works carried out in these buildings based on a prediction of building floor area of c. 40 000 m annually. CPV: 50116100, 71630000. ...

IRL-Dublin: janitorial services
Contract for the Supply of Janitorial Supplies to the Public Service. Contract for the provision of Janitorial Supplies. CPV: 98341130. ...

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