E-Seville: technical support for the development or revision of Ecolabel and green public procurement (GPP) criteria
Technical support for the development or revision of Ecolabel and green public procurement (GPP) criteria. The contract is intended to provide the Commission with services that support the development of Ecolabel and green public procurement (GPP) criteria and prepare the ground for the potential future development of other SCP instruments for 6 selected product groups. CPV: 73210000. ...
B-Brussels: D5: 121/PP/2011/FC — multiple framework contract in cascade for the provision of consultancy services in the field of automotive safety
D5: 121/PP/2011/FC — multiple framework contract in cascade for the provision of consultancy services in the field of automotive safety. Multiple framework contract in cascade for the provision of consultancy services in the field of automotive safety. The overall objective of the framework contract is to facilitate the procurement of total or partial studies and other supporting services in the framework of the Commission's impact assessment (IA) and evaluation procedures in the field of automotive safety. The specific services to be rendered will mainly consist of producing a study, collecting data, drawing up synthesis reports, purchasing publications within one of the domains covered by the framework contract, providing input to research on the likely impacts and/or effectiveness of specific policy or regulatory proposals. CPV: 34000000, 79418000. ...
B-Brussels: harmonisation of ammunition qualification procedures (11.I&M.OP.152)
Harmonisation of ammunition qualification procedures (11.I&M.OP.152). Determining which key industrial capabilities must be preserved or developed in Europe is identified as a key task in the European Defence Agency (EDA) strategy for the European defence technological and industrial base (EDTIB). The aim is to determine the measures necessary to maintain or develop a capability-driven, competitive and competent EDTIB, able to meet the operational requirements of the European armed forces in the future, safeguarding appropriate European non-dependence. Ammunition is one of the areas identified for EDA's initial work and 'harmonisation of qualification procedures' is one of the subjects identified as priority in the framework of the EDTIB key industrial capabilities pilot test case on 'ammunition'. The aim of the proposed study is to collect information from the existing national and international standards focusing on the way the Agency's participating Member States (pMSs) and industry implement and apply those standards and, after an in-depth analysis, to propose harmonised ways of application aiming at harmonising the pMSs' practices. CPV: 73000000, 73400000. ...
IRL-Galway: road construction works
Bothar na dTreabh (N6) MMCI Scheme Phase 2 (LYNCH). The proposed Works are as follows; The roundabout will be replaced by a new traffic signalised jucntion. Works to include new sections of carriageway, footways and cycleways as well as associated signage, traffic signals and ancillary works. Specifically the Contract is proposed to include the following: (i) N6 new signalised junction including new traffic signals including link to existing Parkmore signalised jucntion (and facilities to allow future installation of UMTC), drainage, kerbing, lighting, surfacing, footpaths and cycletracks. (ii) Planing and replacement of the existing surface course in the vicinity of the Lynch roundabout. (iii) Introduction of new signage and road markings along the carrigeway as well as existing and proposed footpath and cycletracks. (iv) Minor landscaping works in the vicinity of the exiting underpass. CPV: 45233120, 45233125, 45233140, 45233294. ...
IRL-Galway: road lights
Bothar na dTreabh (N6) Multi-Modal Corridor Improvement Scheme Phase 1. Improvement works are proposed to approximately 2 300 m of the N6 eastbound and westbound carriageways and associated junctions. Works to be carried out on two sections of the N6 namely; between the existing Browne and Bodkin roundabouts and between the existing Kirwan and Font roundabouts. Works to include new sections of footways and cycleways as well as associated signage, traffic signals and ancillary works. Specifically the Contract is proposed to include the following: (i) Upgrade of the existing Newcastle Road/N6 signalised junction including new traffic signals, footpaths and cycletracks. (ii) Planing and replacement of the existing surface course in the vicinity of the Newcastle Road/N6 junction (iii) Introduction of new signage and road markings along the carrigeway as well as existing and proposed footpath and cycletracks (iv) Repairs to damaged sections of existing footpath and cycletrack CPV: 34993000, 45233120, 45233125, 45233140. ...
UK-Preston: refurbishment work
Building Repair, Refurbishment and Fitting Out Works to Office Premises. Places for People is seeking to create a Framework Agreement comprising suitably skilled contractors to carry out building repair, refurbishment and fitting out works to its UK office premises only. Work to residential properties will not be covered under the Framework Agreement. The nature and scope of the work to be carried out under the Framework Agreement will generally comprise individual call off contracts for fitting out new and existing floor space, including the design and installation of mechanical, electrical and IT installations, to provide office accommodation for Places for People staff and visitors, in urban locations throughout the UK, close to the communities in which Places for People deliver services. Under the Framework Agreement, the Contractor and its supply chain will be required to actively participate in the achievement of social and/or environmental policy objectives relating to recruitment and training and supply chain initiatives. Accordingly contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations. CPV: 45453100. ...
UK-Bradford: construction work
Horden, Easington Colliery and Blackhall improvements. Improvements and / or extensions to circa 550 nr. existing dwellings. CPV: 45000000. ...
UK-Walsall: landscaping work
Walsall Arboretum: landscaping. Principle contract for works; other works (Walsall Arboretum: new build and restoration contract) is advertised concurrent with this contract notice and the successful economic operator (contractor) will be on sitesimultaneously. Reconstruction of existing and formation of new footpaths and paved spaces, drainage improvements, significant new planting and hard and soft landscaping within an historic parkland, work torailings, new park furniture, lighting, fencing and tree works (this list is not exhaustive). This contract is funded through a variety of sources including Heritage Lottery and BIG Lottery funding. Under this procurement the successful economic operator (contractor) is required to participate actively in the economic and social regeneration of the community served by the contracting authority. Accordingly contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations. Contract conditions will be detailed in the contract documents. CPV: 45112700, 45112711, 45233253, 45233340, 45340000, 45232450, 45232451, 45316000, 03451000. ...
IRL-Galway: road construction works
Bothar na dTreabh (N6) MMCI Scheme Phase 2 (LYNCH). The proposed Works are as follows; The roundabout will be replaced by a new traffic signalised jucntion. Works to include new sections of carriageway, footways and cycleways as well as associated signage, traffic signals and ancillary works. Specifically the Contract is proposed to include the following: (i) N6 new signalised junction including new traffic signals including link to existing Parkmore signalised jucntion (and facilities to allow future installation of UMTC), drainage, kerbing, lighting, surfacing, footpaths and cycletracks. (ii) Planing and replacement of the existing surface course in the vicinity of the Lynch roundabout. (iii) Introduction of new signage and road markings along the carrigeway as well as existing and proposed footpath and cycletracks. (iv) Minor landscaping works in the vicinity of the exiting underpass. CPV: 45233120, 45233125, 45233140, 45233294. ...
UK-Didcot: industrial machinery
JW PR110109 - Steering Dipole Magnets and Sweep Magnet. 10 off Steering Dipole D206 Magnets + Optional 1 off Sweep Magnet to existing designs. The Steering Dipole D206 Magnets form part of the magnet ring for the ISIS Neutron Source at the Science and Technology Facilities Councils Rutherford Appleton Laboratories at Didcot, Oxfordshire. The design consists of a two half laminated L shaped steel yokes fitted with two molded coils wound from solid strip conductor. The approximate size of the magnet being 525mm wide x 432 mm high x 175 mm wide. The internal pole profile being 276 mm wide x 206 mm high. The basic design of the Steering Dipole D206 Magnets forms the basis for the Sweep Magnet. The L shaped laminations are the same. Additional rectangular laminations are required to produce a pole tip around which the coils sit. The coil design is similar, but not the same size. The magnets will operate in a pulsed mode at about 50Hz. The assemblies will operate in a high radiation area and shall be constructed for maximum reliability and easy maintenance. Delivery by 31.3.2012. CPV: 42000000. ...
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