Saturday, 18 September 2010

18/09/2010 tenders 120

UK-London: transport services (excl. Waste transport)
The provision of a nationwide recovery service for unmarked vehicles. The recovery of unmarked vehicles throughout the UK. Operators must be capable of: — recovering motorcycles, cars, vans, larger goods vehicles (LGV's) and heavy goods vehicles (HGV's), — recovering cars which have a weight of 4 tonnes, — using their own liveried vehicles with their own uniformed drivers throughout the UK i.e. not utilising sub-contractors, partner organisations and other network staff. Operators must have: — a current National Operators ('O') Licence. All key contracted staff must pass the MPS vetting procedure. Volumes are up to 60 recoveries per month. (All volumes are approximate and are not guaranteed). CPV: 60000000, 50118110, 50118200, 50118400. ...

UK-Bristol: public road transport services
UWE/020/2010E bus services. The Universities are looking to enhance the student experience by providing high quality and frequent bus services between student accommodation and University campuses in the Bristol area. The network will also be accessible for use by members of the general public and the successful contractor will be expected to work with the Universities to grow patronage over the contract period. This may also involve discussions with neighbouring local authorities who are also tendering at the same time to ensure cohesion of routes. CPV: 60112000. ...

UK-Doncaster: installation services of dental and subspecialty equipment
Provision of Town centre Dental Fit-Out - Doncaster LIFT. Provision of a Dental Fit out in Doncaster Town centre - a full floor of dental services split between community dental service, dental access service and dental dental out of hours services. Will requre spec refinement, design supply, fitting and commsssioning. CPV: 51412000, 33192400, 33111500. ...

UK-Stockton-on-Tees: health services
North of Tees community services. The commissioning NHS Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) of Hartlepool and Stockton-on-Tees invite suitably qualified and experienced healthcare providers (including general practitioners, social enterprise, third sector organisations and other providers), to participate in the procurement of a range of community health care and prevention services. The Provider will be required to work with commissioners and to lead the delivery and transformation of services including maximising opportunities for integration between other commissioned services to deliver quality and best value services that will realise significant efficiencies over the period of the contract. It is the aim and expectation that across North of Tees, comprehensive, common, community health care provision will be available to all as a core element of ALL pathways in addition to tailored and appropriate care that follows a person throughout their journey. The services commissioned will deliver pathways of care based upon national Transforming Community Service guidance and comprise; — Delivery of core healthcare provision such as community nursing; Intermediate Care; Rapid Response; Phlebotomy; Continence; and Health trainer and prevention services (list not exhaustive), — Acute Services Closer to Home Pathway – Musculoskeletal Outcomes, — End of Life Pathway, — Health & Wellbeing Pathway, — Services for Children & Families Pathway, — Long Term Conditions Pathway, — Stroke Pathway. At this stage we would like to hear from providers wishing to let us know of their interest in bidding for the provision of North of Tees Community services. Providers of all or any element of the services set out in this specification will be required to co-operate with others at the interface between different parts of the patient pathway. The commissioners are supportive of a Lead Provider role in which a single organisation actively and positively manages the supply chain delivering Community services. Responses are welcome from statutory providers, the independent sector and the third sector. A Memorandum of Information (MOI) which details how providers can express interest in this procurement can be found at: Please contact Linda Brady by email at should you experience difficulties in accessing the MOI. A Bidder Workshop will be held on 1.10.2010 to provide organisations with further information regarding the requirements of the PCOs and the procurement process. Organisations must confirm attendance at the event as detailed in the MOI. CPV: 85100000. ...

DK-Fredericia: damage or loss insurance services
Onshore and offshore operational (property damage and business interruption) wind farm insurance. Operational (property damage and business interruption) insurance for DONG Energy A/S onshore and offshore wind farms. CPV: 66515000. ...

UK-Coedkernew: energy-management services
Utility managed services. The Contracting Authority is seeking a service partner to provide a utility bill validation service, a mobile phone adminstration service and a general energy consultancy service. CPV: 71314200, 79994000, 71314000. ...

UK-Livingston: site-investigation services
For the provision of investigation of vacant premises. It is in the interest of Scottish Water to identify when "vacant" premises become occupied in order to inform the market and get these premises into charge. It is also relevant to confirm whether the premises are in fact vacant or occupied or fall into categories e.g. demolished, derelict, domestic, etc. and to act accordingly to change the data at the Central Market Agency (CMA) as appropriate. Scottish Water requires a suitable supplier to verify the actual status of a number of premises, with appropriate validated information and audit trails to support the conclusions in respect of the premises. Further information on the number of premises will be made available at the ITN stage. The contract will be for an initial period ending on 31.3.2012 with the option to extend for a period of up to 12 months subject to market change and at the sole discretion of Scottish Water. It is anticipated that the contract will start in December 2010. CPV: 71510000. ...

UK-Worthing: technical inspection and testing services
Leakage management F436. Proposed scope of contract may include but not be limited to: detection, locating and fixing of leaks and general leakage management activities. CPV: 71630000, 71631430. ...

F-Montrouge: taps, cocks and valves
UK/PE 6511. Classified gate valves, swing check valves and globe valves. The valves to be supplied in the frame of this contract are classified gate valves, globe valves and swing check valves. The scope of works for the referenced contracts includes the following steps: Design and manufacturing studies, procurement, manufacturing, quality controls and tests made at workshop, delivery on site. The classification of the valves means that the valves are important for the safety of the nuclear power plant. This safety classification leads to strong requirements on design, manufacturing and controls done on the items of the contract. As a result, all these steps will have to be performed according to a code or a standard. Further information and details are filled in the Appendix A of the PQQ. CPV: 42131000, 42131240, 42131146, 42131120. ...

F-Montrouge: taps, cocks and valves
UK/PE 6541. NB < 80 classified globe check valves and globe valves. The valves to be supplied in the frame of this contract are classified NB < 80 classified globe check valves and globe valves. The scope of works for the referenced contracts includes the following steps: Design and manufacturing studies, procurement, manufacturing, quality controls and tests made at workshop, delivery on site. The classification of the valves means that the valves are important for the safety of the nuclear power plant. This safety classification leads to strong requirements on design, manufacturing and controls done on the items of the contract. As a result, all these steps will have to be performed according to a code or a standard. Further information and details are filled in the Appendix A of the PQQ. CPV: 42131000, 42131240, 42131146. ...

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