Friday, 2 December 2011

02/12/2011 tenders 80

UK-Belfast: weapons, ammunition and associated parts
The supply & delivery of night vision monoculars. This contract is for the supply & delivery of night vision monoculars. CPV: 35300000. ...

UK-Sheffield: blood analysers
Automated systems (equipment and materials) for continuous monitoring/detection of bactereia from blood, body fluids, respiratory samples. The provision of a continuous monitoring automated system (equipment and materials) for the detection of bacteria from blood, sputa and other body fluids. CPV: 38434520, 38430000, 38434500. ...

SE-Karlskrona: cadaver lifter or transfer devices
Procurement of transfer devices to the Swedish Coast Guard. KBV has an obligation to assist vessels in distress at sea. The assistance can consist of entirely different things such as towing, medical transport, or fire- and chemical action etc. KBV wishes to procure transfer devices in order to conduct our obligations. The purpose of the transfer device is to, in a secure manner for our staff, permit action against a disabled vessel in poor weather conditions and large swell. Estimated procurement requirement is 3 transfer devices. CPV: 33948000. ...

UK-Newtown St Boswells: road-surfacing materials
SBC/CPS/641. Provision of road surfacing materials, aggregates and ready mixed concrete. The purpose of the framework agreement is to secure supply for SBC contracts of road surfacing materials, aggregates (dry) and ready mixed concrete. The tender comprises 3 lots and tenders can bid for any or all of the individual lots. Tenderers will be required to supply these materials to locations both within and outwith the SBC geographical boundary, such the Lothians. Further detail is contained within the full document. Note: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland web site at CPV: 44113800, 14212200, 44114100. ...

UK-Bath: prepared meals
Supply of prepared frozen meals to the Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust. Supply of prepared frozen meals to the Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust. You are invited to submit price quotations for the supply of frozen prepared and cooked meal portions for hospital patients at the Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust. The contract will be awarded for a 36 month period, with the option to extend for 2 further periods of 12 months. CPV: 15894200, 15896000, 15881000, 15882000. ...

FI-Helsinki: architectural design services
The Heart of the Metropolis, Helsinki Central Library Open International Architectural Competition. The City of Helsinki is arranging an open two-stage international architectural competition for the design of a Central Library. The competition is part of Helsinki's official programme for World Design Capital 2012. The competition looks for a library design solution for contemporary times. In terms of both the cityscape and its symbolic significance, the Central Library will be located in the very centre of Helsinki, the Töölönlahti ("Töölö Bay") area. It will form a cohesive totality with the Finnish Parliament building, Helsinki Music Centre, Finlandia Hall (concert and congress building), Sanoma House and Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art. The new Central Library will be much more than a traditional library. It will be a dynamic entity comprised of the physical spaces, technology, library collections, staff, cooperation partners and clients. The aim is to create a vibrant and functionally versatile meeting place, a house of literature in which the users are the focus. The goal is for the building to be completed in 2017, when Finland celebrates the centenary of its independence. The extent of the room programme of the building is 10 000 m2, and the estimated building cost 69 900 000 EUR (VAT 0 %). The building is to be designed as eco-efficient (i.e. energy and material efficient). The competition looks for a design solution for the Central Library building that: — responds to the challenges set by the cityscape-wise unique location, and adjusts to the urban fabric and blocks of Töölönlahti, — is high quality and timeless architecture, — forms a symbolic significant building that resonates with society as a whole and expresses the operational concepts of the building in an intriguing way, — offers a functionally high-quality and technically and spatially flexible framework for cutting-edge and adaptable library operations, — is eco-efficient, — is technically and economically feasible. The purpose of the competition is to act as a selection procedure in the procurement of a designer for the building (architectural design, expert in energy technology). The competition period for Stage 1 is 5.1.2012–16.4.2012. For Stage 2 the 6-8 best entries will be selected for further development. The competition period for Stage 2 is 3-4 months, starting in about October 2012. It is estimated that the competition results will be announced in June 2013. The jury will make its recommendations for further actions based on the results of the competition. The intention is that the commission for further design work (architectural design and energy-technical planning) will be awarded to the authors of the winning proposal if the City of Helsinki makes the necessary decisions concerning the further planning and implementation of the project. Prizes: See IV.5.1. On 20.1.2012 a competition introductory seminar (in English), will be held in Helsinki, at the Finlandia Hall Congress Centre. The competition languages are Finnish and English. In order to participate in the competition it is required to register via the competition website at: (Finnish) (English). The registration period starts 30.11.2011 and ends 30.3.2012. The competition programme and other competition documents are made available on the competition website from 5.1.2012. Part of competition documents are only available to download for those who have registered for the competition. Further information, registration guidelines and eligibility requirements are described on the competition website: (Finnish) (English). CPV: 71220000, 71320000, 71314300. ...

UK-Hengoed: architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
Traffic Surveys. Four Authorities in SE Wales are collaboratively inviting expressions of interest for a Traffic Surveys service. The service will include individual service packages, delivering traffic survey information to the Contracting Authority on an ad-hoc basis, in line with the scope of services. Suppliers will be required to communicate directly with the Contracting Authority. The contract scope includes strategic traffic modelling, forecasting, data collection and interpretation, impact assessments, technical appraisals, and the compilation of reports. Traffic Surveys may be required on both major and minor roads and junctions, at any time of day, but particularly during peak periods. Suppliers may be required to liaise directly with other contractors who are providing supplementary services, on behalf of the Contracting Authority. Services may also extend to site design and safety auditing in certain circumstances. Further information will be provided in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire. Community Benefits applies to this contract, Further details: CPV: 71000000, 71240000, 71241000, 71250000, 71251000, 71300000, 71310000, 71311000, 71311100, 71311300, 71312000, 71313000, 71318000, 71330000, 71350000, 71500000, 71600000, 71700000. ...

UK-Morpeth: welfare services for children and young people
Provision of Sure Start Children's Centre Services for Northumberland. Northumberland County Council invites organisations to tender for the provision of Northumberland County Council Sure Start Children's Centre services. CPV: 85311300, 85312110. ...

UK-Taunton: software package and information systems
Digital Data Management. The UKHO seeks to procure a system solution that will conduct S-57 ENC validation (S-58 tests) and check elements of vertical and horizontal consistency and conformance to capture recommendations (S-65) on a number of ENCs at once (and their updates where applicable), with the aim of determining instances that are of possible navigational significance (and therefore warrant further investigation) and recording those instances that, whilst not navigationally significant, would improve the appearance and usability of the data if they were addressed. The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). For the avoidance of doubt, the contracting authority points out that no weight will be attached to whether or not an economic operator is an SME in selecting economic operators to submit tenders or in assessing the most economically advantageous tender. Interested parties are advised that, due to the confidential nature of some information that will need to be disclosed by the UKHO during this award procedure and, later, to [the successful tenderer, all economic operators invited to participate in the award procedure will be required to enter into confidentiality agreements with the Secretary of State prior to such disclosure. For the same reason, direct competitors of the UKHO and any economic operators affiliated to such direct competitors will be excluded from this award procedure. The UKHO reserves the right to determine, in its sole discretion, whether an economic operator falls into this excluded category of economic operators. CPV: 48000000, 72000000. ...

UK-Glasgow: business and management consultancy and related services
Smart: Scotland Due Diligence Framework. We require a Framework of Suppliers to deliver the Smart: Scotland Due Diligence programme. The framework will be split into the following lots: Lot 1 Technical Due Diligence - Energy Sector. Lot 2 Technical Due Diligence - Biochemical Sciences. Lot 3 Technical Due Diligence - Engineering. Lot 4 Technical Due Diligence - Technology. Lot 5 Market Assessment Due Diligence. It is anticipated that each lot will have three suppliers. We intend to send between 28 and 30 invitations to tender. Some suppliers may be invited to tender for more than 1 lot. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at The awarding authority has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via a 'Tender Submission Postbox' facility. Further details of this facility are available at Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. The postbox closes precisely at the time stated. CPV: 79400000, 79410000. ...

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