Tuesday, 3 April 2012

03/04/2012 tenders 180

NO-Gardermoen: electric coffee makers
K-181090 Hot drinks and water dispensers Contract award. CPV: 39711310, 03131100, 15861000, 41110000, 42912300. ...

UK-Hengoed: construction work for sports facilities
Sporting complex at Ystrad Mynach old hospital. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement: no This prior information notice (PIN) is a voluntary notice aimed at forewarning potential contractors of the Authority's intention to advertise a contract for the works referred to in this PIN. The Authority intends to construct a circa 4.5 GBP to 5 000 000 pound sporting complex on the site of Ystrad Mynach, old hospital, Caerphilly. The development consists of a construction and installation of two third generation (3G) rugby and football pitches, as well as 2 seated stands (both 500 number seats) and two terracing stands, both covered, floodlights and parking for circa 175 number of cars and two coaches. A sports building will also require construction, the sports building will also require an internal fit-out. The sports building will encompass a gym, changing rooms, analysis rooms, conferencing and community facilities. Associated civil engineering works will also be required on site to include earthworks and drainage, services/utilities connections. It is anticipated that the scheme, will be constructed and completed during 2013 and in order to achieve this timescale the Authority is working towards the commencement of construction and contractor mobilisation to occur in september 2012. The Authority is considering holding a "supplier awareness session" on Tuesday 17.4.2012 to engage relevant contractors for this contract opportunity. The Authority will use the session to outline the project requirements and procurement process including support available to suppliers. It should be noted that responding to this notice does not place any supplier in an advantageous position, and no advantage is to be gained by taking part. Please note that it may not be possible to accommodate all expressions to attend the supplier day due to capacity restrictions therefore the Authority will be limiting the invitation to only 2 representatives per organisation. Interested contractors are requested to express their interest to attend the session via email to Natasha Ford - supplier relationship officer, Email: fordn@caerphilly.gov.uk, further details regarding this event will then be circulated in due course to those contractors that are interest in attending. An Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) restricted procurement process will be undertaken in accordance with EU procurement directives and the Authority's standing orders for Contracts. The OJEU restricted procurement exercise is planned to commence in April 2012. The Authority reserves the right to amend the projected timescales set out in this PIN. The Authority will advise accordingly. The Authority also reserves the right to annul the tender process and not award a contract and instead would consider utilising the South East Wales schools and Public Buildings Contractor Framework (Sewscap) framework relating to the design and construction of schools and other public buildings. This framework extends to construction activities in relation to "other public buildings" and the common procurement vocabulary (CPV) codes cover construction work relating to "leisure" and "sports", which the Authority could use in order to engage a contractor to carry out the development. The Authority is listed as a participating local authority in Section II.1.5 of the Sewscap contract notice and would therefore be entitled to use the framework via lot 3. Lots This contract is divided into lots: no CPV: 45212200, 45212000, 45212210, 45212221, 31518100, 80500000, 79600000, 80530000, 80570000, 45200000, 45210000, 45220000, 45262660, 45111000. ...

UK-Slough: construction work for school buildings
Wexham secondary school expansion project. The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement: no To accommodate an increase in pupils it is necessary for the construction of 15 teaching classrooms and 2 science labs, each to accommodate 30 pupils. In addition to relocate and remodel the existing library; extend the student dining room and kitchen; enlarge the main entrance; extend the school hall; all to be located within the existing footprint of the campus. This will result in some existing temporary buildings being demolished. The external elements of the campus will include surfacing works to the existing hard play area and overspill parking area. In addition, covered walkways and linking corridors between the various school facilities will be redefined. Furthermore, additional car parking will need to be created to accommodate additional staff and visitors, whilst developing a one-way traffic flow and drop-off zone to the entrance of the school, as well as improving the school entrance at Church Lane (School Plan available from Karen.Hedges@slough.gov.uk). Estimated value excluding VAT: 7 000 000,00 GBP Lots This contract is divided into lots: yes CPV: 45214200. ...

UK-Trowbridge: repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment
Wiltshire Highways and Streetscene Contract. Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment. Highway maintenance work. Roadworks. Road-maintenance works. Road-repair works. Traffic-calming works. Paths and other metalled surfaces. Cycle path construction work. Various surface works. Surface work for highways. Surface work for roads. Road-surface painting work. Paving and asphalting works. Carriageway resurfacing works. Verge maintenance work. Surfacing work except for roads. Resurfacing works. Surface work for streets. Surface work for footpaths. Pedestrian ways construction work. Pedestrian zone construction work. Parking-lot-surface painting work. Erection of road-barriers. Installation of road signs. Installation of bollards. Installation of safety equipment. Installation of street furniture. Installation of road signals. Street-lighting maintenance services. Commissioning of public lighting installations. Repair and maintenance services of trucks. Truck repair services. Truck maintenance services. Horticultural services. Planting and maintenance services of green areas. Ornamental and pleasure gardens maintenance services. Weed-clearance services. Grounds maintenance services. Grassing services. Sports fields maintenance services. Tree pruning and hedge trimming. Graffiti removal services. Street-cleaning and sweeping services. Snow-clearing services. Ice-clearing services. Gully cleaning and emptying services. Environmental services. Environmental management. Car park cleaning services. Footbridge construction work. Construction work for bridges. Bridge construction work. Railway bridge construction work. Construction work for highways, roads. Road construction works. Road junction construction work. Construction work for highways. Surface coating construction work. Breakdown and recovery services for commercial vehicles. Traffic control services. Landscaping work. Dual carriageway construction work. Single carriageway construction work. Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment. Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads. Construction work for bridges and tunnels, shafts and subways. Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles. Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths. Excavating and earthmoving work. Repair, maintenance and associated services related to roads and other equipment. Highway maintenance work. Roadworks. Road-maintenance works. Road-repair works. Traffic-calming works. Paths and other metalled surfaces. Footpath construction work. Cycle path construction work. Various surface works. Surface work for highways. Surface work for roads. Road-surface painting work. Paving and asphalting works. Carriageway resurfacing works. Verge maintenance work. Surfacing work except for roads. Resurfacing works. Surface work for streets. Surface work for footpaths. Pedestrian ways construction work. Pedestrian zone construction work. Parking-lot-surface painting work. Erection of road-barriers. Installation of road signs. Installation of bollards. Installation of safety equipment. Installation of street furniture. Installation of road signals. Street-lighting maintenance services. Commissioning of public lighting installations. Repair and maintenance services of trucks. Truck repair services. Truck maintenance services. Horticultural services. Planting and maintenance services of green areas. Ornamental and pleasure gardens maintenance services. Weed-clearance services. Grounds maintenance services. Grassing services. Sports fields maintenance services. Tree pruning and hedge trimming. Graffiti removal services. Street-cleaning and sweeping services. Snow-clearing services. Ice-clearing services. Gully cleaning and emptying services. Environmental services. Environmental management. Car park cleaning services. Footbridge construction work. Construction work for bridges. Bridge construction work. Railway bridge construction work. Construction work for highways, roads. Road construction works. Road junction construction work. Construction work for highways. Surface coating construction work. Breakdown and recovery services for commercial vehicles. Traffic control services. Landscaping work. Dual carriageway construction work. Single carriageway construction work. Repair, maintenance and associated services related to aircraft, railways, roads and marine equipment. Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads. Construction work for bridges and tunnels, shafts and subways. Maintenance and repair services related to specific parts of vehicles. Foundation work for highways, roads, streets and footpaths. Excavating and earthmoving work. 1.The Contracting Authority is looking for one main contractor to undertake the whole of the following described works and services in connection with the highway and related functions of the Council, and to assist in the delivery of the Wiltshire Local Transport Plan. 2.The Contract will cover public works, which may include, but are not limited to various programmed and reactive works connected with the highway infrastructure and environment in the Contracting Authorities' areas (see also paragraph 9 below), as well as works which create or improve assets such as traffic, drainage, highway, street lighting, bridges, retaining walls and other structures. It is also anticipated that the contract will include, but again not be limited to, services connected with the maintenance of vehicles and equipment, grounds maintenance, landscaping, street scene and more generally the maintenance of assets in the interest of safety and amenity; and various response services to deal with the removal of nuisance and to react to emergency situations and civil contingencies. 6. The following are expected to be included within the scope of the contract: The Works. Reactive Maintenance Works: — signing and making safe, — response repairs to highways, bridges, retaining walls and similar structures, street furniture, street lights, and car parks. Programmed Maintenance Works: — programmed potholing and patching, — programmed resurfacing and surface treatments, — programmed maintenance works to highways, bridges, retaining walls and similar structures, drainage, street furniture, street lights, signs, car parks and amenity infrastructure. Schemes: — schemes including traffic, drainage, traffic management and Traffic Regulation Orders, Environmental Enhancements, Cycling and Pedestrian Schemes and Developer Schemes under Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 relating to the development of highway infrastructure etc, — structural maintenance of highways, highway structures and multi-storey car parks, — street lighting and traffic signal improvement schemes, landscaping and Implementation of Public Realm Work. The Services. — routine maintenance services. Road sweeping, Gully emptying, Drainage clearance, Litter, detritus, road kill and other debris removal, Street furniture cleaning and graffiti removal, Grounds maintenance (including litter and detritus), Verge maintenance and weed spraying, Tree, hedge and flower bed maintenance, Public Convenience cleaning. — winter and emergency response service. Precautionary salting, Snow and ice service, Manpower emergency response service, — vehicles and equipment. Scheduled servicing and maintenance, Non-scheduled servicing and repair. Breakdown service. 7. Further specific details of the works and services' elements which are expected to fall within the scope of the contract will be provided in the information memorandum which is obtainable from the Contracting Authority via the contact details set out in Section 1.1. 8. Please note relevant current staff will be transferred under The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 and compliance with provisions in relation to Local Authority Pensions will be required. 10. Please note that the Contracting Authority may seek flexibilities from the successful contractor(s) within the overall contracts awarded to provide opportunities for third sector/voluntary organisations to contribute to appropriate areas of service provision. CPV: 50230000, 45233139, 45233140, 45233141, 45233142, 45233150, 45233160, 45233162, 45233200, 45233210, 45233220, 45233221, 45233222, 45233223, 45233229, 45233250, 45233251, 45233252, 45233253, 45233260, 45233262, 45233270, 45233280, 45233290, 45233291, 45233292, 45233293, 45233294, 50232100, 50232110, 50114000, 50114100, 50114200, 77300000, 77310000, 77311000, 77312000, 77314000, 77314100, 77320000, 77340000, 90690000, 90610000, 90620000, 90630000, 90640000, 90700000, 90710000, 90914000, 45221113, 45221100, 45221110, 45221112, 45233100, 45233120, 45233125, 45233130, 45233228, 50118200, 63712700, 45112700, 45233224, 45233225, 50200000, 45233000, 45221000, 50116000, 45233300, 45112000. ...

UK-Milton Keynes: construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
Delivery Partner Panel 2. Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses. Development services of real estate. Construction work for houses. Sheltered housing construction work. Houses construction work. Multi-dwelling buildings construction work. Flats construction work. Multi-functional buildings construction work. Urban development construction work. Demolition, site preparation and clearance work. Site-development work. Residential homes construction work. Grounds maintenance services. The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) is seeking to establish a framework of delivery partners who will work with the HCA and other contracting authorities who may decide to take advantage of this framework. The Framework will be for 4 years and be split into 4 regional lots each with up to 25 members. It is intended to be used for the procurement and development of housing-led sites. This will include all activities necessary to construct housing and associated infrastructure, marketing and sales and transfer of freehold to eventual owners. The Schedule of Works includes all activities necessary to deliver completed homes, including raising of development finance; obtaining planning permission; supply chain management; design and construction of housing; provision of affordable housing (in association with a registered provider); design and construction of infrastructure to support housing; sales and marketing of homes; aftercare and maintenance. Specifically this will include development and disposal of sites for residential use; development and disposal of mixed-use housing-led sites (mixed-use elements could include community facilities, retail or commercial development ancillary to and in support of housing); refurbishment / retrofit of existing homes, residential buildings, empty homes and associated buildings; refurbishment, restoration, conversion of heritage or other buildings for residential use; demolition, site remediation and enabling works to prepare sites for residential or mixed-use development; design and construction of homes; development of Extracare accommodation; self-build enabling as part of a larger development; maintenance and site management. Call offs from the Framework will be via a competitive process to identify the most economically advantageous delivery partner on a case by case basis. CPV: 45211000, 70110000, 45211100, 45211200, 45211300, 45211340, 45211341, 45211350, 45211360, 45111000, 45111291, 45215214, 77314000. ...

DK-Aarhus: laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
Purchase of apparatus and instruments etc. The Contracting Authority wants to consolidate all purchases of apparatus and instruments as well as laboratory furniture and related consumables, including software, after-sales services and service agreements in a number of framework agreements. These agreements will substitute the agreements that the Contracting Authority currently holds with a number of suppliers based on two tenders, with a total of 25 lots, conducted and awarded in 2010. Furthermore the Contracting Authority will in this tender procedure, and the subsequent purchases on basis of mini-tender procedures, have more focus on entering into service agreements with the suppliers where relevant and thereby submitting these service agreements to competition along with the apparatus or instrument. Consolidation of these purchases is expected to generate a volume of approx. 100 000 000 DKK annually. However, the final volume of purchases depends on a number of aspects, in particular specific requirements, equipment that needs replacing as well as the grants awarded during the term of the framework agreement. The framework agreement holders are not guaranteed any purchases under the agreements. Tenders are invited in respect of framework agreements with the following 26 lots: 1. Centrifuges 2. Super speed centrifuges, high speed centrifuges and ultra speed centrifuges 3. Cooling and freezing equipment for laboratories 4. Laboratory furniture 5. Laminar Air Flow benches and safety cabinets 6. Environmental chambers 7. Laboratory washing up machines and pipette washing machines 8. Autoclaves (table and floor models) 9. Industry autoclave 10. Incubators 11. Counters and analysis equipment 12. Electrophoresis instruments 13. Pumps 14. Chromatography solutions and other separation techniques 15. Mass spectrometers 16. Spectrophotometer 17. Robotic solutions 18. Equipment and instruments for analysis and purification of DNA, RNA, proteins and cells 19. Equipment and instruments for PCR, QPCR and real time PCR 20. Water treatment equipment 21. Advanced microscopes and accessories for research purposes 22. Simple microscopes for teaching purposes 23. Scales 24. Instruments and equipment for sample preparation 25. instruments for heat and cooling technology 26. NMR equipment All natural and legal persons/entities affiliated with the Contracting Authority may make purchases under the framework agreements. Delivery must be made to an address specified by the Contracting Authority, which may be to any of the Contracting Authority's addresses in Denmark. CPV: 38000000, 33000000, 33152000, 33191110, 38433100, 38510000, 39180000, 42120000, 42500000, 42513100, 42931000, 42931100, 38431000, 38432000, 42932000, 42716110, 42122000, 38310000, 38430000. ...

IRL-Dun Laoghaire: road construction works
Framework agreement for civil engineering contractors for road construction works [in 2 lots]. Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council is anticipating the need to procure civil engineering contractors for the construction of a number of road projects that are included in the County Development Plan 2010 –2016 as 6-year roads objectives. The schemes that may be advanced to construction (subject to planning approval and available funding) may include: — Burton hall road extension, — Leopardstown link road & roundabout reconfiguration, — Pottery road improvement scheme. This list is not exhaustive and may include other works as required under the scope of the framework or works of a similar nature within the expertise of the chosen contractors (e.g. drainage works, watermain laying, pipe/duct laying etc). Refer also to the 'Approximate Size and General Description of the Works' in 'Section 1.1 Project Information' of the suitability assessment questionnaire Document ID QW1. Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council (the Contracting Authority) proposes to establish and operate 2 multi party framework agreements for the civil engineering construction works associated with road construction projects, as follows: Lot 1: road construction projects with an estimated value ranging from 500 000 to 5 000 000 EUR. Lot 2: road construction projects with a value greater than 5 000 000 EUR. The works are to be carried out mainly in urban areas and on local, regional and national roads. A variety of projects may be specified under the civil engineering contractors for road construction works framework. The frequency, scale and type of project vary depending on funding availability and the needs of the Contracting Authority. Refer to the attached document "Information Notes for Expressions of Interest to participate in framework agreement(s) for Civil Engineering Contractors for Road Construction Works in 2 lots" for further information. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the eTenders web site at http://www.etenders.gov.ie/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=403032. CPV: 45233120, 45221111, 45233121, 45233123, 45233124, 45233125, 45221113, 45233140, 45200000. ...

UK-Preston: heating engineering services for buildings
Low carbon heating JV partner. The Contracting Authority, Places for People, is seeking expressions of interest from suitably resourced, qualified and experienced bidders to procure a Joint Venture Partner for the finance, supply, installation, operation and maintenance of low carbon communal heating systems on behalf of itself, its present and future group members and can be capable of being used by social housing providers in the United Kingdom. To this end, places for people plans to establish a framework agreement for 4 years to allow the contracting authorities referred to in this Contract Notice to call-off contracts to carry out the services and associated works required. The Agreements called-off under the framework for up to 20 years. Places for people is a registered provider of social housing and is one of the largest property management, development and regeneration companies in the UK with a stock portfolio of over 60,000 properties including 80 sheltered schemes covering a large geographical area from Edinburgh to the Isle of Wight. Places for people is seeking to maximise the sustainability of its property portfolio. The Joint Venture's responsibility under the agreement include surveying of properties to ensure suitability, design, specification and procurement of low carbon heating kit and associated infrastructure, installation of the kit and operation and maintenance for up to 20 years. CPV: 71314310, 39715000, 39715210, 44621220, 45232141, 45251000, 45251200, 45259300, 45315000, 45331000, 45331100, 50720000, 50721000, 71321200, 39715200. ...

UK-Aberdeen: central-heating installation work
Torry Multi Storey District Heating. Aberdeen Heat and Power wishes to invite tenders from interested bodies for material supply and installation contracts as follows: 1. The supply and installation of buried heating mains (approx value 100 000 GBP); 2. To supply heating pipework materials and equipment (approx value 260 000 GBP); 3. To supply a packaged pre-fabricated plantroom building (approx value 40 000 GBP); 4. To install pipework and equipment in a plantroom (approx value 20 000 GBP); 5. To install heating systems in multi-storey blocks (approx value 320 000 GBP); 6. To supply and install a control panel and wiring (approx value 20 000 GBP). NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at http://www.publiccontractsscotland.gov.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=224754. CPV: 45331100. ...

UK-Sheffield: construction work for buildings relating to education and research
The new engineering building at Jessop East. Construction of a new engineering building containing lecture theatres, laboratories, teaching and learning facilities on the Jessop East site, situated between Leavygreave Road, St. George's Terrace and Broad Lane, Sheffield. The contracting authority is currently considering the merits of the developing design for this scheme. CPV: 45214000, 45214400. ...

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