Friday, 21 October 2011

21/10/2011 tenders 60

DK-Aarhus: repair and maintenance services of measuring, testing and checking apparatus
Restricted procedure for framework service agreements for research instruments and. The Contracting Authority wants to consolidate all purchases of service for research instruments and apparatus. Consolidation of these purchases is expected to generate a quite significant volume of approx. 15 000 000 DKK annually. However, the final volume of purchases naturally depends on a number of aspects, in particular specific requirements. It is an independent objective for the Contracting Authority to make it possible for the individual researchers affiliated with the various departments at Aarhus University to make quick and low-cost purchases of relevant services, etc. Owing to the significant volume, the Contracting Authority expects to achieve favourable terms and prices. The framework agreement will run for two years, with the possibility of up to two extensions of one year each. CPV: 50410000. ...

UK-Bristol: cranes
Repair and Maintenance of Crane Assemblies for use on Warrior Repair and Recovery Vehicle. Cranes. The Authority has a requirement to place a contract for the repair and overhaul of the Warrior Armoured Fighting Vehicle Repair and Recovery variants Crane assembly and related sub assemblies. Various other hydraulic cylinders and related hydraulic pumps/valve blocks and motors belonging to this vehicle may also be required to be overhauled/repaired. There is a further requirement to purchase additional assemblies and other component parts. Potential suppliers must have previous proven experience of repairing, overhauling and supplying Armoured Fighting Vehicle Crane assemblies and associated components. The contract specifics will include the receipt, strip and survey of assemblies, repair as necessary and management of predefined standards of packaging and shipment. Potential suppliers will have to demonstrate ability to provide workshop and testing facilities capable of coping with Armoured Fighting Vehicle Crane assemblies. The resulting contract will include provisions to attend progress meetings and provide comprehensive monthly progress reports and the successful bidder will be expected to follow a structured administration submissions process as part of the repair cycle. As part of the tendering process, bidders will have access to technical documentation where available and appropriate and may potentially have access to either unserviceable carcases or serviceable assemblies. All potential suppliers may be asked to complete a Pre-qualification questionnaire prior to the tender process. Technical Contact: Steve Boucher, Project Manager Bridging & Cranes. CTG Systems Team, Teak 1, NH 5, Mail point #6102, DE&S Abbey Wood, Bristol, BS34 8JH, Tel: +44 3067971279, Fax: +44 1179319573, Email: CPV: 42414100. ...

UK-Salisbury: military research and technology
UA low frequency SAR trials. Military research & technology. CPV: 73410000. ...

UK-Norwich: taxi services
Business Travel Services. Taxi services. Norwich City Council has a requirement to transport its members of staff, elected council members and tenants representatives during the course of their business, mainly within Norwich but occasional to other locations within Norfolk. CPV: 60120000. ...

UK-Sittingbourne: mobile-telephone services
Mobile communications. AmicusHorizon are tendering our current mobile communications. We currently have 800 mobiles, a mixture of voice, blackberry & mobile web. CPV: 64212000, 32250000, 64200000. ...

UK-Stafford: repair and maintenance services of catering equipment
PC337 contract for the provision of service, maintenance and repair of catering equipment. Property and risk management has selected a suitable provider to undertake a contract to cover both the planned preventative and the responsive maintenance for all water boilers and commercial catering equipment in County Council Establishments and in other establishments under SLA agreements. Any refrigeration or domestic catering equipment is deemed to fall outside of this agreement. The service essentially provides a comprehensive overhaul and searching examination of the equipment with testing of electrical services and gas installations including the suitability and effectiveness of the ventilation system. The majority of equipment will receive a single annual service with some equipment requiring an additional interim service. Important note: the participation and process for this tender will be via the electronic tendering portal located at Please ensure you also refer to section VI.3 of this notice. All requests for information to be sent through the electronic tendering portal and message facility on the Proactis electronic tendering system. How to register: 1. Instructions at http// 2. Follow the link to Proactis E-Tendering ( On the main page click suppliers then (new user) register links. 3. Complete the self-registration questions and click the register button. 4. You will receive a confirmation e-mail with an authentication link (this email may find its way to your trash/junk email account, so please check). 5. Confirm the authentication and then login into Proactis suppliers-side. 6. Search the bulletin board for the tender(s) using key words, search criteria etc. 7. Once found, click on the (blue) contract title to register interest against an active tender. 8. Click the register button and then continue. 9. The tender will now be in the my tenders profile area on the main menu. 10. Find the read me first document and continue with managing the tender. If you require urgent assistance regarding the initial usage of the eTendering package please contact the Contracting Authority point-of-contact in Section I.1 of this notice. On failure to reach this contact, please immediately email the nature of the difficulty to CPV: 50883000, 39312000. ...

UK-Portsmouth: hospital and related services
Any willing provider elective and diagnostic service. The South Central Wave 1 GC4 and GC8 Independent Sector (IS) Treatment Centre (ISTC) contracts come to an end and will be re-procured, where capacity and choice of provider are still required, from march 2010 through to december 2011. In addition, the Department of Health has confirmed that all contracts procured through the Extended and Free Choice Networks (ECN and FCN) must migrate, if services are to be provided in the future, to the standard acute contract when these contracts end at the end of march 2011 (timing subject to confirmation of future CNST arrangements for is providers). The ISTC programme was implemented in two stages – wave one covered the initial phase of contract awards to 2006 and phase 2 the procurements after this date. In wave one, additional capacity creation focused on elective care, procuring the purchase of clinical services from independent sector providers and, where this additional capacity required it, contracting with the independent sector to build new state of the art facilities or treatment centres from which to deliver the services. CPV: 85110000. ...

UK-London: health and social work services
Adult Intermediate Care Accommodation - NHS Isle of Wight. The vision of NHS Isle of Wight Primary Care Trust (NHS IOW PCT) is that adults requiring physical rehabilitation should receive it in a timely manner and in an appropriate setting to enable them to reach a level of functional independence acceptable to them. Providers will be required to ensure their staff members undertake high quality and proactive nursing assessments and interventions for service users who are admitted to the nursing homes under the care of a General Practitioner. Care will be of the highest standard and will be needs-based and service user centred. Providers will be required to work very closely with the NHS IOW PCT Intermediate Care team, GPs, service users and carers to provide personalised rehabilitation programmes, which maximise independence, and to work jointly with teams in the discharge planning process; ensuring service users return home, where possible, or onward to the most appropriate setting for their needs. Providers will be expected to be able to offer an environment that ensures privacy and dignity for service users and that facilitates the wider rehabilitation process. This would include making available wheelchair- accessible basic kitchen facilities for service user assessment purposes, where possible. NHS IOW PCT intends to develop a wider Rehabilitation Service, in line with the 2011 Rehabilitation Strategy, during 2011/12. The Adult Intermediate Care Accommodation Provider will be expected to liaise very closely with the Rehabilitation Service staff members, from this Service implementation date onwards. The contract will be for 33 Nursing Home beds in the first year (2011-12). Beds will need to be provided in Nursing Homes across the Isle of Wight. In future years additional beds may be spot-purchased. CPV: 85000000. ...

UK-Salisbury: research and development services and related consultancy services
DNA Hybridisation. Research and development services and related consultancy services. Research and experimental development services. Research services. This Contract is to provide a fundamental understanding of the composition of Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA) hybridisation probes (or other relevant materials such as Peptide Nucleic Acids (PNA) for detection of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplified DNA products, or directly extracted DNA products from agents of interest. This notice is to announce Dstl' intention to uplift of existing contract value by 125 000,00 GBP. CPV: 73000000, 73100000, 73110000. ...

UK-Glasgow: medical specialist services
Provision of a prosthetics service to the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) Headley Court. Medical specialist services. Medical aids. Provision of a prosthetics service to the Defence Medical Rehabilitation Centre (DMRC) Headley Court. The Defence Medical Services (DMS) provide a comprehensive rehabilitation service for ill or injured military personnel. DMRC provides in-patient facilities/resources and is the Armed Forces Centre for rehabilitation of service personnel. DMRC is located in Surrey, approximately 20 miles from central London. Military amputees present an unique challenge, having high expectations for service provision and for their future function mainly suffering limb loss as a result of military operational service. Average age of patients is early 20s with activity level K4, many are complex cases with multiple limb loss, fractures, open wounds and complicating neurological conditions. The whole spectrum of prosthetic rehabilitation; from managing the early assessment and prescription of prosthetics for patients with open wounds and un-healed fractures - to late stage running re-education is required. The successful contractor will provide a high quality amputee limb fitting service tailored to meet the needs of this patient population delivering both inpatient and outpatient care, for more established prosthetic users. Inpatients at DMRC are undergoing intensive rehabilitation and it is vital that their prosthetics are fitted and delivered quickly and efficiently, in line with key performance indicators, to enable rapid progression through initial rehabilitation. In the event of prolonged periods of increased throughput, which may exhaust the capacity of the prosthetic facilities at DMRC, the contractor must be prepared to undertake additional services in alternative off-site facilities, sourced and provided by the contractor. These will be within 15 km of DMRC and serve as a secondary site for fitting and manufacture of prosthetic limbs. Outpatient care will be delivered at DMRC, but there is a likely future requirement for the development of regional delivery of outpatient prosthetic services at a small number of nominated regional prosthetics centres, the number and location of which will be agreed between the Authority and contractor. The contractor will be required to provide the following: on-site management of the Service in order to provide the prosthetic and orthotic service. Prosthetic and clinical assistant sessions to meet the clinical need, the requirement is for approximately 70 and 10 sessions per week respectively. Provision of a visiting prosthetist, approximately one visit per fortnight depending on patient numbers and complexity, to assess inpatients at the Royal Centre of Defence Medicine. Prosthetic technical support for the amputee service specifically with relation to manufacture of prosthetic devices as directed by the prosthetist. The requirement is for approximately 100 technical sessions per week. Staff will need to be trained in the use of the Tracer CadCam system. The contractor will be required to provide limbs by accessing the whole available market range and must include the use of current and developing technology commensurate with patient and MoD requirements. An Orthotic support service consisting of approximately 2 sessions per week. Administration and computer software to enable the effective co-ordination of a comprehensive stock control and ordering process. The contractor needs to ensure that clinical practice is supported by appropriate research and development activity and ensure that prosthetists are registered with the Health Professionals Council and be conversant with the guidelines published by the British Association of Prosthetist and Orthotists (BAPO, 2000). Have 2 years post registration experience in the care of amputees. It is highly desirable that prosthetists have experience with the management of young traumatic amputee patients. The Enabling Contract shall apply for the period from 1.10.2011 to 30.9.2014, subject to the Authority's right of earlier termination. Subject to the Authority's requirements and to a high standard of performance by the contractor throughout the period of the contract the Authority will reserve the right to extend the period of the contract with the contractor beyond this period up a maximum of a further 2 years. CPV: 85121200, 33196000. ...

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