Thursday, 25 August 2011

25/08/2011 tenders 190

UK-Chichester: refuse and waste related services
Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and Compost Like Output (CLO) Treatment Services. The contracts will be let for the treatment / use of RDF and/or CLO and may involve the design, build, finance and operation of a facility or the use of an existing facility to treat / use RDF / CLO. The successful service provider(s) will be responsible for the management of residues and by-products. The successful service provider(s) will also be responsible for the transfer of RDF / CLO (as appropriate) from the delivery points to the relevant treatment facility (subject to the County Council's discretion not to award the transport elements of the contract). The duration of the contracts will be determined by the County Council through competitive dialogue, but is expected to be for a period of between 5 and 27 years. The operational commencement date for the contract(s) is currently anticipated to be Summer 2013. Under the contract(s) the successful service provider(s) may also be responsible for and contribute to attaining or contributing to statutory and non-statutory targets (including but not limited to diversion from landfill). Funding required for any contract(s) awarded by the County Council is the responsibility of the successful service provider(s). Although the County Council reserves the right to provide or procure capital contributions and/or finance, it is not committed to doing so and bidders should ensure that any solution submitted is fully financed. CPV: 90500000, 09320000, 09310000, 66132000, 45222100, 45222110, 90513400, 90530000, 90513000, 90512000, 90510000. ...

UK-Ilford: industry specific software development services
Open source platforms and reporting modules for public services. Redbridge Primary Care Trust is seeking to establish a framework agreement, for the provision of an open source platform and reporting modules for public services, through a competitive dialogue process. The framework agreement will name, as its beneficiaries, the health service organisations listed below including any successor bodies: — Primary care trust: {}, — Strategic health authorities: {}, — Acute trusts: {}, — Mental health trusts: {}, — Care trusts: {}, — Local councils: {}. Experienced and suitably qualified providers who wish to be considered are invited to apply. The framework is for a 4 year period from 1.2.2012. The framework value is estimated to be between 500 000 GBP and 10 000 000 GBP. The solution will need to provide secure data storage, processing and reporting which is complaint with all relevant Information Governance requirements. The primary function of the system is to integrate sensitive financial, clinical [Primary and secondary care] and social care data and other data source, yet to be defined. Reporting must be at patient, practice, or aggregate levels as required and be responsive to the anticipated changes in health and wellbeing service. The underlying schema and code, where appropriate, must be made available to the purchaser or any third party commissioned to develop additional functionality. Eligible providers will need to provide evidence of a track record in delivering effective platform solutions that meet the requirements of a range of stakeholders within a tightly regulated environment. It is envisaged that after the PQQ stage a minimum of 3 providers will be shortlisted to enter into an intensive competitive dialogue phase to jointly develop and refine our initial requirements. Redbridge Primary Care Trust reserves the right to further reduce the number of solutions (bidders) during the dialogue phase. Upon completion of the dialogue phase providers will then be invited to deliver priced proposals against a specification and commercial model. Providers who would like to participate in this opportunity should apply, via e-mail to, by no later than 23/9/11. Redbridge Primary Care Trust reserves the right to refuse expressions of interest received after this date and time. Expressions of interest should clearly state the organisations lead contact with details of name, address, e-mail and phone number. Applicants will be required to complete a pre-qualification questionnaire which must be returned by 6.10.2011. CPV: 72212100. ...

NL-Rotterdam: repair and maintenance of plant
Design, Realisation and Operation of installations for the production of geothermal energy from a depth of over 500 metres below surface. Depending of the project specifications, there can be the following lots. Applicants need to specify at a later stage (see VI.2: Additional information) which lots they want to apply for. Lot A: Execution of geological & geophysical surveys for geothermal energy. Lot B: Engineering and design of geothermal wells. Lot C: Drilling supervision on behalf of the client. Lot D: Execution of geothermal well drilling. Lot E: Operation, maintenance and repair of geothermal wells and installations. CPV: 45259000, 71351000, 76300000, 76431500, 76450000, 79930000. ...

UK-Warwick: marine services
IFA2 Marine Consultancy - Electrical Interconnector (HVDC) between Great Britain & France. Reseau de Transport d'Electricite and National Grid International Ltd are looking at jointly developing an electrical interconnector(HVDC) between Great Britain and France. Reseau de Transport d'Electricite and National Grid International aim to contract a third party to undertake Marine Consultancy Services related to this Project. Interested parties should note that if successful in being awarded the Contract for Marine Consultancy Services, they will not be able to take part in the subsequent Seabed Survey contract. CPV: 98360000. ...

UK-Belfast: pumps
C507 – Wastewater and Water Pumps and Mixers Framework Contract. Supply, Delivery, Installation, Maintenance, Repair and design services of various types of pumps and mixers. CPV: 42122000, 42122230, 42122220, 43134100, 50000000, 42122130. ...

UK-Belfast: lifting and handling equipment and parts
C461 - supply, maintenance, testing & certification of lifting & fall arrest equipment. Supply, maintenance, testing and certification of lifting % fall arrest equipment. CPV: 42400000. ...

DK-Copenhagen: well-support services
Tubular running service, DST+TCP + surface test, equipment well test, acid treatment service for the exploration well Felsted-1, 1/05 License. The contracting authority has a work programme for well testing and completion of operations in possible H2S conditions. Location of the well is License 1/05, Jutland, Denmark. The scope of work is the supply of perforating, tubular running, acid treatment, well production services, personnel, equipment and material necessary for the management, operation and maintenance of said work programme. The estimated commencement of operations (Spud In) for the test is the fourth quarter of 2011. CPV: 76460000. ...

DK-Fredericia: works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
Prequalification regarding construction projects for 500 kV DC land cable to Skagerrak 4 HVDC connection. — Excavation and back covering of cable tranch for 110 km 500 kV HVDC cable, — Take up old cable and laying of 9 km new electrode cable from pylon 212 to Lovns, — Laying of 110 km, 1 x 1600 mm2 Cu HVDC cable, — Laying of 18 km, 3 x 1 x 500 mm2 Al electrode cable from Tjele to pylon 212, — Laying of 9 km, 3 x 1 x 400 mm2 Al electrode cable from pylon 212 to Lovns, — All Horizontal Directional Drillings along the cable route with the exception of the Limfjord crossing, — Re-establishment of all drains along the cable route. CPV: 45200000, 45230000, 45231000. ...

UK-London: IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
Software licence management partner. Network Rail intends to contract with a software partner to manage the annual software support and maintenance renewals for contracts below an annual spend of 100 000 GBP / annum. This will include around 85 contracts out of a current total of 135. The software partner will also supply low value software products which are purchased on an ad-hoc basis and potentially support Network Rail in the activities required for renewing our Enterprise Software Licence Agreements. The software partner will also provide a software asset configuration management service (SACM). CPV: 72000000, 48000000. ...

UK-Belfast: building construction work
General building works framework. Translink is seeking to engage a maximum of 5 economic operators within a framework contract to provide construction works or detail and construct in connection with schemes up to a maximum of 500 000 GBP in construction value. The successful economic operators will then be required to tender for the works via mini-competitions as per the framework conditions or by cost reimbursement subject to the framework conditions. The framework contract is to be for a 2 year duration, extendable to a maximum of 4 years duration subject to the satisfactory performance of the successful economic operator. The framework contract is not a guarantee of any future workload, but demonstrates an intention to utilise those appointed economic operators to provide the works where appropriate. Overview of the type of projects to be undertaken using the building contractor framework < 500 000 GBP. — New/refurbished. —— Railway stations, —— Bus stations, —— Offices, —— Infrastructure storage facilities, —— Bus yards, —— Bus engineering workshops and garages. — Integrated facilities, — Park & ride facilities, — Park & ride, — Parking, — Pedestrian bridges (within stations), — Associated infrastructure and services such as roads, water and sewerage, — Railway station platforms, pedestrian, — Station signage, — Building services. CPV: 45210000, 45453100. ...

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