UK-Brierley Hill: repair and maintenance services
Passenger lifts. Contract for the servicing, inspection, reactive and programmed repairs and maintenance works of all housing-owned high rise and hydraulic lifts in sheltered accommodation and other local authority housing stock. Work to be undertaken throughout the Dudley MBC area. Contract to run for 3 years with the option to extend for a further 2. There will be KPIs for response times, timely completion and customer satisfaction. The development of collaborative working will be encouraged. The estimated gross contract value will be approx. 510 000 GBP. (170 000 GBP p.a.). CPV: 50000000, 50750000. ...
UK-London: architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Construction-related consultancy services framework. The London Borough of Lewisham has identified a requirement for a range of construction-related professional disciplines that will build on existing framework agreements due to expire in 2012. The professional roles will cover construction, planning and property-related advice. The identified disciplines are: Lot 1 architect-led multi-disciplinary team. Lot 2 building surveyor-led multi-disciplinary team. Lot 3 building services engineer-led multi-disciplinary team. Lot 4 landscape architect-led multi-disciplinary team. Lot 5 architect. Lot 6 civil and structural engineer. Lot 7 building services engineer. Lot 8 landscape architect. Lot 9 building surveyor. Lot 10 quantity surveyor. Lot 11 employer's agent. Lot 12 CDM co-ordinator. Lot 13 kitchen design (school-related). Lot 14 planning policy. Lot 15 conservation. Lot 16 urban design. Lot 17 development management (planning–related). Lot 18 environmental (planning-related). Lot 19 transport planning and analysis [subsequently deleted]. Lot 20 legal (planning-related). Lot 21 chartered valuation surveyor - financial appraisal (planning related). Lot 22 flood risk management and assessment (planning-related). Lot 23 real estate advisor - agency and commercial property advice. CPV: 71000000. ...
IRL-Galway: marine survey services
Marine institute water framework directive benthic sampling tender. A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is that benthic macro-invertebrates must be sampled from coastal and transitional waters at least twice within a river basin cycle (6 years) in order to classify these waterbodies. Numerous samples will be taken from sites in matched habitats throughout the waterbody. Sampling and analysis will be carried out according to established protocols. The Directive requires the sampling of all nominated coastal and transitional waters for benthic macro-invertebrates. This includes the field sampling, processing and analysis of samples. CPV: 71354500, 03312300. ...
UK-Glenrothes: insurance services
SC628 insurance provision personal accident and travel. Fife Council provides its employees and councillors with personal accident and travel insurance when on Council business and at other specified times. An insurance company is therefore required to provide an Insurance Policy and claims handling service. They shall be expected to work with the Council's risk management team and its insurance advisors to assist the Council. CPV: 66510000, 66512100. ...
UK-Glenrothes: engineering insurance services
SC627 engineering inspection service. Fife Council has a requirement for engineering inspections of all plant and equipment included in the inspection schedule attached to this document. The requirement of this contract is for the provision of appropriately qualified engineer(s) to: Inspect all plant and equipment included in the plant and inspection schedule attached to this document. Advise of any defects and repairs required. Provide a written record of the inspections. To ensure the Council's compliance with Health and Safety legislation relating to the inspection of plant and equipment. CPV: 66519200. ...
UK-Manchester: accounting and auditing services
CMFT/0690 - internal audit and counter fraud services. Internal audit and counter fraud services. CPV: 79210000, 79212000, 79212200, 79212400. ...
UK-Bristol: air transport services
The provision of an air transport service between Germany and the UK. Air transport services. Non-scheduled air transport services. The Provision of a passenger air transport service between Germany and the UK to operate three time per week for a period of one year commencing April 1st 2012. CPV: 60400000, 60420000. ...
IRL-Galway: environmental monitoring other than for construction
Marine institute coastal and transitional waters monitoring programme. The Marine institute as the national marine research and development agency, working in partnership with the environmental protection agency and the department of environment, community and local government, wishes to invite tenders for the supply of services relating to the provision of a monitoring programme for Coastal and Transitional Waters to support the requirements of the Water Framework Directive. The Marine Institute wishes to put a non-exclusive, single supplier, Framework Agreement in place, for the outsourcing of a monitoring programme which is likely to require some or all of the scientific and technical expertise detailed in Section 9 of the full invitation to tender, in support of the delivery of the programme for a 3 year period. As part of the partnership, the successful partner is expected to collaborate closely with the Marine institute, the environmental protection agency, and other agencies as required over a 3 year period to deliver the monitoring programme. A requirement exists for a single solution provider (which may be a consortium with a lead partner) to provide an outsourced solution that will include the following major elements: Field measurement and sampling. Laboratory analysis. Programme management and Reporting. CPV: 90711500, 73111000, 72224000, 03312200, 72310000, 90712300, 73112000. ...
UK-Worcester: motor vehicles
Vehicle hire. The West Mercia Police Authority, as the lead Authority, is to invite tenders for provision of a vehicle hire service for West Mercia Police and Warwickshire Police. The Contract will be let in lots. Tenderers will be invited to bid for all or any number of lots dependent on their ability to provide the required service. CPV: 34100000. ...
UK-North Tyneside: business development consultancy services
Raising enterprise North Tyneside – NET. Notification of Award of the following Contract: North Tyneside Council seeks expressions of interest from suitably experienced organisations to undertake the delivery of a neighbourhood enterprise team support service throughout the borough of North Tyneside. This is an extension of the current programme which has been running since August 2009 so there will be TUPE implications. Over 1 700 individuals have accessed enterprise support and to date over 300 new businesses have been created. The project has helped to increase the rate of self-employment in North Tyneside from 4.8 % at the start of the project to 5.3 % in the latest available statistics (December 2010). This has evidenced the success of the project but also highlighted the continued need for this type of activity particularly with the cessation of the local Business Link support programmes. Although significant progress has been made, North Tyneside is still experiencing low take-up of business start-up support, particularly from those living in our deprived areas. It is also envisaged that the demand for this support will increase still further over the next three years as the borough copes with further redundancies, particularly within the public sector. Expressions of interest will only be accepted via the NEPO Portal electronic Tendering system - web site: before 12:00 on Friday 13.1.2012. CPV: 79411100. ...
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