Saturday, 18 September 2010

18/09/2010 tenders 110

UK-Birmingham: building and facilities management services
Facilities Management. Facilities Management including maintenance of a 2 year old building, security, cleaning, grounds maintenance. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders Web Site at CPV: 79993000, 79993100, 90910000, 90911000, 90911100, 90911200, 90911300, 90919200, 90919300, 79710000, 77314000. ...

UK-Loughton: building-cleaning services
Cleaning and grounds maintenance services. Epping Forest College is a medium sized FE college situated in Debden, on the border with London, attracting students from the Epping Forest District and east and north east London. Of a total student population of approximately 4 000, 2 250 are 16-19 year olds studying full time on vocational and level courses. The remainder study part time qualification and leisure courses during the daytime and three evenings a week. The College also offers vocational courses to a growing number of 14-16 year olds. There is currently also limited provision on a Saturday. The building is open throughout the year but outside of academic weeks, the staff work reduced hours. The majority of the provision takes place in a three year old £38m building with arts and hair and beauty delivered in separate buildings on the same campus. As well as general classrooms and IT rooms, the main building contains a number of specialist areas including construction workshops, motor vehicle workshops, a theatre and dance studio, science labs, a gym, and a training kitchen and flat within the skills for life area. The building also features a large foyer area, refectory and central atrium named "The Street". The College is seeking a single contractor to undertake both the daily, weekly, monthly and annual cleaning of all College buildings and to maintain the College grounds consisting of hedge cutting, hard area maintenance, gritting and ice removal, bedding and planting and tree cutting. TUPE Regulations are expected to apply to this contract. CPV: 90911200, 77314000. ...

UK-Cardiff: residential property renting or leasing services
Residential property renting or leasing services. The National Assembly offices are situated in Cardiff Bay and include the Senedd which is the home for Assembly Business, Ty Hywel which provides office accommodation for Assembly Members, their staff and Assembly Commission staff and the Pierhead Building as a visitor and conference and events centre. The Assembly is made of sixty Assembly Members representing various constituencies and areas of Wales. As Assembly Business takes place in Cardiff Bay, there is a requirement for 25 Members representing constituencies and areas not within daily commuting distance of Cardiff Bay to be provided with accommodation facilities to support their work at the Assembly in Cardiff Bay. In August 2008 an independent review panel was established by the Assembly Commission to review the current arrangements for the financial support of Assembly Members, including pay and allowances for travel, accommodation, constituency offices and support staff. The review recommended improvements to deliver a package of pay and expenses that is right for the National Assembly for Wales moving forward into its second decade and beyond. Recommendation 24 of the Independent Panels Review states that the Assembly Commission should provide suitable accommodation for eligible Members, furnished to modern standards and within a five mile radius of the Senedd and that the Commission should consider the most cost effective method for the provision of this accommodation. In order to achieve this, we aim to put in place a framework contract with a number of letting agencies to provide accommodation in the form of rented properties. The nominated letting agencies will be required to provide a selection of fully furnished and unfurnished one or two bedroom properties that meet the criteria stated in the tender specification. Properties will be selected by Assembly Members in line with the specification. Further information will be provided to successful bidders at a pre-tender briefing. CPV: 70210000. ...

UK-Plymouth: mechanical lifts
Lifts support and maintenance. Servicing and planned and preventative maintenance of passenger and goods lifts. CPV: 42416130, 42416120, 42417000, 50750000. ...

IRL-Naas: software package and information systems
The supply, implementation and support of a Maternal and Newborn Clinical Management System. This contract is being put in place to replace exisiting obstetric management systems (OMS) and neo-natal information systems across the country to support a national approach to the development of a clinical management system for maternity and neo-natal services. Please see full tender documentation attached to the Contract Notice on the Etenders Website. Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders Web Site at CPV: 48000000, 30200000, 72500000. ...

UK-Glasgow: system quality assurance assessment and review services
Transport Scotland's Management Systems Audit Service Commission. Transport Scotland wishes to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced organisation to provide specialist management systems audit services of consultants and contractors employed by Transport Scotland. Auditing of contractors or consultants will also include the auditing of companies or organisations appointed by the contractors or consultants who are operating under the contractor's or consultant's management systems, whether directly or indirectly. Further information on the scope of the services is included in the prequalification document which is available from the Scottish Ministers. To receive the prospectus and prequalification questionnaire, expressions of interest require to be submitted by interested parties to by 18.10.2010 (12:00 BST). CPV: 72225000. ...

UK-Colchester: school cleaning services
Building cleaning services. On the 1.2.2010 Alderman Blaxill School joined Thomas Lord Audley School and Stanway School to form 'The Stanway Federation'. In the medium term the federation of the three schools will be fully occupied managing the changes brought about by the Local Authority's plans for the future of secondary education in Colchester. As a consequence, the three schools are now seeking a single cleaning contractor to undertake the daily, weekly, monthly and annual cleaning of all school buildings within the Federation. This will comprise approximately 8,754 square metres at Thomas Lord Audley School, 5 114 square metres at Alderman Blaxill School and 8 465 square metres at Stanway School. TUPE Regulations are expected to apply to this contract. CPV: 90919300. ...

UK-Llandudno: other community, social and personal services
Generic advocacy to adult service users. Conwy County Borough Council wishes to invite suitably experienced and qualified organisations to tender for the delivery of generic advocacy services to adult service users. The successful organisation will deliver an accessible independent advocacy service that can enable adult service users within all service user groups to be heard and will promote social inclusion, equality and social justice in the area of Conwy. Tenders are sought from providers who can demonstrate sound experience and proven track record in delivering independent advocacy services to vulnerable Service Users including older people, people with physical disabilities, people with learning disabilities and mental health. The service will initially be awarded for two years commencing on the 1.4.2011, with option to extend. A restricted tender process will apply through a two stage tender process. Organisations are required to express an interest and obtain a copy of the Pre Qualification Questionnaire by contacting the Corporate Procurement and Contracts Team, Conwy County Borough Council email: The closing date for the completed submissions of the Pre Qualification Questionnaires (PQQ) is by 12 noon, 27.10.2010. CPV: 98000000, 85000000. ...

UK-Stevenage: advertising services
Recruitment advertising tender 2010. Advertising services. Stevenage Borough Council are seeking suitably experienced and qualified providers to participate in a joint tender for Recruitment Advertising services on behalf of Stevenage Borough Council, Stevenage Homes Ltd and St Albans City and District Council. CPV: 79341000. ...

UK-London: water coolers
Supply and delivery of water coolers and ancillary items. Water coolers both plumbed in and mains fed machines.Also the supply of ancillary supplies i.e. bottled water, cups etc.The types of products required (but are not limited to): Plumbed in Mains Supply Coolers, Free Standing Bottle Fed Coolers. A range of floor standing and table top machines will be required plus bottled water in 11 and 19lt containers, and plastic drinking cups. As a guide, the estimated annual value of the requirement is approximately 162 500 GBP. CPV: 31141000, 41110000. ...

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