Friday, 15 July 2011

15/07/2011 tenders 30

B-Brussels: WEESP — web tool for evaluated employment services practices
WEESP — web tool for evaluated employment services practices. The purpose of the call for tender is to find a contractor to assist the Commission in the implementation of a repository of evaluated or monitored practices or practices with some evidence of assessment of results carried out by employment services. This information will be made public to support mutual learning and to give info to policy makers. CPV: 73000000, 72000000. ...

B-Brussels: legal advice and portfolio management services in respect of intellectual property rights belonging to the European Union and Union bodies in 3 lots
Legal advice and portfolio management services in respect of intellectual property rights belonging to the European Union and Union bodies in 3 lots. The European Union is the source of several patent and trademark applications every year. The European Commission creates daily also other types of intellectual property (IP) in its activities and programmes. The administrative IP management of the European Union has been entrusted to the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). The JRC provides support and advice on IP issues to all the Commission services and EU institutions, bodies and agencies. The aim of the present open call for tender is to establish framework contracts for the provision of services in 3 different lots: lot 1: IPR-portfolio management, lot 2: IPR legal advice and lot 3: IPR-annuities and renewals management. The maximum duration of the framework contracts are 4 years. Tenderers can send offers for all lots. CPV: 79110000, 79120000, 79140000. ...

L-Luxembourg: supply of statistical services in the field of environmental accounts
Supply of statistical services in the field of environmental accounts. Supply of statistical services in the field of environmental accounts: Lot 1: data collection, processing, dissemination and methodological development of monetary environmental accounts for environmental expenditure, environmental taxes and the environmental goods and services sector. Lot 2: methodological development and data collection of monetary environmental accounts for resource use and management, environmental transfers and other development areas. Lot 3: data collection, processing and dissemination of air emission accounts. The aim of this call for tender is to invite interested organisations (private or public) to assist Eurostat in the collection, evaluation, validation (including gap-filling), and dissemination of data on Air Emission Accounts (AEA) in the European countries. The idea is to generate and provide complete time series of AEA for all European countries (including EU aggregates) applying appropriate estimation methods for gap-filling of missing data. Lot 4: data collection, processing and dissemination of material flow accounts. The aim of this call for tender is to invite interested organisations (private or public) to assist Eurostat in the collection, evaluation, validation (including gap-filling), and dissemination of data on Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA) in the European countries. The idea is by 2013 to generate and provide complete time series 2000–2011 of EW-MFA for all European countries (including EU aggregates) applying appropriate estimation methods for gap-filling of missing data. Another objective is to support Eurostat in preparing corresponding publications (e.g. a manual on EW-MFA) and to develop derived indicators for the use of measuring the development of EW-MFA. Lot 5: data collection, processing and dissemination of energy accounts. The aim of this call for tender is to invite interested organisations (private or public) to assist Eurostat in the collection, evaluation, validation (including gap-filling and estimation of EU aggregates), and dissemination of data on energy accounts in the European countries. The idea is to generate and provide complete time series 2000–2010 for all European countries (including EU aggregates) applying appropriate estimation methods for gap-filling of missing data. Another objective is to support Eurostat in preparing corresponding publication and to develop derived indicators for the use of measuring the development of energy accounts. Lot 6: data collection, processing and dissemination of water accounts. The aim of this call for tender is to invite interested organisations (private or public) to assist Eurostat in the collection, evaluation, validation, and dissemination of data on water accounts in the European countries. The idea is to generate and provide complete time series 2000–2011 for all European countries (including EU aggregates) applying appropriate estimation methods for gap-filling of missing data. Another objective is to support Eurostat in improving the methodology for data collection and in preparing corresponding publication and to develop derived indicators for the use of measuring the development of water accounts. CPV: 79330000. ...

GR-Heraklion: provision of medical advisory services to ENISA's staff
Provision of medical advisory services to ENISA's staff. The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) seeks the services of a qualified medical adviser to make available medical services to ENISA's staff in line with the staff regulations of officials of the European Union and conditions of other servants of the European Union. The medical adviser shall interact with the management and the staff of the Agency on medical matters related to the Agency's activities and statutory requirements, advise the Agency in the medical domain and act as interface with the local medical environment (specialists and medical centres). CPV: 85120000. ...

SE-Stockholm: analysis of sexual health in the European Union, with a special focus on populations vulnerable to HIV/AIDS/STIs — a review of data, projects and gaps to be addressed
Analysis of sexual health in the European Union, with a special focus on populations vulnerable to HIV/AIDS/STIs — a review of data, projects and gaps to be addressed. The general objective of the assignment is to gather an overview on sexual health within populations which are vulnerable to STI/HIV/AIDS. This overview will consist of a mapping exercise and will inform planned ECDC work in 2012 which will develop guidance on sexual health for certain groups that are vulnerable to STI/HIV/AIDS. CPV: 85100000. ...

UK-London: office cleaning services for the Europe House in London (lot 1) and the offices of the European Commission in Belfast (lot 2), Cardiff (lot 3) and Edinburgh (lot 4)
Office cleaning services for the Europe House in London (lot 1) and the offices of the European Commission in Belfast (lot 2), Cardiff (lot 3) and Edinburgh (lot 4). The purpose of the contract is the cleaning services to be provided at the Representation of the European Commission and the European Parliament Information Office at Europe House, London (lot 1) and the European Commission Representation offices in Belfast (lot 2), Cardiff (lot 3) and Edinburgh (lot 4). Only for London, the services include gardening. CPV: 90919200, 77310000. ...

B-Brussels: framework service contract for the provision of technical support to the Industry Consultation Body established under the Single European Sky legislation
Framework service contract for the provision of technical support to the Industry Consultation Body established under the Single European Sky legislation. To provide the necessary technical assistance, and its associated organisational support, to the ICB, in an objective, accurate and impartial manner to enable them to provide their advice to the European Commission on policy, strategy and the technical implementation of the Single European Sky. The services will take the form of support to the ICB meetings and it's associated sub-groups through the analysis and synthesis of technical documents, preparation of working documents and organisational support. CPV: 79411000. ...

B-Brussels: training of legal and policy practitioners on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Training of legal and policy practitioners on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The aim is to facilitate, among legal and policy practitioners, greater knowledge and a better understanding of the UNCRPD and related European legislation as indicated in the EU declaration of competences. The overarching idea is to foster information sharing and learning among Member States, academics, legal practitioners, social partners and civil society. Training courses will be developed and provided for the benefit of legal and policy practitioners at EU and national levels. The project shall consist of 6 training seminars (3 for judges, 2 for legal and policy practitioners and 1 for law professors and lecturers) and shall be run in 2011 and 2012. CPV: 80430000, 80500000, 80400000. ...

UK-Lochgilphead: construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
Housing Development at Park Square, Campbeltown. The contract is for the provision of approximately 32 nr new build affordable housing units and associated external works. CPV: 45211000. ...

UK-Carlisle: road bridge construction work
Workington permanent bridge replacement northside. The Council wishes to procure the construction of a 152m long 3 span composite steel/concrete highway bridge including associated enabling works, over the River Derwent in the town of Workington. This is to replace the northside structure which collapsed during the Cumbria floods of November 2009. The development of the detailed design is currently being developed by the Council's strategic partner. The replacement structure will reinstate vehicle, pedestrian and cyclist access to the existing highway network. The bridge is to be constructed on a similar line to the previous structure, and is to be opened as early as possible and by May 2012. The timescales for delivery of the bridge requires that all interested parties are sufficiently resourced to take part in a restricted procurement process with an anticipated award in May 2011. CPV: 45221111, 45000000. ...

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