Saturday, 22 October 2011

22/10/2011 tenders 30

UK-Leeds: repair and maintenance services
Leeds ALMO Procurement 2011 - lot 1 improvements responsive repairs, refurbishment and maintenance works - Aire Valley Homes Leeds. Leeds ALMO Procurement 2011 - lot 1 improvements responsive repairs, refurbishment and maintenance works - Aire Valley Homes Leeds. CPV: 50000000. ...

IRL-Limerick: lifts
UL0192 All Weather Pitches and Pavillion, University of Limerick. a) Main Contractor b) Lift c) All Weather Pitches d) Outdoor Flood Lighting e) Geothermal Heating System CPV: 42416100, 31527260, 45232141, 45212223, 45212200. ...

UK-Hugh Town: building construction work
Porthcressa Regeneration Project - Phase 1. The contract relates to the regeneration of a prominant coastal location on St Mary's, Isles of Scilly and includes the demolition of a car storage garage and replacement with a new Register Office (55 m2), refurbishment of the adjoining Bulb Store for use as a library (160 m2), demolition of the existing library and development of the plot to provide 3 small workspaces (116 m2) topped with 3 housing units (2 x 1 bed maisonettes and 1 x 2 bed 2 storey maisonette) (152 m2), demolition of the existing shelter and public conviences and replacement with new fit-for-purpose amenity building (135 m2), improvements to the public realm at Porthcressa Square and along the promenade with landscaping to the banks and gardens. CPV: 45210000, 45212330, 45212350, 45213252, 45215500, 45211100, 45211340. ...

SE-Västervik: generators
Prequalification of tenderers-Steam Turbogenerator-Västervik Miljö & Energi AB. VMEAB has decided to procure a SteamTurbogenerator. The purpose of this procurement is to prequalify relevant candidates for tendering in order to procure and provide VMEAB with a Steam Turbogenerator. The objective is to put the Steam Turbogenerator into service in Q4 2012. The assumed signing of contract is by Q2 2011. CPV: 31120000, 42112100, 45000000, 45251140, 51133000. ...

UK-Bristol: sign materials
Supply of sign making materials. Sign materials. Supply of sign making materials for use by the registered royal engineer sign making centres. CPV: 34928471. ...

UK-Lincoln: dressings
Non prescription supply of wound care products. To provide a diret supply of identified wound care products to identified nursing teams, to include related services to premises within Lincolnshire. CPV: 33141110, 33141116. ...

MT-Msida: industrial robots
Supply and delivery of various laboratory equipment for the Control Systems Engineering Laboratory at the Faculty of Engineering. Supply and delivery of various laboratory equipment for the Control Systems Engineering Laboratory at the Faculty of Engineering. CPV: 42997300, 31712310. ...

UK-Newcastle upon Tyne: pacemaker
Contract for the supply of pacemakers, implantable defibrillators, leads and accessories over a one year period. Contract for the supply of pacemakers, implantable defibrillators, leads and accessories over a one year period. CPV: 33182210. ...

IRL-Wexford: furniture
Furniture and Equipment at Gorey Community College. Supply. Furniture and equipment at Gorey Community College. CPV: 39100000, 39130000, 39134000, 39151000, 39155000, 39160000, 39180000, 39721000. ...

UK-York: laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
High speed flow cytometry cell sorter. The purchase of a high speed flow cytometry cell sorter for use within the Department of Biology to aid current and future research programmes. The system will need to enable the use of a wide range of lasers. CPV: 38000000, 38432000, 38430000, 38400000, 38434000. ...

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