Friday, 21 October 2011

21/10/2011 tenders 140

UK-Winchester: financial transaction processing and clearing-house services
Delivery of a Direct Debit Service 2012. Hampshire County Council invites applications from suitably experience firms/ organisations who wish to tender for the Delivery of a Direct Debit Service. The contract will be for three years, with a possible 1 year extension. Hampshire County Council uses Direct Debits to allow residents of Hampshire and customers of various County Council sites to pay for the services they receive. The service will allow the setting up, alteration, and termination of Direct Debit payments to Hampshire County Council and other sites as well as information reporting on system statistics. Interested parties should register their interest, and obtain the tender documentation, via the In-Tend website: The deadline for submission of tender responses is 2pm on Monday 28.11.2011. The anticipated contract start date will be 1.1.2012. Full details of the contract are available therein. The tender exercise will be carried out electronically. CPV: 66172000. ...

UK-Bracknell: internal audit services
Internal audit services. The Council is looking to put in place a new framework agreement for the delivery of internal audit services with effect from 1.4.2012, to ensure that the annual audit plan can be delivered and the Council's statutory obligations met. The services must comply with the CIPFA code of practice for internal audit in Local Government and ensure the delivery of the annual internal audit plan and compliance with the Councils statutory requirements. The contract will seek to obtain daily rates for general and computer audit as well as contract audit, fraud investigation, value for money reviews and audit of grant claims. The Council has estimated that initially 400 days per year will be required. CPV: 79212200. ...

UK-Salisbury: school catering services
Provision of catering services. The successful tenderer will be required to provide catering services at The Trafalgar School. The School is looking to appoint a professional catering organisation with a proven track record in the educational field to provide the full catering services at this split site School. Flexibility and strengths in promoting student and staff uptake, staff training focussed on good client care (i.e. students) are some of the key criterion. The contract will commence on 1.4.2012 for a period of 3 years. The services provided to a diverse student body need to include breakfast, morning break, lunchtime provision and occasional internal hospitality services. CPV: 55524000. ...

UK-Kingston upon Thames: educational software package
CPU-EU-029/2011. Timetabling and teaching space management. Kingston University is seeking to implement new timetabling and room allocation software that will interface with the current student record system, SITS, to provide an efficient and effective system that supports different timetabling priorities, makes best use of available space and delivers individual timetables to staff and students that can be viewed in a variety of different formats. The software must accommodate multiple academic calendars and be capable of managing specific programme, staff and student constraints. The software should deliver a wide range of management reports, including space utilisation, and provide opportunities for space modelling and space forecasting. In addition to teaching timetable capabilities, the software should incorporate exam scheduling and online ad-hoc room booking functionality. The University is aiming for the build/development and associated user acceptance testing to be completed by the end of April 2012, pilots to be undertaken during the 2012/13 academic year, and full roll-out for the 2013/14 academic year. CPV: 48190000, 48100000, 48332000. ...

UK-Cardiff: business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
Framework Agreement for the Provision of Legal Services to Finance Wales. Finance Wales intends to appoint a number of individual firms, each operating under a framework agreement, to provide legal services to Finance Wales as part of a panel. The requirement is for the panel as a whole to provide a range of services as identified within the documentation, though it is not a requirement that any one firm be able to provide them all. Finance Wales is voluntarily submitting itself to following the general structure of the restricted procedure and is only bound by the application of the EU procurement regulations to the extent that they are applicable to the procurement of Part B Services. Finance Wales is inviting potential suppliers to complete a pre-qualification questionnaire. The purpose of which is to enable Finance Wales to select potential service providers that meet or exceed the minimum requirements to participate in the Invitation to Tender stage. The pre-qualification questionnaire can be accessed here: The deadline for submission of pre-qualification questionnaires is Friday 28.10.2011. The tender deadline referred to below is for the receipt of final tenders and is only applicable to those who are invited to tender stage. CPV: 79000000, 79100000. ...

UK-London: insurance brokerage services
TfL/90445 - insurance broking services. TfL is seeking tenders for the provision of Insurance Broking Services. As part of this contract, the service provider will also provide reinsurance broking services to TfL's own insurance captive (London Transport Insurance Guernsey). The captive is currently managed on behalf of TfL by Willis Guernsey; management of the captive does not form part of the Broking Services Contract. CPV: 66518100, 66519310. ...

UK-Chelmsford: information technology services
2199 - Early Years System. CPV: 72222300, 48810000, 48000000, 72267100, 48800000, 48500000, 48600000, 48100000. ...

SE-Stockholm: reinsurance services
Reinsurance of General Liability 2012. The procurement include all risks insured by S:t Erik Försäkring as from the renewal on 1.1.2012. The sums insured for 2012 regarding general liability is SEK 98 000 000 ultimate net loss each and every loss and SEK 196 000 000 in the annual aggregate. Also refer to the excess of loss reinsurance agreement. CPV: 66700000, 66510000. ...

SE-Stockholm: reinsurance services
Reinsurance of property damage-schools and pre-schools 2012. The procurement include risks insured by S:t Erik Försäkring as from the renewal on 1.1.2012. The risks concerned are the property and business interruption risks related to the company SISAB the owner of all schools and pre-schools in Stockholm. CPV: 66700000, 66510000. ...

UK-Glasgow: grounds maintenance services
Easthall Park Housing Co-operative: environmental services maintenance contract 2012-2014. Easthall Park Housing Co-operative is inviting applications from suitably qualified and experienced landscaping contractors to be considered to be invited to submit a quality/ price tender for the provision of a comprehensive local environmental maintenance service to approximately 750 homes and flats. The specification will include: close cleaning; back court maintenance; litter pick up; weeding; shrub management; pruning; and ground maintenance to common areas and individual gardens. It is also anticipated the contract will include the inspection and maintenance of play parks. The contract is to be let for 1.4.2012 to 31.3.2014 with options, subject to quarterly review and satisfactory performance against published key performance indicators, to extend the contract at the Employer's discretion on an annual basis to 31.3.2015 and 31.3.2016. Note: to register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland web site at CPV: 77314000. ...

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