Tuesday, 3 April 2012

03/04/2012 tenders 240

UK-Torquay: repair and maintenance services of building installations
Maintenance of water systems (Legionella Control). South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has a requirement to procure a building services contract for the ongoing maintenance and monitoring of its water systems to ensure robust measures are in place to minimise the risk of its water systems becoming contaminated by legionella bacteria. This service will also be provided on a number of other NHS sites where the Trust has responsibility for maintenance. All work will be in accordance with the HSE ACOP L8 and Health Technical Memorandum 04-01 parts A & B The tender will be broken down into elements that will give the Trust flexibility of contracting out parts of the work or bringing elements back in house. CPV: 50700000, 50500000, 71300000, 71630000. ...

UK-Bonnyrigg: insurance services
Insurance services. Midlothian Council invites tenders for the provision of insurance services. The insurance cover required will include the following: — Commercial combined (including housing properties, general properties, educational properties, industrial units, commercial leased properties, business interruption, money, all risks), — Computers, — Combined liability (including employers liability, public liability, officials indemnity), — Motor (operational fleet, employee leased vehicles), — Contractors combined all risks (work in progress), — Group personal accident and travel (council employees physical assault and travel, schools off-site activities), — Fidelity guarantee, — Engineering inspections, — Directors and officers liability. It is envisaged that the contract(s) will commence on 1.7.2012 and be for a period of 36 months, with an option at the sole discretion of the Council to extend for a further 2 x 12 month periods, subject to continued satisfactory performance and value for money. To request a copy of the tender documents, contact, by e-mail only, iain.johnston@midlothian.gov.uk. The documentation will be issued to the tenderer by e-mail but must be returned as hard copy to the Council no later than 12 noon Thursday 10.5.2012. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland web site at http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=224721. CPV: 66510000, 66514110, 66515200, 66516000, 66516100, 66516400, 66516500, 66518000, 66519200. ...

UK-London: architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Design and work supervision contract for the renovation and energy optimisation of the roofs of the South Kensington site – Lycée français Charles de Gaulle de Londres. The contract deals with design and work supervision services for the renovation of all the roofs of the main site in South Kensington: complete overhaul of roof sealing, coverings, guttering and stormwater network; roof insulation; integration of roof safety equipment. CPV: 71000000. ...

UK-East Kilbride: foreign economic-aid-related services
Global learning programme - England. DFID wishes to engage a Service Provider (SP) to implement the global learning programme - England that will increase and improve the teaching and learning of issues related to global poverty at key stages 2 and 3 in 50 % of schools. The SP will be entirely responsible for day to day management and will be expected to draw on existing resources and expertise to facilitate the following outputs: 1. Senior school management teams identify how, and then choose, to use development education to support school improvement and enhance the overall performance of their school as part of the wider curriculum; 2. Teachers in England's schools successfully assess their needs for development education resources and locate the right resources to use to improve their use of development education to add to their subject teaching; 3. School networks incorporate development education into continuous professional development programmes for teachers and senior management teams; 4. Development education practitioners have evidence of which approaches in development education successfully achieve learning outcomes for students at key stages 2 and 3 in the wider curriculum; The SP must ensure that students consider the relative merits of different approaches to reducing global poverty and are supported in drawing their own conclusions about the causes of global poverty and how it can be addressed. CPV: 75211200, 80000000. ...

UK-Cambridge: hospital facilities construction work
Strategic Partnering Services. Healthcare related education, teaching, clinical and accommodation services. CPV: 45215140, 71500000, 70110000, 45111291, 85100000, 45000000, 45210000, 45214000, 50700000, 70000000, 71240000, 71315000, 71541000, 75200000, 79411000, 79420000, 79993000, 45212411, 45213312. ...

SE-Stockholm: design and execution of research and development
Northern rural development project. The overall purpose of the evaluation is to assess the results of the Northern rural project (NRP) midway through project implementation and to provide advice on improvements. The overall objective of NRP is to strengthen rural civil society by means of community mobilization and short-term financing on development projects of their own choosing. NRP contributes to the development of 5 districts in the northern region of Afghanistan. CPV: 73300000. ...

UK-Derby: school cleaning services
Provision of Cleaning Services to Derby Moor Community Sports College. Provision of cleaning services to the College - total gross floor-area to be covered under the contract of c. 13 000 sqm. Contract for initial period of 3 years (to end Aug 2015) with potential for 2-year extension (to end Aug 2017) based on satisfactory performance. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders Web Site at http://www.myTenders.org/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=87499. CPV: 90919300. ...

IRL-Dublin: software programming and consultancy services
Provision of information technology services framework agreement. An Chéim operates a unique shared service model in the Higher Education sector. Not only does An Chéim improve communication and services to students and staff, it supports new models of education delivery and management, enabling the institutes to be effective in their operations. An Chéim has delivered programmes to leverage the investment in the strategic applications and put in place leading edge educational IT facilities for IoTs. It is An Chéim's intention to improve its services to the higher education institutions for them to compete internationally in the higher education marketplace through enabling and utilizing advanced technologies and services. To this end, this framework procurement is aimed to qualify a panel of bidders with the level of IT expertise and resources required by An Chéim to assist in the delivery of major projects/services and integration of the principle processes, systems and data used by the higher education institutions. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=401592. CPV: 72200000, 72224000, 72227000, 72246000, 72266000, 73220000, 79411100, 79411000, 79400000, 72200000, 72221000, 72226000, 72267100, 72261000, 72322000, 72212610, 72212482, 72600000. ...

MT-Msida: patent and copyright consultancy services
Tender for the provision of Consultancy, Training and Education Services related to Knowledge Transfer, Intellectual Property Rights, Business Incubation and Entrepreneurial Training for the Corporate Research & Knowledge Transfer Directorate at the University of Malta. The overall objectives of the project are: — to establish a functional and efficient intellectual property and knowledge transfer framework at the University of Malta, staffed with qualified persons capable of providing the necessary services, — to establish a business incubation centre at the University of Malta, staffed with persons capable of providing the necessary incubation support services for University start-ups, — to raise awareness, disseminate information, build basic skills and promote linkages amongst academic staff and students as well as the broader Maltese ecosystem on matters relating to KT, IP, and entrepreneurship, and — to increase the number of Science, Engineering, Technology and Media graduates with a professional grounding in entrepreneurship, and hence lead to an increase in Science and Technology start-ups in the Maltese islands. II.1.6.2 - Specific objectives The specific objectives of this contract are as follows: — work with the University of Malta to define and support the establishment of an IP and KT framework at the University, — train staff to enable them to offer the necessary support services related to the technical, legal, financial, and commercial aspects of IP and KT, — train staff to enable them to offer Business Incubation support services for University of Malta start-ups, — support in the organisation of two series of seminars on issues relating to KT, IP, and entrepreneurship, to raise awareness, disseminate information, build basic skills and support linkages amongst academic staff and students as well as the broader Maltese ecosystem (including representatives from University, businesses and potential investors), — develop an Intensive Training Programme (ITP) in science and technology entrepreneurship at the University of Malta for delivery (i) as a virtual learning environment assisted classroom based programme and, (ii) as a distance learning course, — deliver the intensive training programme twice, once in 2013 and 2014, and — build a postgraduate degree programme by re-using the ITP modules. CPV: 79120000, 79400000. ...

UK-Gainsborough: school catering services
UK- North Lincolnshire: catering service for school meals. School catering services. To Provide school catering services to a consortium of schools in North Lincolnshire. Two/three secondaty Schools form the first traunch with the contract commencing in September 2012. CPV: 55524000. ...

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