Thursday, 14 July 2011

14/07/2011 tenders 80

NO-Trondheim: wildlife preservation services
Scientific registrations of deciduous forest - 2011. The aim of the mapping is to increase knowledge on deciduous forests in Oslo and Akershus, Hordaland, Sør-Trøndelag and Nord-Trøndelag counties. Even if the mapping will not, by far, cover all the deciduous forests in the counties, the aim is that these registrations together with previous registrations shall give a representative picture of the natural values in the deciduous forests in the counties. The registratons shall improve the basis for managing the biological diversity in deciduous forests, including forming the basis for offers for voluntary forest protection. There can also be other types of forests in the areas (Jf DN-handbook no. 13), these shall also be mapped and their value evaluated. Areas with value A and B shall be given high priority in the mapping and a thorough description is expected of these. Work in areas with value C shall be put at an absolute minimum. A total of 179 areas shall be mapped in the mentioned counties. The mapping covers an area of ........ decares. CPV: 92534000. ...

IS-Reykjavik: banking services
14956. Financial services for LSH University Hospital. Financial services for LSH University Hospital. CPV: 66110000. ...

UK-Glenrothes: construction work for highways, roads
Halbeath Park & Choose. Works shall involve the construction of a 1 000 space carpark, facilities building and associated access roads. Excluding VAT Range between 8 000 000 and 8 500 000 GBP CPV: 45233100, 44112000. ...

UK-Truro: real estate services
Cornwall Council (and others) Property Services Term Contract. Cornwall Council (the "Council") is currently working on its strategy for the procurement of a property services partner to carry out key elements of the Council's property functions. The functions can broadly be categorised as: — planned and reactive maintenance: —— some elements of capital works, —— facilities management, and —— estates management. The Council currently delivers elements of each function with its in-house resource and outsources the remainder to a range of different contractors and consultants. The Council would eventually like (but cannot guarantee) to enter into an agreement with a single provider who is capable of delivering all the above mentioned functions; however, at this stage the Council is unsure about which elements should continue to be delivered in-house and which should be outsourced. Nature of the Works. To identify potential partner(s) for an integrated outsourcing of the Planned and Reactive Maintenance, Small Capital Works/Fabric Maintenance, Facilities Management and Estates Management functions. The expectation is to drive up the overall quality and service levels achieved across the entire Council estate within Cornwall. Therefore it is anticipated that this will be a long-term engagement of up to 10 years (precise contracted terms to be determined). Also of critical importance will be the added value to Cornwall Council and the public in terms of overall value for money, cost optimisation and service flexibility. Scope of the Works. — Core Council assets – more than 1 000 assets of variable standard, — spend between 4 000 000 GBP and 10 000 000 GBP per annum, — contract term up to 10 years, — potential for future inclusion of other aspects of Council Property and Asset Management (e.g. elements of the Capital Works programme, Schools and Other local authorities), — geographic coverage is pan-Cornwall, including some of the most interesting, varied and demanding assets in the country, — potential for future inclusion of healthcare organisations in Cornwall & Isle of Scilly. Specific requirements will be determined through open discussion with key Council stakeholders, Cornwall Council Property Group and the supply chain. To ensure the Council has a full understanding of what the open market can offer it is inviting prospective tenderers to an information day on the 29.7.2011 at New County Hall, Truro. The purpose of this open day is to: 1. Ensure the Council receives sufficient feedback from the open market to enable the procurement to be progressed in a way which is acceptable to the market; 2. Enable the Council to explain the procurement in more detail and for everyone to also ask and answer questions about the procurement; 3. Enable the Council to understand where the open market can add value and where the in-house provider should be retained; 4. Ensure there is sufficient interest within the open market to warrant proceeding with this procurement; 5. Establish what, if any, effect this procurement will have on the local supply chain. To obtain a copy of the agenda and the information day booking form please send an email to: Division into lots No CPV: 70000000, 71000000, 71314200, 71315000, 45000000. ...

UK-Stornoway: works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
Next Cell (F) Bennadrove Landfill Site (Isle of Lewis). Comhairle nan Eilean Siar is the unitary local authority for the Western Isles (Outer Hebrides) of Scotland. It is responsible for the collection and disposal of waste throughout the area and in this capacity owns and operates a PPC regulated landfill site at Bennadrove outside Stornoway. The landfill site at Stornoway has one compliant landfill cell, which is expected to reach capacity by autumn 2012. The purpose of this tender exercise is to procure the construction of the next compliant landfill cell, F. The consulting engineers working on behalf of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar have submitted an initial cell design and several lining system specifications to the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency, SEPA, for approval. At this stage it is intended that the tender will include options for various lining system specifications: potential contractors will be able to submit tenders for all or any of the lining system options. Interested parties should note that the final form of the tender will be subject to Comhairle approval and SEPA guidance. NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the Public Contracts Scotland Web Site at The awarding authority has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via a 'Tender Submission Postbox' facility. Further details of this facility are available at Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems. The postbox closes precisely at the time stated. CPV: 45200000. ...

UK-Oldbury: landscape architectural services
Lightwoods Park Restoration Bearwood Smethwick. Sandwell MBC has been awarded a stage 1 Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Big Lottery Fund development grant under the Parks for people programme to restore Lightwoods Park Bearwood Smethwick including a grade 2 listed mansion, bandstand and drinking fountains. The development works include a range of specialist surveys and fees associated with detailed design drawings. The Council is looking to appoint a landscape/Architect Practice which is suitably qualified and experienced in major public parks lottery restoration projects to undertake the design and supervision related to proposed landscape/historical building restoration works knowledge of the lottery parks for people programme is desirable. The proposed works include: Restoration of Lightwoods house and immediate surround; Restoration of the bandstand and two drinking fountains; Access, parking and foot path improvement; site security, boundary, enhance improvements; Arboriculture works include removals, remedial works and new plantings; new shrub herbaceous and bedding plants; new children s play facilities and improvements to youth/skate facilities; new signage and interpretation facilities, street furniture and lighting; restoration of bowling green; Improvement to parkland for events, sports and performance; Restoration of Shakespeare Garden including pond; Restoration of outer buildings adjacent to Lightwoods House; Horticultural Training area. CPV: 71420000. ...

UK-London: lifts
The project comprises the design, programming and construction works for plant replacement together with other reactive maintenance, planned cyclical works and planned improvement works at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London EC4M 7EH, UNITED KINGDOM together with cost consultancy and project management of the same. The City of London Corporation (the City) owns and has responsibility for the maintenance of the Central Criminal Court, a court building in its administrative area. Certain works need to be carried out to the heating, cooling and ventilation and lift plant. Certain reactive maintenance and planned cyclical works also need to be carried out. Certain other planned improvement works including but not limited to compliance with the Equalities Act 2010 and Security may also need to be undertaken. By this contract notice the City wishes to appoint consultants and a contractor on a collaborative basis for the design and construction process from suitably technically qualified and financially sound consultants and contractors to provide the works and services as set out above, in section II.2 below and in annex B (lots) who have experience of dealing with projects of a similar nature and similar facilities to the Central Criminal Court. The services and works must be provided in such a way as to not diminish or compromise the security of the building and the activities carried out in it and so those activities can be carried out as normal during the works. The selection criteria, as set out in the pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ), will include a criterion that the successful consultants and contractor has appropriate experience of carrying out services and/or works of the kind being procured pursuant to this contract notice in a similar environment. The City wishes to appoint consultants and a contractor on a partnering/collaborative basis for the whole design and construction process. The City intends to enter into a contract based on the ACA Standard Form of Contract for Term Partnering (TPC 2005, as amended 2008 [with additional provisions]) ("the contract") with the client representative and CDM co-ordinator (lot 1), the quantity surveyor (lot 2), the service provider (lot 3) and the service engineer (lead designer), architect, structural engineer and lift engineer (lot 3). Tasks to carry out works shall be issued via orders through out the term. It is intended that the service provider (lot 3) shall, subject to satisfactory performance, be instructed to carry out all orders for works issued under the contract. However, the service engineer (lead designer), architect, structural engineer and lift engineer (lot 3) shall only be appointed to carry out design in relation to the plant replacement task(s). Suitable candidates may express an interest for one lot only. Expressions of interest for lots 1 and 3 should be submitted as a single expression. The individual successful members of lots 1 and 3 will each separately be expected to sign the contract. The City reserves the right in its absolute discretion not to award any contract advertised pursuant to this contract notice or to award only a part or parts of any such contract. CPV: 42416100, 71220000, 71250000, 71312000, 71315000, 71317210, 71321000, 71324000, 71334000, 71541000. ...

UK-Kingston upon Thames: telecommunications services
Superfast broadband in Surrey. The aim of the project is to ensure that 100 % of residential and business properties in Surrey have access to broadband by the end of 2013. This project is focused on residential and small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) that rely on local telecoms networks but recognises that broadband access would also be of interest to larger organisations due to the opportunities created for flexible and home working. It is expected that one of the outcomes will be for all premises within Surrey to have access to Internet speeds of 30Mbps and for 50 % of those premises to have access to speeds of 100Mbps by 2013. It is anticipated that one in five Surrey homes and businesses will not have access to superfast broadband by 2013 which would disadvantage approximately 200 000 people in Surrey. Surrey's public bodies and the county's business and voluntary sectors - working together as the Surrey Strategic Partnership and lead by Surrey County Council - are seeking to address this inequity by ensuring that everyone in Surrey has access to superfast broadband. The intention is for work to be completed by December 2013. However, developments during the Competitive Dialogue procedure mean that this target date is subject to change by mutual agreement. Further, it is anticipated that the contractual agreement for creating a wholesale market to make use of this infrastructure will run for a minimum operational period of seven years essentially in order to comply with State aid guidance relating to open access. CPV: 64200000, 32530000, 72411000, 72410000, 72400000, 72315000, 72222000, 72220000, 71316000, 65300000, 64227000, 64210000, 45314310, 45314200, 45314300, 45314000, 45231600, 45232340, 45232332, 45232300, 32572200, 32532000, 32531000, 32425000, 32420000, 32500000, 32581100, 32581000, 32572000, 32571000, 32570000, 32562300, 32562200, 32562100, 32562000, 32561000, 32560000, 32522000, 32523000, 32524000, 32521000, 32520000, 32510000, 32430000, 32429000, 32428000, 32423000, 32424000, 32422000, 32421000, 32400000, 72700000, 72720000, 32412000, 32412100, 32412110, 50330000, 50332000, 50334400, 51300000. ...

UK-Swindon: nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological protection equipment
KM - Beryllium Reflector. CPV: 35113200. ...

UK-Didcot: gases
Specialist Gases (DLSPIN0308). CPV: 24100000. ...

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