UK-London: information systems or technology strategic review and planning services
1.0/002905 TI: UK-London: information systems or technology strategic review and planning services PD: 20100916 ND: 273604-2010 OJ: 180/2010 DS: 20100913 DT: 20101020 12 00 RN: 215460-2010 HD: 011EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC:...
UK-Antrim: repair and maintenance services
1.0/003227 TI: UK-Antrim: repair and maintenance services PD: 20100916 ND: 273618-2010 OJ: 180/2010 DS: 20100913 DD: 20101028 12 00 DT: 20101028 12 00 RN: 270424-2010 HD: 013EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service contract PR:...
UK-Nottingham: business and management consultancy and related services
1.0/003250 TI: UK-Nottingham: business and management consultancy and related services PD: 20100916 ND: 273619-2010 OJ: 180/2010 DS: 20100913 DT: 20100312 12 00 RN: 41742-2010 HD: 013EC TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service...
MT-Floriana: disposable nappies
1.0/003273 TI: MT-Floriana: disposable nappies PD: 20100916 ND: 273620-2010 OJ: 180/2010 DS: 20100913 DD: 20100923 10 00 DT: 20101007 10 00 RN: 223825-2010 HD: 012EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 2 - Supply contract PR: 1 - Open...
MT-Marsa: refrigerating equipment
1.0/003296 TI: MT-Marsa: refrigerating equipment PD: 20100916 ND: 273621-2010 OJ: 180/2010 DS: 20100914 DD: 20101005 10 00 DT: 20101019 10 00 RN: 235129-2010 HD: 012EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 2 - Supply contract PR: 1 -...
B-Brussels: RTD-L05-2010 — information products
1.0/003917 TI: B-Brussels: RTD-L05-2010 — information products PD: 20100916 ND: 273648-2010 OJ: 180/2010 DS: 20100910 DD: 20101018 16 00 DT: 20101025 17 00 RN: 198233-2010 HD: EC3EA TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service contract PR:...
L-Luxembourg: Eurostat external user support
1.0/003940 TI: L-Luxembourg: Eurostat external user support PD: 20100916 ND: 273649-2010 OJ: 180/2010 DS: 20100910 DT: 20101001 RN: 111251-2010 HD: EC3EC TD: 2 - Additional information NC: 4 - Service contract PR: 1 - Open procedure RP:...
UK-Belfast: road markings
UK-Belfast: road markings. Term contracts for road markings and studs 2010. The contracts will include the following work activities: (a) Removal of road markings; (b) Laying of road markings using mechanical means; (c) Laying of road markings by hand; (d) Removal of road studs; (e) Installation of road studs; (f) Over banding and inlaid crack sealing repair systems; (g) Traffic management. CPV: 34922100. ...
UK-Selkirk: construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
Planned maintenance framework construction works 2010-14. Eildon Housing Association Ltd, for itself and on behalf of other Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), is looking to appoint suppliers to a pre-qualified framework agreement to identify potential contractors to tender for individual projects for a number of RSLs, including Berwickshire Housing Association, Eildon Housing Association, Scottish Borders Housing Association and Waverley Housing. This framework agreement is for the provision of construction works in relation to the planned maintenance and refurbishment programmes. The programme will be delivered through the 4-year framework agreement (commencing August 2010). CPV: 45211000. ...
UK-Sunderland: concrete or mortar mixers
Framework agreement for the supply of ready mix concrete and sand cement screed. Sunderland City Council has a requirement for ready mix concrete and sand cement screed. This framework is split into two lots with a maximum of three providers for each lot. Lot 1 - Supply only of ready mix concrete and sand cement screed from the contractors premises. Lot 2 - Supply and delivery of ready mix concrete and sand cement screed to various sites within the City of Sunderland and its boundaries. CPV: 43413000, 44114000, 44114100. ...
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