Friday, 23 September 2011

23/09/2011 tenders 60

UK-Liverpool: information systems
Information systems. Information systems. Information systems. Suppliers are invited to tender for the provision of an enterprise content management software solution, 24 x 7 x 365 support, professional services for it's deployment as well a maintenance contract to include support, upgrades and patch upgrades for the Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust ("AHCNFT"). The project also includes data migration and indexing for the 25 000 000 images currently held on the Trusts's filescan / retrieve system. This solution to be able to be: — Compatible with VMware (all versions), — have with full integration with the Trust's PAS system, Meditech. CPV: 48810000. ...

IRL-Dublin: security-type printed matter
New born screening cards. The Children's University Hospital would like to invite suitably qualified suppliers to tender for the design and supply of a Newborn Screening Card for the collection of blood sample from infants by heel prick on appropriate filter paper for the National Newborn Screening Programme. Provision must be made for the collection of blood for the metabolites currently analysed and for any future additions. Provision must also be made for full infant demographics and other details as required by the programme. Vendors must have previous experience of designing manufacturing and supply of bloodspot screening cards and be fully accredited to international manufacturing quality and supply standards and the screening card must comply with appropriate international legislation and regulation. CPV: 22450000. ...

UK-Stafford: road transport services
T791 Transport Provision - Stafforshire Area. Transport provision for home to school, home to college, special needs and local service transport in the Staffordshire Area. CPV: 60100000, 60112000, 60120000, 60130000, 60170000. ...

UK-Stafford: road transport services
T791 transport provision - Stafforshire Area. Transport provision for home to school, home to college, special needs and local service transport in the Staffordshire Area. CPV: 60100000, 60112000, 60120000, 60130000, 60170000. ...

UK-Nottingham: networks
Ultraband Broadband Procurement. Nottingham City Council are seeking bids from suitably qualified and experienced suppliers to provide next generation access (NGA) to three business centres in Nottingham. CPV: 32400000, 32424000. ...

UK-Brecon: project management consultancy services
Rural Alliances (Proposed Interreg IVB NWE) Project Management. As Lead Partner, Brecon Beacons National Park Authority (BBNPA) submitted a funding application to the Interreg IVB North West Europe (NWE) Programme for a partnership project called Rural Alliances in the 8th call for proposals. The Programme Steering Committee met on 28.6.2011 and gave the project conditional approval. The project has 2 months to fulfil these conditions and applicants will be informed of the decision by 12.9.2011. Tenders for project coordination, promotion and financial management are invited subject to the project being fully approved. The partnership consists of twelve organisations from six different North West European countries. The Rural Alliances project aims to address urgent challenges caused by rapid demographic change in rural areas by putting into practice a completely new alliance building concept, combining enterprise and community interests to strengthen NWE's rural competitive and cohesive position and countering the negative effects of demographic change. It also aims to produce a new common method to measure rural vibrancy and support alliances to forge new relationships with the public sector to safeguard and enhance rural resources/services. The partners will work together from the final approval date of the application to July 2015 to deliver 3 comprehensive work packages which will require complex project/financial management and communication delivery. CPV: 72224000, 79210000, 79421000, 79421100, 98910000. ...

UK-Newcastle upon Tyne: security services
Home Group Security Services. Manned security services covering the whole of England. Expressions of interest are invited for any number of five geographical regions which will be: — North East Engalnd inc. Yorkshire, — North West England inc. Cumbria, — Central England, — South East England, — South West England. Any organisation expressing an interest must have the capability to service any region in its entirety and must have SIA registration or equivalent. Home Group are a social housing provider, with a supported housing division (Stonham). The majority of requirements will be for manned security for supported housing projects / accommodation. CPV: 79710000. ...

UK-Inverness: marine survey services
A Marine Survey & Data Mining Framework to Support Nature Conservation Action in Scottish Waters. The Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 will help balance competing demands on our maritime environment, integrating the economic growth of industry with the need to protect Scotland's seas. Where new conservation measures are needed, these may be implemented at the wider seas level (e.g. through marine planning); targeted at specific species (e.g. improved protection for seals); or delivered within key locations (e.g. through the identification of Marine Protected Areas - MPAs). To help target nature conservation action under each of these three pillars, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) have generated a focused list of habitats and species of importance in Scottish waters - the Priority Marine Features (PMFs - see A subset of these features will drive the selection of Nature Conservation MPAs (MPA search features - see A series of recent research projects have pulled together available data on the distribution of these features in Scottish waters, but further work is required to access or refine other significant datasets to fill known gaps (data mining). Existing historical data will also be supplemented through new marine survey (biological and geophysical) delivered via scheduled research cruises wherever practicable, but also through targeted commissions. The programme of new survey work will be undertaken alongside routine condition monitoring of existing protected areas (primarily Special Areas of Conservation - SACs; and Sites of Special Scientific Interest - SSSIs). SNH and JNCC wish to develop a Procurement Framework to facilitate the delivery of the full range of marine survey and data mining initiatives under a series of discrete 'lots' or work packages. CPV: 71354500, 98361000, 73112000, 72316000, 71351210, 73210000, 90712300, 34930000, 72314000, 71353100, 71354400, 71351200, 73111000, 63726800. ...

UK-Coleraine: engineering insurance services
Provision of General Insurance Services. Provision of general insurance services. CPV: 66519200, 66514110, 66515411, 66512100, 66514150, 66516500, 66515200, 66516000. ...

UK-Grimsby: primary education services
Commissioning Learning Outcomes for Children and Young People through the delivery of School Improvement Services and the Strategic Management of Special Educational Needs/Inclusion. North East Lincolnshire Council is committed to improving the lives and life chances of its residents. The priorities to enable this to be achieved are the creation of a well educated workforce and more and better jobs, which in turn will mean securing inward investment and greater prosperity. The Council has sought a strategic partner to work with them; a partner that will bring experience, expertise and, critically, the ability to see and implement new ways of working. The Partner is engaged to: — provide a strategic lead to school improvement services, — support the council and its schools to improve learning outcomes, raise attainment, skills and employability levels to enhance the life chances of children and young people, — provide a more efficient way of delivering school improvement services, — introduce innovative and more effective ways of working that create strong and sustainable partnerships between and amongst schools, — build schools' ability to take responsibility individually and jointly for improvement, — deliver the local authority's role to champion high quality provision and standards, challenge unsatisfactory performance and, where necessary, intervene swiftly to bring about improvement, — provide strategic management of its special educational needs/inclusion functions. The needs are evolving and as such the Contract will need to be scalable and may require the Partner to source, facilitate or deliver a number of additional services which might cover a wide range of educational services, children's and family services, consultancy and training related activities. These activities will be engaged by the Council in North East Lincolnshire. This may extend to include needs of our neighbouring Authority North Lincolnshire Borough Council. CPV: 80100000, 80200000, 80110000, 80340000, 79313000, 75121000, 75112000, 80410000, 79996000, 79410000, 80000000, 75100000, 80210000, 80310000, 80500000, 80510000, 80511000. ...

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