Thursday, 1 December 2011

01/12/2011 tenders 70

UK-Elstree: storage and warehousing services
Provision of Third Party Logistics Services within the United States of America. Bio Products Laboratory Limited is looking for a third party logistics partner to work with them in the United States. BPL manufactures plasma products in the UK for distribution to medical professionals all over the US from within the US. CPV: 63120000. ...

UK-Salford: special education services
Joint Outcomes Fund. Special education services. The purpose of the Joint Outcomes Fund is to re-align resources in order to target support for children, young people and families in the City. Only children, young people and families living in areas where 50 % of the children are living in poverty will be eligible for the fund. It is therefore expected that projects and interventions will be delivered in these areas or easily accessed by those living in these areas. CPV: 80340000. ...

UK-Paisley: prepared meals
Supply and Delivery of Prepared Meals for the Provision of a Community Meals Service. This framework agreement (ref. 10/10 - PC/4) is for the Supply and Delivery of Prepared Meals for the Provision of a Community Meals Service. Offers were invited for the following delivery options: Option 1 - Bulk delivery to central point(s) located within councils. Option 2 - Weekly or fortnightly home delivery of prepared frozen meals. Option 3 - Daily home delivery of hot meals. Each option was considered and evaluated on its own merits. CPV: 15894200, 55521100. ...

UK-Littlehampton: building-cleaning services
Cleaning services contract for Public Offices and sheltered housing schemes. The contract is to provide cleaning services for the public office buildings, sheltered housing and hostel schemes. This tender is divided into 9 lots. The amount of work varies between sites ranging from full daily cleans of whole buildings to ad hock cleaning of specific areas such as stair wells about which more detail will be given to those companies that progress through to the tender stage. The premises vary greatly, ranging from our main civic centre building down to small one room offices. Bidders are welcome for either a single lot or any multiples which you deem capable of servicing. Arun District Council has the option to choose the most economically beneficial tender based on responses given to the tender questionnaire and pricing schedule. The contract will start on the 1.1.2012 and be awarded for an initial 2 year period until the 31.12.2013, with the option to extend for a further 4 x 1 year periods to a maximum term of 6 years. CPV: 90911200, 90911100, 90910000. ...

UK-Mold: gas appliance maintenance services
Inspection, service and maintenance of gas appliances. This contract is for the annual inspection of all gas catering appliances and gas manifolds located in various premises across Flintshire. Premises comprise of primary, secondary, and special needs schools, Elderly Persons Homes, and the Bistro at County Hall. This excludes day-to-day maintenance and repair works, and pipe work beyond the service valve. Inspections would be in line with an agreed schedule, and all outcomes duly reported upon to the contract administrator. Such reports would advise of any remedial works required, and the Authority would then determine allocation of works. Works could be completed either by an authority based engineer, or by engineers of the successful contractor. All remedial works carried out by the contractor would be subject to quotation, agreement, and authorisation prior to commencement of works. All remedial works relating to annual inspections, completed by either the Authority Engineer or the contractors engineer, and must be retested in accordance with all current legislation. The contract will be for an initial period of 3 years, which has the potential to extend by a further 2 years. Furthermore, the first 12 months of the contract would be a probationary period. Both the probationary period, and the option to extend the contract by a further 2 years would be at the discretion of the Authority, after evaluating service delivery and satisfaction levels. The Council is determined that only companies that have a proven track record, with at least three contracts of this size, nature and complexity, probably with other Local Authorities, will be invited to tender. Successful applications will be determined on a 55 % quality, 45 % price basis. It is the intention to post or email tender documents, and requests all returns be made via post to ensure receipt of all hard copies of documentation. CPV: 50531200. ...

UK-Shefford: social work services with accommodation
Home Care Services in Central Bedfordshire's Extra Care Schemes. Home Care Services in Central Bedfordshire's 4 Extra Care Schemes. CPV: 85311000. ...

CY-Nicosia: water desalination services
TAY 33/2011 operation and maintenance of the Larnaca desalination plant. Operation and maintenance of the Larnaca desalination plant. CPV: 65122000. ...

SE-Borlänge: data-transmission equipment
TRV 2010/78276 - RFID-utrustning. RFID-utrustning. CPV: 32260000. ...

NO-Mysen: electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting
Framework agreement - electrical consumables. Framework agreements for electrical consumables for delivery to Aremark, Askim, Eidsberg, Hobøl, Marker, Rakkestad, Rømskog, Spydeberg and Trøgstad municipalities with an option for Skiptvet municipality. The awarding authorities shall, via this procurement, cover the needs for electrical consumables for the municipalities' user places so that the municipalities in an efficient and rational way can undertake the operation and maintenance of properties in accordance with the laws and regulations within the mentioned trade. The contract shall cover the need for materials which occur when the municipalities carry out works themselves which require electrical consumables. In cases where the awarding authorities use external electro services, the consumables will not be a part of this contract. CPV: 31000000. ...

NO-Hornindal: services provided by medical personnel
Framework agreement, temporary employment for the caring sector. The Awarding Authority wishes to enter into framework agreement(s) regarding procurement of temporary employment services for the caring sector. The object of the contract is to cover the Awarding Authority's extraordinary requirements. The contract is relevant for single assignments/urgent duties and long-term assignments, e.g. in connection with holidays and long-term absence due to sickness. In 2010 Hornindal and co-operating municipalities, henceforth referred to as the Awarding Authority, purchased approx. 21 500 temporary employment hours for the caring sector. During the contract period the extent will change. However, this is dependent on the general labour market and the Awarding Authority's possibilities to fully utilise own personnel. The Awarding Authority will considering entering into a framework agreement with one service provider or 3 or more providers, compare the public procurement regulations, chapter 15. CPV: 85141000. ...

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